SJWs Are Not Decent People

Vox posted an article by a big name author examining the SJW attack:

The average SJW may appear to be a decent person – he or she may even be a decent person – yet sharing the SJW attitudes or fallacies, as I call them, makes them a potential danger to human civilisation. These attitudes act as triggers. When pulled, they convert a decent person into an SJW, or, as I think of them, Social Justice Bully.

No. Decent people don’t become bullies. Bullies pretend to be decent people when others are looking. Decent people don’t destroy civilization because they don’t want to feel a feeling. Evil people destroy civilizations while pretending to be decent.

Way back I wanted to write a piece which would take people into the mind of the narcissist. Written in first person from a narcissist’s perspective, people would read it, and feel what the narcissist felt, see what the narcissist sees, and understand why they did what they did. I wanted people to put themselves in the narcissist’s mind to the point they would say, “Yeah, if I thought like that I would do what the narcissist does.” I thought about a bunch of different ways to try and describe it so a person would feel the narcissist’s thought process, before I realized it can’t be done.

It is not surprising. A lot of very smart people know how narcissists think. None have ever been able to write a piece like that, though. Instead the closest you will see are articles which explain it from the third person, or which describe the views of observers looking at the narcissist. Why?

You can take an SJW/narcissist and literally pop a fuse in their brain with panic and anger through the use of triggers. Do you like fear? Do you like embarrassment? Do you like humiliation? Do you like frustration? Imagine experiencing those painful emotions strongly enough that your brain blows out and shuts down. Imagine your arms trembling with rage, and then beginning a seizure like loss of control. Imagine your head feeling the worst hangover you ever felt, combined with the worst migraine, and then filling with pressure as if it was going to explode. As that happens, your visual field fills with spots, your eyes roll up into the sockets without your control of them, and then you just went lights out. Imagine the wakeup wasn’t much better, and you feel violently ill with a killer migraine for a day or so. Now imagine those physical sensations are combined with the awful emotions to the point you can’t tell where one begins and the other ends. It is, after all the emotions which rise in scale to produce the physical symptoms.

It is tough to imagine just that alone from the first person. Then you have to add in the idea of the triggers which set it off. Can you imagine being pathetic, feeling pathetic, and then having a compulsive/reflexive drive to compare yourself to everyone around you and explode in anger and envy at the person you are examining, if you don’t measure up? Then add in a panicked drive to feel superior at all cost, to avoid the trigger. Literally you would hate someone you just met, for no other reason than they exceeded you in some respect. You would view that as their fault – a conscious slighting of you – showing you up to hurt you because they were insensitive and arrogant.

What is that? You say you wouldn’t do that, because blaming the person you meet for being superior in some way, and then hating them for it, without them even knowing you were competing with them in that way is crazy? That is why you can’t write it out in first person. Normal people can’t visualize having a brain that fucked up.

The writer of the piece is missing a very vital experience, which is the first step to understanding the triggerable psychology. He needs to have the world on a string. He needs to have everything he wants. And he needs to see some little shit he showed loyalty to try purposely to sabotage it all maliciously. He needs to see that little shit try to betray him because if he succeeded the little shit would feel small by comparison, and experience the trigger.

Then he needs to see the little shit succeed in hurting an innocent person. He needs to see the little shit do it because they are so pathetic they can’t cope with the idea of someone else succeeding while they live their life of small petty failures. He needs to see how after fucking up innocent people, the little shit would laugh, because the success at fucking people who never thought he would betray them, was to him a sign that not only wasn’t he pathetic – he was superior. He fucked over innocent people, and the fact they didn’t see it coming was a sign they were stupid. Their inability to imagine his disloyalty and betrayal was a weakness and an inferiority. He was superior for betraying them, and they were stupid for not seeing his betrayal coming. Watch him revel in that proof – his very betrayal.

The Devil that is the SJW/narcissist is not decent. If you truly understand him, he is the antithesis of it. He is a strange combination of lying, weakness, pathiety, selfishness, self-absorption, fear, insecurity, and cowardice, all to a degree unimaginable by normal people, and which mixed altogether combines to produce the purest form of evil. It is an evil that is driven to do evil selflessly, no matter the cost, because the cost of not doing evil is the dreaded trigger. It is a cognitive deformity so ugly that being able to perceive its repulsiveness and not be allowed to utterly destroy it on sight is practically a curse.

When you finally see through the façade of humanity the SJW/narcissist projects, you will see the most small, pathetic, and purely evil creature nature has created. You will see something which deserves nothing but pain and death. Until you feel that way about them, you still do not understand the SJW/narcissist in any meaningful way. They are evil incarnate.

The fact this still has not spread is a sign we have much work to do.

This entry was posted in Anxiety, Cowardice, Liberals, Narcissists, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] SJWs Are Not Decent People […]

8 years ago

Way back I wanted to write a piece which would take people into the mind of the narcissist. Written in first person from a narcissist’s perspective, people would read it, and feel what the narcissist felt, see what the narcissist sees, and understand why they did what they did. I wanted people to put themselves in the narcissist’s mind to the point they would say, “Yeah, if I thought like that I would do what the narcissist does.” I thought about a bunch of different ways to try and describe it so a person would feel the narcissist’s thought process, before I realized it can’t be done.

Actually, I think it was done when Dostoevsky wrote his novella Notes from Underground. It describes the mind of a narcissist from a narcissist’s point of view so well that I’m surprised you haven’t read it.

8 years ago

Like bruises, SJWs require ICE treatment:


8 years ago

Bravo. Outstanding.

You have written many many outstanding posts, but this study of evil is sensational.

Evil hides, evil DECEIVES, constantly. This is why bad ideas and their advocates keep cropping up, because they are always hiding their intentions, and charitable people of good will don’t want to assume the worst of people.

And yet, cucks on the right conflate weakness and cowardice with charity and virtue. My strong feeling/belief is that God rewards the courageous and doesn’t look favorably on the endless appeaser.

That’s why sites like this, and books like yours and Vox’s SJW’s Always Lie are so helpful; it kind of cracks a deception code and give you tools to help reveal intentions that are being actively hidden from view.

Really great stuff!

8 years ago

By way of thanks, I just wanted to give a nod of recognition and appreciation to Hubbard
for the reference to “Notes from the Underground”. I

An interesting and salient tale.

8 years ago

I think Edgar Allen Poe’s Tell Tale Heart is close to describing the ludicrous mind.

8 years ago

[…] At their core, SJWs are miserable, hateful people. […]

8 years ago

What you describe isn’t so far-fetched, actually. Covert narcissist is the subtype you are looking for. Everybody knows who the overts are, they slap their face and name on everything. The problem is how a neurotypical would read it: whining, emo and immature. I could probably knock together something from amassing testimonies but it would all look the same: suddenly outgunned on status from a time of satiety, panic of being discovered, anger of the timing, bitterness to the individual cause, to narcissistic rage, fallout requiring isolation of the threat or personal removal from the situation, typically under the new PC use of ‘anxiety’ or ‘panic attack’ to describe what is a narc rage, or in blunt truth, a temper tantrum.
Your description reminded me strongly of Game of Thrones’ Littlefinger.
I have spoken to such types, in confidence, when they’re on yet another low and hence, vulnerable, and they are not true Machiavellians. They wish you’d think so. First of all, they aren’t smart enough, although some score spectacularly on IQ tests by application alone, controlled for age. High Machs take to their abilities naturally, but these people brood and savour various fantasies of revenge like others savour wine.
From the Omega to the Delta male, as others have called it. There was the idea of a Secret King fantasy where whatever happens or to them becomes a rationalization (they are very good at that, not reasoning) that they are in control and moving others around like puppets. In reality, they feel impotent, I know of no other time to describe it. Their common frustrations boils over the pot.
They use trust, reciprocity and displays of kindness as signalling to gain social leverage, but are quickly dismissed once their general incompetence or cognitive faults become apparent. Assuming they aren’t kept on as an object of pity, which really causes occupational hazards. I’ve seen a new strain that tries to persuade others to commit suicide. I was linked to one that bragged about how many of her ‘friends’ had made suicide attempts, salivating at the prospect of more. The SJW refrain “kill yourself” isn’t actually a joke….
It’s Them vs Everyone, they have an ingroup of one when rubber hits road.
Yes, it could be done, but who would want to?
They run the gamut from wanting to break an old lady’s hip at the supermarket for giving them a look they disliked to having spree killer or revenge rape fantasies. You can’t contain that kind of crazy in one character, but may I suggest profiles of common types? The words they project like toxic (bad or poor socialization or coping habits), emotional vampire (draining and insufferable) and gaslighting (making a person doubt their own mind or perceptions, to accept the brainwashing aimed at them) are often their own attributes or methods. They rely on etiquette to fly under the radar of polite people. Modern etiquette is ineffectual, there used to be ways to curtail the coverts via reputation policing and shaming. Shame is a most effective weapon, and it’s no coincidence that Trump is using it…. liberally. Wasn’t there one SJW who attended a sermon and complained after to the pastor that he was experiencing guilt?! They seek a parental figure in other adults. Fix this for me, or else. Make badfeels go away. Maturity standards nipped this in the bud. The only upside of my experience with these individuals is in helping out others, who feel like they’ve been interpersonally blindsided. The narcs confabulate and compulsively lie sob stories that never check out. If we brought back dueling, where words have consequences, you’d see a lot less victim culture, cry-bullying, privilege complaints.

8 years ago

Do you think some narcissists can be revealed simply by watching them speak for 2 or 3 minutes? Someone said as much about Laci Green on youtube, that her style of talking and eye movements indicated narcissism. It doesn’t make much sense to me, because you’d think if a narcissist was so obviously revealing that they would just cover it up?