The One We Left Behind – FBI Agent Robert Levinson

There are few things as shameful as this kind of disloyalty:

The families of four Americans detained for years in Iranian jails were celebrating today as the men were released from custody off the back of historic nuclear talks with the Middle Eastern state.

However, relatives of Robert Levinson have accused President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry of forgetting about him during their negotiations.

Mr Levinson, a former FBI agent turned private investigator, went missing on the Iranian island of Kish in March 2007 while collecting information on government corruption for the CIA.

A society led by K’s wouldn’t leave its own behind.

This poor guy was on a rogue mission for some off the reservation CIA analysts who were deploying assets without permission and then denied everything once he got grabbed up.

Some think he has passed away, but it wouldn’t matter. We lifted Iran’s sanctions, gave them $150 billion dollars on top of that, allowed them to police their own Nuke program, didn’t require them to even sign the agreement, gave them six prisoners back, gave them another $1.7 billion, let them drop our Navy guys to their knees and take over their ships, and yet our own FBI agent, who was working for the CIA, is still unaccounted for. You will never convince me that for all that we gave away, Trump wouldn’t have either gotten this agent’s remains in the deal, or more likely, brought him back alive shortly after he was taken. Adding him in would have cost the Iranians nothing – they could have blamed it on a militant group they had just uncovered.

Just about one year from now, we will have a new President. Whatever conservative takes over that office, the change in this nation will be beyond imagination.

Thank God for it.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

He’s a jew, let the israelis deal with that case. On top of that the whole thing with Iran was/is a problem of israel which they should have solved by themselves. So who is more r-selected/dishonorable/coward? The US administration or the jews, who have robbed the US blind or the US admin, who has fallen for every contra-productive ploy of the jews?