Q-Anon’s Posts – 09/13/2020

Headline Brief is here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub




The 2018 article:


If we are going to wake up the NPCs, things may have to get pretty bad, and stay that way for pretty long, before they snap out of their stupor, and are ready to kill and purge to the degree killing and purging will have to happen to get rid of this cancer. I am seriously wondering now if the posters on here were right, and Level IV plates are a good investment right about now.

Spread r/K Theory, because if it is good, it doesn’t need to be taken underground.

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3 years ago

>”Level IV plates are a good investment right about now.”

Me personally, I prefer the Level 6 million ones.
But that’s just me.

3 years ago

No, it’s bullshit. “Things have to get really bad” will always be bullshit. They could have been arresting low levels for years. Antifa and others should have been declared terrorists in the first months of 2017, and their funding and control network heavily damaged by now. They should have leveraged whatever they had into breaking the back of the MSM propaganda machine, and we’d have national widespread coverage of what is really going on. People would be clamoring for the heads of the politicians who let all the child trafficking happen. Democrats would be polling at 20% of the irredeemable gibmedat class.

That’s how you create an awakening, not by a trickle of coded bullshit on an obscure website full of anime porn and anal prolapse pictures. You fight it head on, in the open, with both fists. This “arrest everyone at once” concept is going to be a clusterfuck, especially when the enemy’s intact and fully operational battlemedia can spin it as #OMGHitlerTrump.

You can’t push a society to the brink in a controlled manner. If “patriots are in control” then there’s a point where every horror perpetrated on innocent citizens, every family destroyed by some savage IQ 80 pigchild encouraged by the apparent disappearance of law and order, is on the patriot’s hands. Evil perpetuates when good people do nothing. When it all comes out, a lot of people are going to ask why they had to lose a spouse or a child or their life’s work because “patriots” were waiting on Joe Knobgobbler in Muncie to pull his empty head out of his fat doped up ass.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Thanks for the reply and patience, AC.

I just think there’s too much attempted mind reading and assumption going on. The normies could just as easily decide Trump being voted out will calm things down. I’ve heard it first hand from coworkers and even a couple people I thought were smarter than that. Conservatives are just too prone to surrender territory.

I don’t think you can predict how this level of chaos will turn out. And all this ignores voter fraud which is going in before our eyes. States literally passing changes to ease fraud. Letting criminals vote. Etc.

I guess it comes from my view that while there is a solid core of evil calabites, I think most if the structure under them are lickspittles and sycophants who will scatter like roaches when the power structure is removed. Those you handle over time via normal law enforcement. Zap when they try to organize.

And the media is still the big sore point for me. If this plan has been ongoing for a while, even before Trump, their lack of taking control even a bit of the news media is a massive fail in my opinion. I just don’t understand what Q thinks they’re doing there, giving free reign to the enemy’s propaganda industrial complex.

it’s the single biggest thing people like us on the ground have to overcome. “Why would the news lie?” I still hear that from otherwise intelligent people. I try to be the news, but I’m constantly undercut every day by the sheer force of the propaganda power the enemy has. It’s exhausting.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  EnoughAlready
3 years ago

If someone can’t be trusted with a vote or a gun, they usually shouldn’t be alive. The criminal justice system in the USA makes it too easy to railroad people for trivial things; taking away their guns and votes by putting false charges on them is essentially a way of stealing their citizenship. Look at what happened to Martin Lindstedt. They falsely accused him of pedophilia, when he was the one going after the pedophiles. And, at the mere accusation of pedophilia, most of his compatriots abandoned him and started trashing his reputation.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
3 years ago

Then fix the legal system and hand out more death penalties.

But there will still be a few felonies that don’t deserve death and while I think such felons should have right to self defense with guns (they get them now anyway) I do not think they should have a say in the control of government force.

Reply to  EnoughAlready
3 years ago

>”This “arrest everyone at once” concept is going to be a clusterfuck, especially when the enemy’s intact and fully operational battlemedia can spin it as #OMGHitlerTrump.”

The media can’t accuse you of being a nazi if you arrest them all at the same time.
The MSM yids have been calling for violence against Trump and his supporters, and been running cover for domestic terrorism. They are done, one way or the other.


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  EnoughAlready
3 years ago

“…They could have been arresting low levels for years…”

I have to agree. Now there’s a good explanation that the system is so corrupt that they have to replace parts of it to get a conviction but Trumps replacements have many times been as crooked as they come. Maybe that’s some quadruple hexagonal chess but it’s certainly not worked so far.

I could see if they did this the first three years but they have waited til the very last minute and we still do not have mass arrest. We have a few cases that Q tallys up but is the amount of cases different from an average year? I don’t know the answer to this question it’s a big country.

Trump could easily throw the whole thing by having the Democrats steal the election and do nothing. And it could b they plan a civil war.

The end result is they didn’t do enough if there is a war.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I was doing a little reading about DHS taking peoples kids and then forcing them to “prove” that they did nothing wrong. Here’s one case where when a parent demanded a DHS worker get a warrant to search the house they just up and took his child from the school with not one damn piece of evidence that he was abusing her and put her in a dangerous situation. he had to wait months for a hearing.

This is an abomination.

“…According to Chambers, “She [Kyra Reed] told me that if I made her get a warrant, she would take my child instead.” Reed left again, unable to obtain illegal entry. But she didn’t stay away. “She returned with another sheriff’s deputy,” said Chambers. “I answered the door thinking that surely she would have [the warrant] this time and hopefully, we could just get this done and over with. I was instead handed a subpoena to appear in court in the morning and was told that they had taken my child from school.” No warrant was ever obtained….”


and from this link I found another where they are kidnapping elders, looting their assets [guess, just guess who is doing this (jews of course)], some of these people who kidnap people and are made “medical guardians” of these people while NOT allowing their own children to see them.

“…Last year, we reported the story of Marvin Siegel, a wealthy Boston area attorney. Guardians continue to this day to keep him isolated from his youngest daughter, Lisa Belanger. While Lisa still battles in court to get her father free from what she has called the “blood-sucking vultures” involved with the non-profit group Jewish Family and Children’s Services, the guardians have drained his estate….”

“…When Marvin Siegel was first isolated from his family, his estate was worth over $9 million. Now, $5 million of that is gone, vanished…”


Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Yep, these ones need to get the rope. Legally, off course.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“‘We Hope They Die!’ – BLM Protesters Celebrate Shooting of Two LA County Deputies, Block Hospital Entrances”


It’s really, really, really getting harder and harder to believe that we are not being played every day. All these justice department people doing nothing, resigning and then a new one comes in.

And I am astounded by what happened to Sen. Jeff Sessions. His reputation has been ruined but he was noted over and over and over of being one of the non corrupt politicians. Trump blamed him for his legal problems but Ann Coulter who is a lawyer said that Trump legal problems with special councils come directly from what he said on Sunday TV shows where he admitted firing people for some reason that’s not really permitted. I can’t remember the legal aspects of it but she said it was 100% Trumps fault that Sessions had to recuse himself. I know some people don’t like her, she is super aggressive and I’d hate to be her husband, but her stance has been consistent for decades and she has taken a lot of abuse for standing up to the Oligarchs. She has not changed her tune by hating Trump. She was interested in results, like many of us, and got none.

The rest of his problems came from putting crooked deep State people in his administration in the first place. Now we have a visibly completely non entity like Biden and fires, and attacks and even the above…I mean this looks like the most absurd thing I have ever seen. How is it remotely possible that the people who have manipulated things for so long have run off the rail now and so badly? One logical explanation is that they haven’t.

Now we are told to trust this and that but I have NO trust left. None.

I maybe should just quit commenting. I’m so exasperated by reading about all these white foster kids murdered, staved to death,..it’s freaking me out.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Ok I calmed down a little and after reading Vox Day


talking about world wide people hoping for Q to be a real think and it popped in my head that if this is all bullshit there’s going to be a massive, extraordinary, huge amount of seriously pissed off people and I doubt there will be any fucking way, no matter what they do, that they will be able to manage it. People are going to want blood just like I’m livid about all these children. Someone is going to have to pay and even if they collapse the whole economy people will find them and they will pay.

It’s my understanding that all the great Senator families of Rome have completely dissolved and are no where to be found. Those greedy bastards mass imported slaves and made gainful employment impossible for the same soldiers that helped them to get rich and now, they and their prodigy are completely gone.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Oh there’s going to be blood all right, one way or the other.
I hope Trump and his team can reduce vigilantism as much as possible, but when the gen pop realizes the kind of surveilance/harassment is out there, and the it exists only and solely for the protection of pedos, bankers and traffickers (of drugs and people), there is going to be blood.all right.

And these gaybal faggots have the shamelessness to try to justify their activities of people destruction to defend the worst of the worst criminals with “It’s to prevent crime, the safety of one is the safety of all.”

Yeah right, let’s see how that trolling excuse works when the gen pop demands that you get roped in the lamp post. Tick tock, it’s happening.