Q-anon’s Posts – 10/18/2020

Headline Brief is here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub





All these tweets are busy implying Q said JFK jr was still alive, and using that to try and ridicule him.









You wonder if Biden gave him to the pedophile network when he was a kid, and that is why he si fucked up. Also, if China was sending the blackmail by email, it gives you an idea of how the network I am describing is China/Cabal, because they didn’t care about it being caught in the net.


Spread r/K Theory, because if you can sow division while remaining invisible, you can make you enemy’s destroy themselves, 

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3 years ago

So who’s the refugee from the ’60’s in the picture with hunted Hunter?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

His wife.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Lucky girl!

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

The video posted here where the Chinese guy says Hunter Biden is paid off and has blackmail tapes on him has a great comment.


Haven’t we all wondered, just why the hell the Democrats picked Joe? I mean this makes no sense but the comment,

“We have all wondered why Biden was even selected to run.
Answer: Because China demanded it be so. They groomed, bought and paid for him. They want what they paid for. And they want it from Pelosi and many other politicians. Or else. So they got it.”

Now that makes sense. It makes perfect sense. They’ve watched the Jews psy-ops us for so long they thought that they could pull off a Biden win. Remember the Chinese multimillionaire who came to New York and tried to buy the New York Times. He said,”I work very well with the Jews”.


It doesn’t look like it’s working that way. I had a lot of arguments with guys about the fact that some of the possibly Jew funded White nationalist,(we argued about Patrick Little who was running for California Senate and others), were OR were not torpedoing WN chances. I submit that with the rise of the internet that FAKE WN that the Jews fund will actually lead citizens who are searching for answers to people who really do know about the Jews and have nothing at all in common with Nazis. He really hated this argument.

My point was they no longer control the narrative and it’s getting worse. I think several false flags have made people refuse to believe the media any more. The first big one was 9-11 which maybe people don’t know what happened but almost no one believes the official story. The second is Epstein which really lit a huge flashing light and banged a big gong. Now people are sure something is not right and just the smallest, slightest amount of searching leads you to…the Jews. Over and over it leads you to the Jews. This of course means their info control system is kaput and sputtering like those UFO’s right before crashing into a Roswell, New Mexico corn field. It’s no better than Pravda in the USSR towards the end. Sure people may watch it but only to read between the lines.

As for Joe he seemed fairly competent in the debate. Do you think he’s throwing the whole thing on purpose? Maybe he doesn’t want the job because of what the Chinese will demand and if all this scandal comes out then he wants to be able to be known as mentally incapacitated so at least he can stay in a hospital jail.