Roger Stone – Hillary May Be Replaced By Michelle Obama

I thought the same thing several days back:

While everyone is talking about Creepy Uncle Joe Biden taking over for Hillary if she’s too unfit (or dead) to continue in the presidential race, here’s someone most people probably didn’t consider: Michelle Obama.

After you get over your initial disgust at the mere thought, think about it for a second and it actually starts to make sense.

First, you have the fact that Obama is constantly lamenting term limits and how much he doesn’t want to leave the White House. Hillary is (was?) running as Obama’s third term… If Michelle steps in now, it will be.

Second, if you recall it was senior Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett who first dropped Hillary’s email server scandal bomb, expertly timed with the announcement of Hillary’s run for president to mire her in scandal from the get go. Word is, the Obamas actually hate her. Is this why they could go through backing someone they obviously loathe throughout her run? They were biding their time knowing that a bait-and-switch was coming? Third, Michelle and her husband have worked very hard at race baiting and pushing the race war ala Black Lives Matter etc. and there does seem to be a lot invested in how America needs to “break the glass ceiling” with a woman president.

The thing is Michelle has the same problem Hillary has. In both cases, you have the traditional r-selected sexual dimorphism – genial rabbit men who can feign humanity, married to ruthless nasty harridans who make everyone, male and female squirm with horror, despite the liberal status signaling with Michelle Obama worship.

I think Michelle would suffer from the same fate as Hillary. Like Hillary, she is a naturally angry person, and it shows. In 2008 they had to pull her off the campaign trail due to her high negatives.

I expect even if she tries to run for Senate from somewhere, and takes on that stress, the end result on her amygdala will be similar to what has happened to Hillary. In six years her amygdala will be so overloaded she will be a nutty, neurotic mess.

The danger is Biden. The idiot masses might see him as fluffy and harmless, and absent the negatives any candidate would build up in a normal campaign, he could be just popular enough to allow voter fraud to push him over the edge.

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7 years ago

[…] Roger Stone – Hillary May Be Replaced By Michelle Obama […]

7 years ago

Black people would vote for Obama’s dog if it got their man another eight years in the White House. Voting is hard work, you know, riding around in a Soros-funded bus all day and remembering what your name is in each precinct. Judging by Hillary’s recent speech to a mostly empty auditorium at the National Baptist Convention, blacks aren’t willing to put in much effort for a white candidate.

Bob Wallace
7 years ago

Both women are also ugly.

7 years ago


I am 90% certain that the “first lady” was born a man. Imagine if the first “female president” also turned out to be he first transexual president.

The only good thing about this is that it will hasten the apocalypse.

I suspect the only way they’d have a chance to beat Trump with out rigging the vote, would be if they put Bernie back in. and I doubt they would do that.

7 years ago

Too bad Harambe was shot because he had incriminating evidence against the Clintons. He would have been a much better candidate in this election.

7 years ago

This video hit youtube 2 days ago. I imagine this was the Clinton camp snuffing out any of that “Lets replace Hillary with Biden” talk that’s been floated.

Joe Biden to 13 yr Old Girl “Do You Know How Horny I Am”

Reply to  pandemoniumpiper
7 years ago

Good call, the timing is far too convenient. TPTB don’ have Biden written in as a back-up, and Bernie is obviously not wholly owned by (((them))) yet.

7 years ago

Look at this vine:

Guy in Crowd: “Hillary for Prison!”
HRC: “Lets make it happen!”

Here’s a screenshot of her face: