Putin and Russia Wage K-selected War

Russia fights like a wolf:

Russia kills commander of the “Army Of Islam” by wiping out the whole town he was in.

Once a K-strategist enters a theater of operations the locals are either with the K-strategist, or the worth of their lives is immaterial, compared to the worth of the lives of wolf-pack members. Destroying this entire town was harsh, but Russia will likely kill far fewer people as they prosecute the war is Syria than the US killed while trying to prosecute the Iraq war nicely. Russia will also endure far fewer casualties among their own warrior class, which all by itself would be more than enough to justify the implementation of a “Grozny strategy.”

Russia will also come to be feared within the region, which will reduce the need to even wage war there in the future, and make diplomacy vastly more effective.

Say what you will of Putin, all evidence would indicate that he is a K-strategist to the core and the fiercest of competitors.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Russian economic and strategic interests are at stake in Syria; Putin has the bit, and will run with it.