Rabbits Go Even More Rabbity In Britain

Labour elects Socialist Leader:

Offering yourself for election is never easy. You’re asking people to put their faith in you – your policies, your beliefs, your whole outlook on life.

That’s why, today, I congratulate Jeremy Corbyn on his victory in the Labour leadership election. He can feel a very special sense of vindication.

To his credit, Jeremy Corbyn has never hidden what he believes in. His policies have now been enthusiastically endorsed by Labour. He is now the alternative Prime Minister.

This choice, made by hundred of thousands of Labour members and supporters after hundreds of hours of debate and argument, is not an accident of electoral arithmetic or, indeed, a decision that was taken in blissful ignorance of Jeremy Corbyn’s views. It is an eyes-wide open embrace of the most extreme candidate available to lead this country.

This is part of the process. Conservative K-strategists exposed to the societal angst of impending K-selection batten down the hatches and get ready for battle. It is what they are designed for.

Rabbits try to flee even deeper into denial. That means even more aggressive assertions of rabbitism, and ever more aggressive assertions that the problem is that things aren’t rabbity enough.

The article above is particularly notable for one feature. The writer almost entirely lacks Trump’s ability to articulate things simply, using emotionally relevant words to link thoughts to emotions in the amygdala. Read the article (or at least part) and then think about how the views he confers are so different from the feelings you experience thinking of the way words like Trump, Huge, Winner, Success, Higher, and Great go together, yet the word Trump clashes with words like Loser, Lower, Failure, and Terrible.

The writer is a technical thinker. He sees facts and logic and figures. He will alter his view in response to facts and logic and figures, and he assumes everyone else is the same. His writing totally lacks the deeper subconscious emotional linkages that Trumps’ press releases and his rhetoric are designed to evoke.

Every sentence that discusses Labour should be filled with emotionally negative words. Every sentence with the name Jeremy Corbyn should have words like danger, risky, failure, smaller, bad, scary, down, lower, and so on in close proximity to his name. Done repeatedly these things sink into the subconscious, and affect subtle emotions you feel when you hear words.

With enough experience, such logical reasoning individuals will eventually see confusing things around them that will make them realize that something strange is going on. Gradually they will conclude that whatever it is, they don’t understand it at all. I suspect this happened to Trump, and began him on a path of studying Dale Carnegie, hypnosis, NLP, and everything else in the persuasion arsenal.

Trump is a genius, and well worth extensive study. Today his entire personae is designed to allow him to make extreme statements, and mold public dialog. If he wins, he will be a force to be reckoned with. It is very likely that we will not see another example of emotional persuasion as clearly defined as Trump will offer. Britain’s UKIP would be well advised to begin studying Trump and schooling themselves in the arts of persuasion, and emotional manipulation. For them, Trump is a goldmine.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

They say that right before an institution corrupted by Leftists fails, it takes a hard turn to the left, so that its leaders can signal to the rest of the Lefties how Lefty they are and guarantee themselves jobs and speaking engagements after the institution fails. Could this be a sign that the country (or at least the political system) is on the brink?