Russians Lay Waste To Muslim Migrants In Germany

Russians don’t mess around:

Lisa, on the way to school, was abducted and raped and then for more than 30 hours by a group of Muslim immigrants. A group of more than 400 Russians attacked, with baseball bats and table legs, after learning of the perpetrators in Bruchsal – the Arabs, Moroccan, Syrian.

Supposedly the Russian immigrants got together, acquired their blunt objects, and then rolled up to the German migrant hostel in over a hundred cars. In true Russian fashion, they exited their cars and proceeded to tear the place apart in an orgy of violence, and beat anyone who looked suspiciously foreign. Germany is desperately trying to keep the whole thing covered up.

I’ll bet it was fun, exhilarating, and the guys who did it won’t feel bad if it has to be done again. Those types of things can be addictive – it is why war has been so prolific throughout our history despite its innate horror.

Supposedly Putin weighed in with Merkel, letting her know this could become a major international incident, and he would not stand for any Russians in Germany being treated unfairly. Merkel, as always, grabbed her ankles reflexively and hoped for the best. If only the West showed such love for its own innocent girls, and if only Western leaders showed such loyalty to their own people.

I expect if Europe doesn’t correct the situation itself soon, you will at some point see increasing covert Russian involvement in trying to help European patriots throw off the migrant hordes, for two reasons. One Putin does not want a nuclear armed caliphate in his own backyard wielding first world weaponry to threaten mother Russia, and two, it offers an excellent opportunity for Russian Intelligence to network with patriotic Europeans against the established European power structure.

Today’s PEGIDA activist could be tomorrow’s German leader. Putin and the SVR would love to have an established intelligence relationship with such an individual, including the ability to compromise them at some point in the future for working with a foreign intel service, possibly against their own government. These circumstances offer a perfect opportunity to create such relationships.

If you are a European patriot, it is not just domestic surveillance you will have to watch out for.

This entry was posted in Europe, Immigration, In-grouping, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

TFR Admin
8 years ago

I don’t know how true this story is… not a lot of confirmation on this

Richard Escajeda
Richard Escajeda
8 years ago

Today at breakfast, I was asked who I was “for” in the 2016 US presidential election. I enthusiastically said “Chancellor Merkel! I love what she has done for the German women in Cologne on NYE. ” The look on the faces of my liberal family was priceless and I was not challenged again on my political thoughts.
Amygdula highjacking complete.
This post is about a new and unexpected wrinkle nobody saw coming.

8 years ago

This story if I’d heard it in the internet age would count as an internet rumor. Since it was before the rise of the web, it is perhaps international urban legend. It has just the right amount of everything to be believable and yet not confirmable.

It goes like this, during the 80’s the US and everyone was having problems with Muslim terrorists doing kidnappings and hijacking. USSR had solved this problem years earlier for itself by taking some of the terrorist, and videoing the torture of the,m and sending that video back to the home grounds of the terrorists. I heard something about belt sanders were part of the footage.

Again, this has just the right feel to be true. It was to have taken place in the 60’sor 70’s and done by the KGB or the internal equivalent. And it had the corroborating effect that there were few or no reported terrorist actions against the Soviets.

It would however seem to fit things in the decryption of the reports from Germany. – that is Russian men are willing to do violence both reactively and proactively.

8 years ago

When/if the China vs. Japan, Vietnam, Philippines war goes hot, I expect Russia will take that opportunity to take over major portions of Europe. Putin will use his well exercised excuse of saving Russians from the vast migrant hoards. How far or where he will go is anyone’s guess.

Apocalypse! It is coming but, perhaps not from an angle that many have foreseen. If China is going to pull the trigger, they have got to do it before Obummer leaves office as he has already shown what a pushover he is.

The Chinese, a very nationalistic society, need this war to insure the current leadership will not be overthrown when their under reported staggering economic problems threaten to burn the whole place down.

Japan is signing security agreements with anyone in the east Pacific including the Philippines as well as changed their constitution to allow for standing military forces which the US has Ok’d.

This came out a few days ago although I’ve been following this dust up for some time. It all seems somewhat surreal but many articles from many sources over the last year all hint of the same thing.

Black Swan or Horse crap, who knows but it don’t hurt to thing things out and keep a weather eye on the horizon.

8 years ago