Q-anon’s Posts – 09/29/2020

Headline Brief is here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub



Is it a conflict of interest to have the FBI Director investigating an organization his brother is doing the books for, if his brother would have to be complicit in the criminal wrongdoing? It is interesting because I remember a Freeper saying he worked with Comey in SDNY, and everyone’s opinion was there was nobody more honest or by the book. His posting history seemed sound, and long. So whoever that was, was probably a Cabal plant seeding ideas the machine wanted out there on FR, and they must have spent years establishing a posting history to seem legit, just for that purpose. There are a lot more of them than you would think, out there on niche forums trying to plant ideas and control opinions.



Reddit user MaxwellHill was believed to be Ghislane Maxwell’s Reddit account, though the shortened version of Hillary’s name attached to it is strange. It was ridiculously influential on Reddit – far more than any regular user could get. It is unclear to me if they took a full year before her trial because she is cooperating, or if Cabal figured it may take a year to get the opportunity to take her out. Below is the image of articles the account bumped to the top of Reddit:



Again, I hit this tweet, it says “This tweet is not available to you,” I hit refresh, and it pops up as if nothing happened.



Really slick. The Clinton Foundation takes in hundreds of millions from overseas, hires the spouse or family member of a lawmaker at that law firm, pays the millions for a bribe as a legal fee, the law firm launders it and gives the family member a big bonus that year, it gets routed to the spouse, and nobody can say it was a bribe from a foreign entity. And since the firm had the brother of the FBI Director on board and dirty, and the wife of Rosenstein, you didn’t have to worry about any government probes. So this is why Kamala is the VP candidate – those who take the most rise the highest, and they have a lot of dirt on her. Joe probably had no say in it.







Spread r/K Theory, because (((They))) are everywhere.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

So basically…
It’s Hillary’s money and she needs it now.


3 years ago

earlier today this site gave an “access denied” message when I clicked the bookmark. no 404 message. It was like that all morning. Very relieved to see you’re back. Was this an attack?


3 years ago

“this tweet is not available to you no hit reload oh there it is”

that’s been going on with various random tweets from this site – and only this site – for some time now. was highly suspicious at first, now would bet it’s a glitch of some sort

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

I’ve had that happen here and at other sites like FR.