Steve Bannon Says We Could Have 50 Years Of Governing

This is great persuasion, if the only desire is to demoralize the establishment, fire up the base, and ease the way forward right now.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Bannon said if Trump’s White House delivers, “we’ll get 60 percent of the white vote, and 40% of the black and Hispanic vote and we’ll govern for 50 years.”

Democrats, he claimed, had “lost sight of what the world is about…the issue now is Americans looking to not get f—ed over.”

It is bad prognostication, unless you grasp r/K Selection Theory, and intend to apply it. If Trump achieves all of his goals, he will see the movement and his support fade, as the population naturally shifts toward an r-psychology – unless he applies additional stimuli designed to provoke K-selected urges in the populace.

If Trump does what it appears he will, he will produce a flood of copious resources. That will attract foreign rabbits, increase the expression of the r-strategy in innate American rabbits, and make the conservative K-strategists less motivated to fight the rabbity agenda. All of that will work together to maximize a massive shift toward r.

There are only two ways I see to deal with that.

One, less effective, is to try and impose K-stimuli on the populace while it is still K. Mandatory military service might be one. Get every kid, put him through a coming of age ceremony forcing him to graduate from a Basic Infantry school, while educating him on firearms, and aggressiveness, and making him overcome some insurmountable challenge. Develop the amygdala, imbue them with a K-selected psychology, and give them something to make them reject rabbitry.

The other method would be to spend debt to acquire tangible assets, enjoy the ride, and as that is going on, allow the K’s to prepare for the Apocalypse which will reset the balance on its own. When the Apocalypse hits, you will go in with optimized infrastructure, and the harshness will reset humans into K-mode, cull the rabbits, and mold the population to exhibit the psychology that will reinvigorate the nation after its hibernation.

In short, you enjoy the K, and set the Apocalypse up to hit hard and perform the reset quickly, rather than try to fight it and drag it out for decades, miring the nation in acclimation to perpetual decline. In r/K political theory, the collapse may be a necessary part of the cycle, and it may prove best to simply embrace it, bring it on before the population is r-ified, and get it over with as quickly as possible.

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