Russian Official Dies Of Heart Attack – Then He Was Autopsied

Who would think a cursory visual examination could be wrong?

A former aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin found dead in a Washington hotel room was killed by a blunt force trauma to the head, U.S. authorities said Thursday…

Autopsy results show that he died from “blunt-force injuries of the head,” according to a joint statement Thursday from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and Office of the Chief Medical Examiner reported by NBC Washington, but the exact manner of death was undetermined.

Also contributing to his death were “blunt-force injuries of the neck, torso, upper extremities and lower extremities,” the statement said.

Russian media originally reported that Lesin, a former government minister, had suffered a heart attack…

You have to wonder if Scalia’s autopsy would have shown something other than a heart attack as the cause of death. You also have to wonder how one wasn’t done, given his preeminence in the nation.

More and more I’m thinking if the apocalypse takes any longer, we will all need to move to Russia, where there is less governmental intrusion, and if we are killed by somebody, as Russians, we would at least get an autopsy so people would know we were killed.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Aeoli Pera
8 years ago

Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that both media outlets are lying. If anything, Russia’s media is slightly more trustworthy (particularly wrt to stuff happening in America) but they’re both propaganda outlets. There’s plenty of mud to sling without making shit up, but I’m sure it wouldn’t bother them.

8 years ago

This is something my amygdala often points out to me about law enforcement. Namely that in a lot of these shootings, not even the racially motivated ones, the cop gets put on “administrative leave” and then maybe fired. Maybe! Jail time is often out of the question. So in other words the incentives being what they are, LeVar Burton is probably right on when he keeps his hands on the wheel at all times during traffic stops.

Can you imagine living in a society or being in a government where your killing would go unquestioned, un-autopsied, unremarked? It’s pure r-selection.