Rush On The Psychology Of Mass Murder

He’s just a smidge off:

RUSH: Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have received the thoughts of a professional who asks to remain anonymous, a professional in analyzing the personalities, mind-set and so forth of people like our shooter here in Las Vegas. And I just want to share with you his thoughts. He’s requested anonymity, and I’m happy to offer it and provide it. You might have heard of him. He’s a writer. But he has researched this for his work.

And basically he thinks that an element of this, not the explanation total or complete, but an element of this is that too many people in our society do not take responsibility for how their lives turn out. It’s not just they don’t accept personal responsibility. It is they don’t think they have anything to do with how their lives have turned out, and they become embittered.

He says, “I have studied these cases. Clearly this was premeditated slaughter. If the pattern holds — and we don’t know yet that it will — but if the pattern holds, we will likely find out this guy’s life was coming apart, that he scapegoated society or others for his problems and failures and his hopelessness, and that he decided to get even and go out in a blaze of glory. It’s the same nihilistic evil again and again, blaming others for your problems and seeking to sow destruction in revenge against the unfairness and injustice of it all.”

This sounds like it would apply to the guy that shot the Republicans practicing for baseball, Steve Scalise and others. He was embittered and enraged. He says, “I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to stop people from seeing themselves as victims of society, who then get angrier and angrier and want to strike back. But a healthy society does not encourage an outlook of grievance and helpless victimization, but ours does. People who take personal responsibility for their lives do not these kinds of things.”

These are the thoughts from my expert and I think there’s a lot of truth there. We know that we live in a grievance society where grievance has become its own form of politics. It’s spreading. Grievance is taught on many college campuses. Grievance is always treated as justified. Well, I take that back. If you are a white male or white Christian, your grievance probably will not carry the weight of others. But for the most part, those who have grievance and incorporate politics into their grievance generally are always said to be justified.

In fact, I might say that one of our political parties has actually, as a matter of strategy, tried to create as many victims of whatever as they can, and this party has then presented itself as the solution, the answer. And of course the problem with victimology, the problem with victimhood is once you adopt it, once you accept that you’re a victim, a lot of things happen.

You are immediately, in your mind, you are free of blame. You are free of responsibility. And you also are free in believing you don’t have a chance at succeeding or achievement or accomplishment because the deck’s stacked against you. ‘Cause you’re a victim. It’s-a-made-to-order political profile for a political party which seeks to gain power on the backs of such people. “It’s not your fault. We’ll fix those who did this to you. We’ll get even with those who did this to you.”

The smidge off is that their lives do not have to be “coming apart.” The very idea of coming apart is relative, and amygdala-centric. Let’s assume for the purposes of argument that Paddock did do it. Then to Paddock’s triggerable amygdala, making an easy $5 mill a year, however he was making it, would have qualified as coming apart. Knowing the psychology, that is entirely possible.

We all have known people like that, who are never satisfied. The never satisfied part is related to the amygdala deficiency, which itself produces the rage, as well as the lack of empathy inherent to the mass shooter. Suddenly he is bitter about being old and bored, while all those young people are dancing and having a ball at that Country Music Festival.

But Rush is dead on about leftism’s victim culture being an appeal to amygdala, specifically the amygdalae of narcissists, who find the victim paradigm a perfect appeal to ego. The only part missing is the amygdala context, and its relation to the idea of r/K Selection Theory and how resource availability affects psychological/political programming.

Leftism is an appeal to evil.

Spread r/K Theory, because the amygdala makes everything relative in the mind

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6 years ago

If anyone doubts the news reports that Paddock reported millions in gambling winnings on his tax returns be my guest. It’s rather absurd and the media is not reliable. But to the extent that fact is true, Paddock was not a professional gambler, he was a money launderer. Take dirty cash to the casino, buy chips, gamble for a while, lose a little bit, go to cash out, “could you write me a check please?” Then deposit a check from a casino, tell the IRS you won the money gambling, pay taxes, and viola, clean dollars.

6 years ago

[…] Source link […]

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…Clearly this was premeditated slaughter…”

Maybe but not by just him. It looks to me that he was just a patsy. Not that he wasn’t involved in some sort of skullduggery but they planned all along to leave him with the bag. Now I post a lot of stuff that is odd and showing variance with the MSM story but I always add “it seems” or “could be” or “if true” but there’s a video of the very first shots from the back of the concert. There’s a shot way before the machine gun fire with a late high pitched report. Then there are several quieter pops and immediately after people are stampeding from the front. The people at the front said people were shooting them. This is right before the extended machine gun fire. Combined with the acoustic analysis timing the hits to the reports(during the extended machine gun fire), the large amount of first person testimony, the definitive cab driver video and I can’t see it as reasonable that there was only one shooter. We can’t believe our government, the media and the alt press is filled with shills. The only thing I trust are first person reports, first person videos analysis of first person videos and you have to watch them careful for fakes.

This just goes to show you that if any “authority” guy of any sort ask you to work with them on any kind of training or really anything at all then tell them no. Remember Richard Jewell would be in jail right now as a mad bomber if he hadn’t have had a good friend that was a savvy lawyer. They were getting him to help the FBI make training tapes.