Q-anon’s Posts – 10/19/2020

Headline Brief is here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub



I’ve said, this is why they can’t just sweep into the DOJ, take it over, and begin the indictments. Because it is not just the judges. It is the prosecutors, it is the defense lawyers, it is the chain of custody people, and on and on. You saw how many had to be controlled to take out Epstein. I will bet they can even comp the jury in a trial through control of the clerk’s office and control over the sending out of Jury Summons, seeing them all go out to Cabal members.

This is also why I expect a mass unsealing of criminal indictments against the machine. Within one hour, all of these people may be conflicted out of all criminal proceedings relating to their fellow Secret Society members. But getting all those indictments, and amassing them under seal, is going to take a long time.



I know exactly what Q means here, because I grew up in a high school with what I think was a higher than normal proportion of Cabal kids. (I hope so, because if not, then Cabal is a very high percentage of the population.) This is why I call it the Secret Society. When you are in Cabal, it isn’t just a handler you report to once a week in a movie theater brush pass, or a thumb-drive dead drop, who your wife will never know about. It is a job which engulfs your entire life. They tell you what intersection you are going to buy a house on. They tell you, on a moment’s notice to proceed to the Costco on Main Street, and commence a follow on the photo on your phone, who is presently heading toward homegoods. They tell you where you will work, and what you will do for the network there. They tell you who they want your kid to get close to at his middle school, and what intel they want him to probe for. They may even tell you who you need to date, sleep with, where you need to get them having sex, and I suspect they even tell people who to marry, probably often indirectly, but I suspect sometimes directly. If you are marrying a target that comes with one set of issues, but if you are not marrying a target, you can see the entirely different issues which arise – and why you need to marry in-network.

I have the advantage of having seen this in high school, where the kids had not yet developed the camouflage you probably see more when dealing with the adults. There would always be a strange wall between you and any Cabal kid. You’d see Cabal kids who seemingly had less in common than you did with some, but they had some weird bond between them, which was clearly insular and isolating, where they were visibly at ease with each other in ways they were not with you. I noticed it at the time, but concluded I must just not be connecting with a lot of people because I was weird in some way, and blew it off as part of being more an animal person than a people person. It was weird enough I actually wonder now how different a person I might be if I had grown up in a non-Cabal school, where relationships could have formed normally. It is that weird.

So here, in this pic, what you are seeing is the Secret Society. They are married not by chance, or because they just happen to be in similar occupations, but rather they are married because they could not marry a non-Cabal agent, and give the Cabal 100% when some order that required spousal support, or even just awareness, came in. They have to marry in network, and that is the network. These people all know. Most, I assume, have grown up in the network, and this is why you see not just husbands and wives, but brothers, and sisters, and parents and children. All of them have spent lives knowing the big secret – it doesn’t work the way the plebes are told. They’ve probably run follows on unsuspecting Americans with their parents, from when they were in strollers. They may have been listening as a husband and wife had a tear-filled conversation at the kitchen table, deciding to end their marriage once and for all. They may have cut transcripts from such recordings to load into the family’s file. They’ve been saddened to see a loyal wife betrayed by her husband every lunch time, on Friday, maybe listened as a terminally ill grandfather breathed his last breath and a family broke out crying, and laughed as the teams pervs gathered around to watch the feed from the hidden bedroom camera on the hot couple’s anniversary night. They’ve seen the underbelly, they know they are under full surveillance 24/7 themselves, even in their most private moments, because they have helped run it on others. And they know they can do anything because they know nothing can happen to them without Cabal’s acquiescence, due to the coverage that is blanketed around which they help support, and the weird legal strictures like the one the FBI told Patrick Bryne about, where the CIA director can personally take over the entire FBI with the stroke of a pen on a paper.

It is wild when you go from that naive view of America as isolated, atomized Americans, each going about their lives in freedom with privacy and autonomy, uniformly loyal to a single moral America made up of Americans like them, and run by a government of the people and controlled by the people. And then you suddenly realize there is such a large swath of America which lives in a completely different reality, in a completely different country, ruled by a completely different, totalitarian shadow government that actually fosters pedophilia, and repulsive blackmailable acts.

And all of it has been there, all along, completely invisible to you, as you walked right through the center of it, feeling in your bones that something wasn’t quite the way it seemed.

All of them are in network, so all of them can be trusted. And again, these were jobs that no matter how competent, no matter how much of a genius savant you were, they were never open to you.



This is why they killed Officer (now Detective) Miosotis Familia. They found the single officer in that precinct who every other cop would have wanted to trade their own life for. The female single mother with the million dollar smile, whose four children would be cast out into the world alone without her. That wasn’t a coincidence, that was a message.



Spread r/K Theory, because Q is rolling out the AC 130 gunship again.

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M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

Dirty War. It’s not just a Latin American thing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…When you are in Cabal, it isn’t just a handler you report to once a week in a movie theater brush pass, or a thumb-drive dead drop, who your wife will never know about. It is a job which engulfs your entire life…”

When I read this something immediately came to mind. The Thugees. Probably most here have heard about them but in case you haven’t the Thugees were a group of murderers and robbers who would join travelers in India and then when the travelers were not paying attention would murder and rob them. They were a secret society that was an inherited family vocation. The society was supposedly hundreds of years old. The British somehow found out about them and eradicated them. I notice that wikipedia says that some people say the British made it all up and there really was no inherited tribe of people murdering people. Hmmm wonder why they would say that? Maybe you have an idea why? Why would anyone want people to think this is a foolish idea? snicker…

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Because then it is easier to understand that the original Assassins are still around and active, and even infiltrated the Alt-Right. Were the Thugees really wiped out, or were they reassigned to new handlers? Because the Assassins work for the Queen of England now. The Thugees probably do too. Wonder if the two groups are related somehow.