Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience – Part Fourteen – Nashville School Shooting

This is part of my broader study of the massive, Stasi-like domestic surveillance which seemingly plagues the entirety of the Western world. Please check out that page first, for a rundown of where this operation has popped up in the news, as well as a study course of google streetview trips you can take which will teach you how to spot the domestic surveillance machine near the bottom of the page. Viewing that study course from the beginning may be necessary to understand how we are identifying surveillance vehicles here.

In essence you will identify there is surveillance present by the fact you are not allowed to make a decision at an intersection, without being observed by someone. If you cannot get alone at an intersection, even trying to by going to isolated intersections where you should not see anyone, but everywhere you go, there is someone to call which direction you took, you are likely under surveillance. If there is not a lot of traffic, but it is always precisely at an intersection when you are there, that is likely surveillance.

Today we will review this story, looking for traffic density at intersections around the shooting site:

Trans female former student, 28, armed with two assault rifles and a handgun, kills three nine-year-old kids and three staff members at Nashville private Christian school after writing manifesto and drawing maps of church campus.

Video here of the shooter entering the school, and looking for victims. Notice in the beginning, the shooter drove past a single male loitering outside. No certainty if he was surveillance, but it would not surprise me.

There is a lot of surveillance in that area around the school, if you want to drive around the road it is on, with likely vehicular and pedestrian visible here.

The school’s address is 33 Burton Hills Rd. At the address of the school while on the school’s side of the road, a vehicle pulls in on the opposite side of the street as the Google car was passing the school without entering.

Pulling into the school driveway from the opposite side of the road, you had a pickup hitting the intersection just as you did.

When you are coming out of the school driveway, a car is just pulling out of the opposite side of the street.

Passing the school while driving on the opposite side of the road, you were being followed by the white car from the first link, with the pedestrian.

Drive up toward the school, and the first thing you see is a leaf-blower, even though there are no leaves, and it doesn’t look like there have been for some time. And he waves.

That one is straight out of the security team on Management’s satellite office that Carla operated out of, on Burn Notice. During one point in my shock and awe phase they had a group of leaf blowers actually stop blowing leaves to glare at my car as I drove by. Then they went back to blowing.

This dude is just sitting in the parking lot with his door open.

How many times have I said, posted vehicular open their car doors on hot days, and will slide partly out of the car as they sit there.

I am telling you, schools are intel ops, and may have more real spies and informants per capita than even the prisons. My high school had older male “security aides” who never did anything, and seemed to handle the intelligence monitoring operations on the children, forming their files, and seeing who was who. Here is an oncoming car as you enter a side entrance,

And the car which will lead you in as you enter.

Passing by the same side entrance in a different timeline, you had an oncoming and two leading you as well as one car coming out.

Even if I hit a road behind the school, with an eye to dumping my car there and moving in on foot for a covert approach without using a road, as shown here on a map

this is what you see as you hit the intersection with the road behind the school after turning into that side street, which has no roadway ingress to the school.

How many times have I said in these pieces, posted vehicular on hot days, sits with their car door open, and as much of themselves as they can get, out of the car. He has been sitting there a long time.

It is there to watch that first intersection, to confirm you took the road that leads close to the back property line of the school.

That place has a covert security level like Carla’s local office in Miami, that handled Michael Weston’s Burn Notice. And it is not alone. You see a lot of surveillance at these mass kill sites.

My guess would be that minivan on the side of the road you turn on that is pointed at the intersection (the only car you see parked that way) has live video running and being beamed over the internet, which is being monitored from a command post somewhere. Interesting it is a redundancy, with the Uber guy onsite, and the redundant video backup.

You will notice, you continue on toward the back of the school, and you will see no cars parked like that on the side of the road, until you hit the last fork, where you see this. Another car, parked the same way, pointed to film oncoming cars.

And as before you have a redundancy, with this car, which all the way back, on this dead end street, with no traffic in the middle of the day, just happens to be coming to this intersection just as you do. Again, remote video from the parked car, and some live person watching.

Take the fork away from the back of the school, and you hit a different day, and you have this guy at the corner house, who stepped out to watch you pass.

And if you go there and look, same parked car in the same position.

What is the probability, this intersection, this far back, dead end street, has all this activity just as you get there? If you drove back here in the middle of the day would you expect to see any cars? Any real people? A guy standing on his stoop looking at you at a corner house at the intersection? A white SUV coming from a cul-de-sac with five houses on it, hitting the intersection exactly as you do? Why do you not see the traffic, the people, or the parked cars between intersections? Middle of nowhere, isolated, dead-end road, no houses, middle of the day while everyone is at work, you hit the intersection, there people are.

I did this analysis, because from my experience with surveillance, it tends to monitor schools. I cut out of high school once, hopped a fence and went home. On my walk home, I noticed even back then, I saw a lot of cars on the side streets (granted I was paranoid the do-nothing “security aides” (aka domestic intel officers assigned to the school) might have known and were coming for me). I can clearly still see in my mind’s eye, somebody who I loosely knew, leaning forward and peering through the windshield to get a better view of me as they passed not ten feet away slowly, but without stopping to say anything or even waving. They just turned and kept going, like they didn’t know me even though we locked eyes, and I must have looked curiously amused to see them as I was bugging out. It was another of those things I thought curious at the time as the car drove off, to the point decades later now, the memory is still vivid in my mind.

Surveillance monitors everywhere, and has vehicular and foot ready to deploy at any place. Every neighborhood gets an observation post and is able to call in cars, walkers, bicyclists, and so on. Everywhere is loosely watched. Some places more than others. Anything unusual is noticed and flagged. Anything which is unknown, is focused upon. You do not just roll into a neighborhood at 2AM unnoticed, park your car, and sit in it, without the observation-post/monitoring-post in that neighborhood hearing you drive in off the pole mics wired into speakers in their house which play the noises of the neighborhood all the time, and wondering what you are up to, getting curious, and checking you out. You won’t notice it – the dog walker who happens by, the bicycle rider in full Tour de France regalia like Lance Armstrong, the cars which cruise past, they will all look normal. But somewhere, to somebody, you are being focused upon intensely, as a puzzle to be solved, and probably a diversion from the ennui of monitoring a neighborhood where nothing ever happens.

I would assume every school has targets, since grade schools are where they begin the files on the future problem children of society. I was one, and I am sure so were many here. I would assume a target skipping out of school is a target lost, and surveillance would not want that. So I would assume they box in the school during the day, and monitor all the comings and goings. Which is why this was significant to me: 

Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the shooter had conducted surveillance, and that maps of the building showing entry and exit points were found at a nearby home.

I would strongly doubt the shooter rolled into the area around the school and conducted surveillance, and none of the local surveillance noticed some tranny-weirdo was sitting on the school, noting patterns of activity, comings and goings, and loitering without purpose. Or maybe even going on school grounds and looking around, peering, writing stuff down, possibly even at odd hours, like 2AM, in an attempt to evade detection. The 2:30AM drive through town is guaranteed to get you some attention from your local watching crew.

And once surveillance noticed, the driver would have been ID’d quickly. Surveillance has fuck-all going on every day, as they watch kids picking navel lint on benches, and dreary office workers droning along, to go kill another Tuesday in the cubicle.

And the tools they have – database pulls and correlation analyses, insta-checks for firearms purchases, or online posts, emails, purchases, mail deliveries, the neighborhood-observation/monitoring-post’s intimate files from observing everyone directly, and the ability of the neighborhood archivist to render a real personal opinion on you from their study of you. And then when they focus, watching your internet in real time, grabbing keystrokes (Hi assholes!) pulling audio from inside your residence, reading all your texts and shitposts, just getting into everything – I tend to think Cabal’s domestic intel op would have had a good idea what was coming here long before this tranny launched its assault.

We are the richest nation on the planet. Does anyone really think we never built the most well-funded, technologically sophisticated, intrusive secret police force and surveillance/informant machine the world has ever seen?

If the morning of the shooting, the house across the street (assigned by surveillance to monitor this tranny due to the casing of the school), has the microwave microphone turned on and pointing at the target residence and hears the target get up, hears a mag being slammed home, and charging handle being pulled back and snapping forward, a pistol slide being racked, the click of Kydex, the snaps of a combat vest, if if hears that, the surveillance knows something is up. And it knows from the file it generates, they have heard mags being loaded round by round, click by click, and there are fifteen loaded 30 round mags based on previous eavesdropping. It hears the distinctive sound of metal mags clunking together in a dufflebag, and they then see the troon exiting the house, with large dufflebags, including what looks like one that could hold their gun.

They will quickly report to the command post something is up. And these people are all bored as fuck, so this is interesting. When the tranny is heading toward the school, with vehicular tracking it, they will know where it is going. These things do not come as bolts out of the blue to them. They know beforehand.

And somehow, I suspect if this tranny had been seen sitting on George Soros’s house at 2AM, had internet traffic all over anti-Soros sites, bought guns and ammo, and a combat vest, and then one day packed up all the guns and headed for Soros’ house, I tend to think this would somehow have been disrupted before it started.

Given this may have been allowed, I find myself wondering if it is part of the show, and if so, if the next act is going to be designed to turn society on the trannies, and trigger a purge. It would not surprise me.

I am telling you though, schools are a primary target of American intelligence. Probably a bigger target, with more resources assigned to it across every public school and the entire nation, than Al Qaida ever had. I bet the old Soviets did not see as much espionage from US intelligence, as the US public school system has had pointed at it. I will bet there are more spies and informants in the schools than there are in the prisons.

It is astonishing to me. I was 14 years old, and I would not fight a 13 year old, thinking it dishonorable for not being a fair fight. But all over the country you have 50 year old seasoned intelligence officers, assigned to schools by whatever this is, running their own kids as spies in the schools, having them inform on other kids, manipulate other kids, guide other kids lives, even molding their psychologies with operations planned by adult intelligence officers.

And they are just rolling over any kids with potential, left and right. They catch these kids when they just have no ability to operate – zero psychopathy, zero cynicism, zero street savvy, they have all this openness and vulnerability and desire to please and fit in, and they just roll over them. Talk about a Darwinian world. You need to be a fucking shark to have any chance to even compete, and you need to be a shark starting at like seven or eight years old. You can see why Cabal has always had it so easy. You can see why I see a cataclysm, when this all comes out, which I am certain it will.

American intelligence, targeting children, and allowing things like this. It is going to be a scene.

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1 year ago

[…] ← Surveillance Detection – The Professional Course Of Real Life Experience – Part Fourteen … […]

1 year ago

The Burn Notice episode AC refers to is Scatter Point (season 2, episode 5). The main story is something else, so it’s only a few minutes out of the complete episode.

As for the shooting, any woman with artificial levels of testosterone is a risk to herself and others; unlike men, who had many years to learn to to deal with the aggressive drive that comes with that.

There must have been several reasons why this happened, but a very general one would be to further traumatize society. I recently watched Jason Bourne 5 (pro tip: don’t), and it’s also traumatic and dreary, just conflict between people and bureaucrats sitting in meetings or at computers, not even funny one-liners, and just like Bourne’s love interest Franka Potente got killed off at the start of Bourne 2, Bourne’s quasi-love interest Julia Stiles gets killed off almost at the start of Bourne 5. Maybe it’s just lazy screenwriting, but maybe it’s yet another attempt to traumatize its viewers into a nihilistic outlook, that good young people get blindsided by death and life is just one fight (or cubicle) after another.

1 year ago

>My high school had older male “security aides” who never did anything, and seemed to handle the intelligence monitoring operations on the children, forming their files, and seeing who was who.

Similar story, our school had a “police officer” who was full time, doing God knows what nonsense around the school all day every day. I only ever saw him walking the halls at random times, and maybe hovering around during lunch time just keeping an eye on things.

The weird thing is that all the “popular” kids would always talk him up in my vicinity, saying how cool he was and blah blah blah. Felt like the scenario you described with girls, where every kid around you says how hot some 5/10 is just so you’ll go waste some time pursuing her.

I have no idea why they pumped this guy up artificially in my presence, but it was definitely abnormal behavior for high school kids. Nothing weird ever actually happened, I don’t think I ever even spoke to the guy, just a strange one for the memory bank.

1 year ago

ATF agent reported and tasered by police for not cooperating.
What is perhaps interesting, is this ATF agent has form. Previously he was charged for theft. Seems to be unprofessional and above the law.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

“grabbing keystrokes (Hi assholes!)”


Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

Surveillance are the lowest form of life in the animal kingdom, right down there with parasites.

1 year ago

One thing that strikes me is that if the surveillance was somehow taken down, traffic would be a lot easier to deal with.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Checks out. When I get pissed off and shake them to be an asshole, things are idyllically light until I get picked back up near home.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I’m a trucker, over the road. I always wonder about the surveillance. I do as much night driving as possible, since after 11 am all the idiots are out. I’m constantly noticing that even if no one is around, I’ll see someone at an intersection. I see way to many following from the front. No matter my speed, they stay the same distance in front of me. The ones, I hate will pass me then slow down one mile below my speed governor and let me pass them. I just love how at 2 am I can go into a truck stop and all the pumps are full, but when I’m done gassing up and used the restroom and come out to leave, no one is at the pumps. It’s like they’re paid to watch me work for a living I’m not gonna do anything the systems coming down without me doing anything.

1 year ago

One disagreement that doesn’t distract from the point. I have seen arguments that school shootings and similar incidents are either completely staged, using actors with no one dying, or if they really happen are conducted by agents, and I find both of these arguments more convincing than the “Let it Happen on Purpose” scenario.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

In my experience, Cabal uses the surveillance to seek to control your mind. I have seen things as subtle as bumper stickers, to random people walking on the street trying to act threatening as you pass,”


I have been targeted on the street 3 times or more. One was a woman acting crazy or “new age” in Seattle, wandering around and then turning abruptly into my path, to disrupt me (I walk a straight line most of the time). The other 2 menaced me with with assault “tells”, which I avoided.
There is so much more, which I believe is, as you say, an attempt at mind control. They want to turn us to do evil, either for a news story or to get us locked up and sent away, much as they tried to do with our Kenosha guy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yes, this is key. Surveillance is more than perception. It is manipulation. The observer influences the observed. Sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes in major ways.

And there’s more street theater than many people would imagine. I’ve had a number of odd events play out before my eyes that I’m quite sure were attempts to communicate deep symbolism to me and manipulate me on an unconscious level. They were uncanny, really. Strange interactions loaded with symbolism and emotion. And they all occurred at specific times and places where surveillance would know I was very likely to be. Some of the events remain mysterious to me because I don’t have enough knowledge of Jungian psychology and deep symbolism to understand consciously what they were trying to communicate.

Derren Brown did an excellent episode using these techniques to influence some advertising consultants he hired. He told them he wanted a unique advertising campaign and that he was going to predict what they would come up with. He then had them driven across town to a office space where they could work to come up with the campaign. Along the drive, he had several street play skits that planted subconscious ideas in the minds of the advertising agents leading them to come up with a campaign exactly as Derren had predicted.

That’s a must watch.

I promise you, this stuff is going on all around us.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Why would these evil fucks spend the time staging it when killing people is quick, cheap, and easy?

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Because the US government propagandizing its citizenry using staged events and crisis actors is legal, while mass murdering them is not.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That they care about what is “legal” is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve heard in weeks.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

It’s less messy

Reply to  map
1 year ago

They hire janitors.

1 year ago

Thanks, good to brush up on those vehicle and pedestrian themes.
On a related note: Discouraging to notice how many websites act as honeypots or limited hangout enticement vehicles. Their response times are startling, and in a sick way, kinda impressive, showing the depth of operations.
If only I knew then what I know now.

1 year ago

I have some semi-personal knowledge on this one. The school is related (same type) as the one my church runs, and they are also PCA. The pastor (whose daughter was murdered) was formerly in the north Texas Presbytery at PCPC. One of my wife’s students was friends with another murdered kid. This one is close to me, socially.

First , the victims are real. Don’t buy any crisis actor shit on this one. They murdered ours here. Second, these are very small schools (less than 200 kids) so I think they have a harder time infiltrating. Families get examined for faith and fitness before students are admitted. They may have hit this type of school to try to discourage the very concept.

My fury is real on this one, and ice cold. Our school and church is a hard target and will likely be getting harder. To you shitbags, make sure you understand what Christ teaches us. I will forgive you for anything you do to me if you repent. I am forbidden to show mercy for anything you do against those I am sworn to protect.

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Your terms are acceptable at our school. Especially the last part.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

No. I’m one degree removed. I know several people who knew him.

1 year ago

3 weeks after the mutilation ban.
3 Adults and 3 kids killed (33).
Address is 33 Burton Hills Rd.
Farce dropped a Israeli news article about 33 armadillo sized asteroid.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

And then there’s this:
Did the shooter stop and change shoes during the takedown chase?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Looks like the same shoes on a shitty camera to me.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Reposting this from yesterday:
3 kids 9 years old.
9 9 9
Inverted 666
Just sayin’

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

The Miles Mathis committee seemed to think 33 is some CIA number that pops up all the time like the aces and eights. I don’t remember the significance off the top of my head.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

33 is symbolic of anal sodomy (two sets of ass cheeks, one atop another)
The Freemason’s “secret” initiation is the blindfolded pledge’s submission to buggery by higher grade members of the lodge.
Freemasonry is a hierarchical homosexual cult. The supreme ass-raping monarch of Great Britain is the 34th degree to whom all Freemasons freely submit their all-seeing anus.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Oh good grief.

1 year ago

Every time I see one of these cars I always flip it off. Have yet to see myself in street views where it occurred.

1 year ago

First an anti-gun nut shows up on scene at two different mass shooting to give sound bites to the press. Now they want us to believe this leftist maniac changed sneakers halfway through the shooting?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

What’s interesting is how quickly any discussion of the shoes being different was shut down on Gab right away by people. Hal Turner did the same thing on his radio show and wrote about it on his site. No discussion of it at all allowed.
So people are much more aware of Shilling techniques and taking control or it was coordinated.
It seemed to stand out to me.

Reply to  Frews
1 year ago

Hal Turner = FBI

1 year ago

I didn’t remember the character name “Carla”. But I did remember the actress, Tricia Helfer, who played #6 in Battlestar Galactica. That’s just how my mind works sometimes.

1 year ago

Sketchy details from the released videos. Not sure what to make of it. Surveillance camera video has shooter wearing different shoes from the body seen on police bodycam. Bodycam also doesn’t have timestamp.

1 year ago

Almost bought land in a HOA, nice secluded, high up, no neighbors. The contract for the HOA hated the owner since he clearly wasn’t paying his dues. He would have settled up at closing, but I identified her as a psychopath so I canceled the deal. I let the realtor know everything she said and how she tried to get me to buy a different piece of property. Now the seller and the realtor are trying to reach her, but her phone number now belongs to someone else. I assume now that the spy network loves to manage HOAs?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve long since assumed HOAs are just another level of control-freak government messing with our lives.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Cabal surveillance was in movies way back!!!
1990 is the year that saw the premier of “Goodfellas”. Check out the surveillance when Tommy is getting into the car to go get ‘made’:

AT 2:47 the red car comes by, and the lady across the street appears to be walking the dog, but is she walking it just to see the mobsters collect Tommy into the sedan?
It appears to be Cabal through and through. And Scorcese directed it. He’s 99.9% a member.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

They catch these kids when they just have no ability to operate – zero psychopathy, zero cynicism, zero street savvy, they have all this openness and vulnerability and desire to please and fit in, and they just roll over them. Talk about a Darwinian world. You need to be a fucking shark to have any chance to even compete, and you need to be a shark starting at like seven or eight years old.”
If they devote enough resources, kids have no chance. Zero.
“You can see why Cabal has always had it so easy. You can see why I see a cataclysm, when this all comes out, which I am certain it will”

The Warning is coming soon. Countdowntothekingdom dot blah has the Catholic seer/mystic perspective.

1 year ago

Something about those faces:

comment image

1 year ago

Jeni’s ice cream could be “comms”. However, Jennis ice cream is a real business in Columbus, OH. It’s clear now that she has the backing of the Democrats that run Columbus. She was an individual person who made craft ice cream right around the time the “local food” trend went hot. She was making her ice cream under OH craft food laws which allowed her to operate in a facility & with local ingredients that we’re actually below the level for her production which should have been regulated by FDA. She had several outbreaks of listeria which the city of Columbus protected her from. In retrospect, she’s probably a Cabal baby of someone & we know how the rest of the story goes.

1 year ago

comment image

1 year ago

I’m waiting to hear what testosterone cocktail she was on. I’ve been reading for years from lesbians on testosterone not being able to deal with “uncontrollable rage.”
My response has always been “that’s my normal day.” A working society controls and channels that. Ours lets it run wild.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I haven’t heard about the rage but could see it. It being something new and she not used to it. I read about a girl who started testosterone and she said she could not believe how horny it made her. She said thoughts of sex permeated all her thoughts.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

had a downstairs neighbor going from FTM some years ago. she would pound the table and yell in the middle of the night, roid-rageishly, but was always calm when we saw her, and very smart and well-spoken. I think she was some type of influencer, as packages arrived there daily.
huge rona-fear freak, would wait for us to go up or down from 6 paces away; even had a “date” in the parking lot with another indeterminate person; both fully masked and distant, wearing sunglasses. hot as hell to watch.
as a final nail in the coffin of punk rock, she had a mohawk.
troubled soul, nervous parents.

1 year ago

Meet Ashbey Beasley & Shaundell Brooks – Quite the Duo At the Tennessee Mass Shooting

1 year ago

[…] I highlighted all the surveillance surrounding the school where a tranny shot three children and thr… The address was 33 Burton Hills Blvd. 33 is a Masonic number, but that could just be coincidence. Although I noticed the numbers for the office buildings on one side I saw there tended to be a multiple of ten on one side, or a multiple of five on the other, like 10 Burton Hills or 15 Burton Hills. Then there was 33, out of the blue, where the shooting happened. Oddly enough, on the school’s webpage, it says the school has 33 faculty: […]

1 year ago

It struck me months back, that all of this worry about groomers and troons and legalizing consent was a distraction. Part of my previous political conception, the one where an idea just needs to reach 10% of the population to then hit saturation. The world where ‘vote harder’ mattered.
No, no amount of propaganda – and certainly not propaganda coming from such vile carriers – was going to normalize [pukatronic age difference] in public. It was kayfabe.
Which then leads me to ask what else is kayfabe. The past four years have been nothing but enormity after enormity. As if the Biden administration is setting the stage of ultimate depravity, so that we’ll beg for a tyrant to save us from them.
Thesis meet Antithesis. Welcome to the new Synthesis.
Bruce Charlton has come to the opinion that voting is intrinsically evil. After long consideration, I think I agree with him. I plan to write an article on it, but I’ve got several other articles I’m working on in the meantime – so the core of my argument is that voting is placing your finger on the trigger, along with 1 million other people, in the hope that you can nudge the gun 1% over in your direction. Politics is just war by other means, after all, and physical force grows out of the ballot box.
What if they had an election and nobody came?
If God’s going to hold me morally culpable, I don’t want anybody else’s hands on the barrel.
Sorry for the evasive language, with all of the censorship coming from who-knows-what platforms I’m trying to mind my ps and qs as if I’m dicussing a bad film while going through airport security.

Reply to  Aurini
1 year ago

Sorry, but if you refuse to do the best you can to improve things a little you are responsible for what happens.
Silence (not voting) is consent.
Christ condemned the servant who buried his talent because he was afraid.

You should vote for whatever will most hinder our enemies and their plans and/or accomplish some good.

1 year ago

Definitely explains the government opposition to non-public education for the hoi polloi and especially home schooling.