Public School Is The Enemy

Don’t trust them with your daughters:

A Maryland school district is instructing teachers and administrators not to tell parents if their daughters are bunking with male transgender students on overnight field trips.

Bob Mosier, chief communications officer for the Anne Arundel County public school system, says in a training video on how to accommodate transgender students that privacy issues prevent the district from informing parents about such arrangements.

“So, many of you might be asking yourselves, ‘So I’m at an overnight field trip, and I have student who’s biologically a male, identifies as a female, and we’ve worked with that student and her family, and that student wants to sleep in the dorms, or whatever sleeping arrangements are, with the females,’” Mr. Mosier says in a video of the training session. “‘They don’t want to sleep in a room by themselves, they want to sleep with the rest of the females. So what do we do?’”

“And the answer is, they sleep with the females,” he said. “That’s not the easy answer; it’s the right answer. And in some cases, it’s going to cause issues, because … the private information piece doesn’t allow you to share that with parents of all of the other campers. Right? So that’s difficult.”

Many transgender males report they are still sexually attracted to females. So you have males, physically stronger than females, and physically attracted to females, bunking with females, and the males are not even the sane teen males. They are the crazy males who think they are females, insist on dressing in female clothes and wearing makeup, and acting as if they are a female.

What happens when the first rape occurs? Who will be responsible?

This is why K-selection is so great. In K-selection, if something like this went wrong, the person responsible would be hunted down and killed by the enraged parents. Actions would have consequences, and as a result, the person who would be deemed responsible would make sure no young girls got raped on his watch, first and foremost. His amygdala would be firmly molded to exhibit morality and clearly perceive reality.

But today, in r-selection, there are no consequences, so socially signaling virtue by supporting the transgenders is the rule – even if a young girls gets raped.

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7 years ago

[…] Public School Is The Enemy […]