The Liberal’s Addled Amygdala As The Source Of Nanny-Statism

Here is a funny one:

A Fredericksburg, Virginia woman has gotten a permit to erect a large Black Lives Matter flag on her property, a flag she says is in opposition to a 30-by-30 foot Confederate flag visible from Interstate 95.

There have been multiple attempts to get the Confederate flag taken down, but the Stafford County ruled earlier this month that it can stay put. The flag is on private property near the Falmouth exit of the interstate.

Susan Kosior says she now has to raise $20,000 to $25,000 to buy a flag and pole that match the size of the Confederate flag a few miles from her home. The flag has been up since 2014 and some are angry that it is visible from the highway.

“There was one gentleman who says when he drives by it every day for work, it takes him 10 or 15 minutes to calm down,” Kosier said. “It really is a very frightening and visceral reaction people have to that flag.”

Conservatives can’t really see the world through liberal eyes, because we look with logic, and not stomach-turning, amygdala-rending, psychologically tortuous sensations.

I always thought leftist nanny-statism was just leftists being a pain in the ass because they were malevolent douchebags who wanted to make others miserable. The truth is, their amygdalae are so sensitive that what they are doing is, from their perspective, perfectly reasonable.

As an example, imagine if every time you drove by somebody’s house, that somebody stopped your car, hit you in the head, and poured Ipecac down your throat so you would have to throw up, just because you support Trump. We’d feel unfairly targeted, and we’d expect the government to do something about that, if we didn’t decide to deal with it ourselves. Why? That type of situation would produce a certain amount of amygdala activation in us, and we would want it dealt with by some means.

Now picture yourself an insane neurotic, so triggered by innocuous stimuli that you can actually have a stroke. The sight of the confederate flag freaks you out so much it takes fifteen minutes for the traumatic sensations to abate. All along, your amygdala is so overtaxed that you feel like a conservative would feel if they were being beaten.

It is the same thing, just the leftist’s triggerable threshold is far lower than the conservative’s, to a level most people would judge as insane. But from the leftist’s perspective, it is perfectly sane and reasonable, because to them the conservative must know what he is doing to them because the conservative must be just as triggerable. And yet the conservative continues to do it regardless.

Here, she expects that the guys who put up the Confederate flag will freak out when they see her Black Lives Matters flag, and they will do it to the same degree that she freaks out when she sees their Confederate flag. She can’t imagine being a person who cares so little and is triggered so little that they can respect the freedom of other people.

Notice that the only thing safeguarding individual freedom is the fact that the majority of the people have less triggerable amygdalae. Let a majority become uncontrollable neurotics like this woman, and the societal norm would shift toward no recognition of individual freedom. Every trigger anyone could possibly engage in as they live their lives, would be cause for legislative control the same as assault is today, and society would judge that just as reasonable as legislating against assault is seen today.

You wonder if leftists could be made aware of how little normal people care about these things and how normal people lack any understanding of the triggering implications for leftists. If they did come to grasp that, would they be more understanding, less reflexively hateful of their opposition, and more respectful of the freedoms of others?

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because we need less Nanny statism

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Anxiety, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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Eric S. Mueller
6 years ago

I appreciate your insights into the liberal mind. I live in the area and never notice the Confederate battle flag that’s mentioned. I have no concept of what it would be like to drive past the same object every single day for years and still require 15 minutes to calm the heck down.

Ringo McDingo
Ringo McDingo
6 years ago

“I always thought leftist nanny-statism was just leftists being a pain in the ass because they were malevolent douchebags who wanted to make others miserable.”

You were right. Don’t overthink it.

6 years ago

For every blm flag I see, I’m putting up 3 Confederate flags. I would take issue with the term “somebody stopped your car”, no you stopped your car for a crazy Trump hater. We have to stop getting gaslit by low-trust, low-IQ libshits. Our barely high-trust society is so used to giving them their way it even shows up in our modern language patterns. It’s understandable though, up until a few months ago I would make the same mistakes. As things get crazier remember, nobody ever stops your car, you do- don’t let mobs form around your car either, just floor it or reverse it. They can leave obstacles in the road though, so be observant and always carry. It’s also that way with freedom, nobody really takes freedom, people just let them, you are always free. Ignore the libshits.

M.S. Leavell
M.S. Leavell
6 years ago

“Susan Kosior says she now has to raise $20,000 to $25,000 to buy a flag and pole that match the size of the Confederate flag a few miles from her home.”

I recently visited the San Francisco Bay Area, saw a person in SF with a “Stop Trump! Donate Now!” sign, and a jar next to them filled with dollar bills. Given the political climate of the Bay Area, I bet I could afford the high cost of living if I did what this person was doing, for a few hours everyday! Almost makes me want to try it.

Reply to  M.S. Leavell
6 years ago

Do it. Drain the stupid rabbits.

6 years ago

You wonder if leftists could be made aware of how little normal people care about these things and how normal people lack any understanding of the triggering implications for leftists. If they did come to grasp that, would they be more understanding, less reflexively hateful of their opposition, and more respectful of the freedoms of others?

No, no they would not.
They would regard everyone else’s lack of concern for Leftist feeeelings as willful malice.

6 years ago

[…] Source link […]

Cecil Henry
6 years ago

Did you see this photo??? comment image

Beyond the virtue signalling, I think the implicit reasssurance here that there will be no ‘triggering’ events in this ‘church’ and that everybody thinks ‘the right things’ is very striking.

6 years ago

My amygdala flares quite readily at evidence of leftist leanings or activity. You might say the assault on our culture and destiny has me feeling triggered. I would also happily deny these people the ability to act out their (dys)civilizational revenge fantasies, if need be by totalitarian government action. Do the means make me a shrivelled-amygdala liberal type, psychologically speaking, even though the ends be rightist? My response is high-cortisol and bloody minded, not the ho hum of to each xir own.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Fucking idiot leftists are pro-democracy, until democracy tells them to fuck off. Then they get violent. Then their opponents get violent. Then they get helicopter rides or Uncle Hitler into power.

Reply to  04432133232423432
6 years ago

After Salvador Allende, the natural and logical next step was Pinochet…

I like to use this line on leftists. Expect fireworks.

6 years ago

Reading your book right now. Solid and really impressive.

In case you missed it, here’s some experimental proof to your theory:

“Therapists Pen Open Letter Blaming Trump For “National Mental Health Crisis”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Still reading, and still impressed. I had a concept of how liberals work, built upon observed behavior patterns, but it lacked a Grand Unifying Theory, and this is it. Every page reminds me of interactions with liberals that left me puzzled, and it all makes sense now.

A bit of criticism:

“As an example, within America, liberals are envious of “Big Business.” A K-strategist would open their own business, and seek to outcompete the existing business. The liberal, however, will attempt to demonize “Big Business” as morally evil, and unite the less successful against them, so as to destroy the business using the proxy of government to tax it or regulate it into submission.”

It could be argued that big business is also r, as it will leverage government via lobbying and corruption to vote laws which will crush smaller competitors (crony capitalism). A good example of this is rampant growth of standards and regulations, until they become so complex that only Big Business, with a Big Legal Department, can handle the complexity. This is readily apparent here (France), also the leaders of semi-public big businesses are often coopted from the ranks of politicos and their cronies. This results in an environment with a few big monopolies which are all complicit with each other, and little competition.

A recent example: the State came up with a Glorious Ten-Year Plan to bring fiber optics internet to everyone (with massive public spending, of course). Planners split up the territory between each player in the market according to their current market share (and presumably, the amount of bribes they were willing to pay, as usual).

Naturally, the most K player in the market invented a technology to do it at much lower cost than the others, filled up their quota real quick, then told the Glorious Planning Commitee: “get out of the way, we don’t need your subsidies, we’re gonna do the whole country, see who wins.” Right now they’re installing lines outside their allocated zones because they don’t give a damn, customers want to buy, so they sell!…

Now here’s the r: the other players ganged up with the Planning Commitee, of course the politicos in charge are afraid to lose their planning power to the free market, so they’re going to pass a law to prevent the most efficient player to expand!