Trump Now Wants A Real Deal With Iran

Q said North Korea first, then Iran:

Basking in the afterglow of his apparently constructive meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump said that he’d soon like a “real deal” with the U.S.’ other long-time enemy Iran.

Speaking to reporters following a historic meeting with Kim, at which the regime’s leader signed an agreement that appeared to commit to the “complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” Trump said he hoped relations could also improve, in time, with Iran.

“I hope that, at the appropriate time, after the sanctions kick in — and they are brutal what we’ve put on Iran — I hope that they’re going to come back and negotiate a real deal because I’d love to be able to do that but right now it’s too soon to do that,” Trump said.

Interestingly, Iran is reaching out to North Korea, perhaps to see how Certain North Korea is that Cabal is truly dead:

The spokesman for the Iranian government is warning North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that President Donald Trump could nullify any nuclear deal with North Korea.

The semi-official Fars news agency quotes Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, as saying Tuesday: “We are facing a man who revokes his signature while abroad.”

I believe Q is actually close to reality. These states had deals with Cabal and needed to be forced away from their relationships with Cabal in order to remove Cabal’s ability to operate, and probably finance its networks.

What is interesting is Iran seems to not be able to figure out if Cabal is dead or not, and what its best move will be. Earlier Iran seemingly sent out a distress call/threat, seeking a Cabal response. And Trump seems to acknowledge this by indicating the only course forward is to let the sanctions hit Iran, and let Iran see the Cabal will not rescue it.

Cabal does not have an 800 number or customer service.

It appears to me the most interesting aspect of its structure, even necessary on contemplation. Whoever is at the top may have structured a conspiracy that is designed as semi-autonomous, driven by an almost religion-like belief system. Everywhere throughout it, individual cogs do not need direction or direct orders. Strzok knows when he serves Cabal’s interests, he will be rapidly promoted up the FBI’s ladder. McCabe will advance Cabal whenever the opportunity rises, even without a Cabal leader issuing direct orders, because then his wife will get hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions rained down on her, which she can funnel to whoever she wants, for whatever work she wants to use as a cover for delivering the money.

Undoubtedly large sums of money would be injected into the top of the conspiracy by the leadership, so they can funnel down. But once that money is injected, it flows to others based on everyone seeking to advance the interests of an entity they have never met, and never see. Officers recruit agents and deliver funds all to serve the interests of an almost god-like, ephemeral entity which they only know exists by the benefits which accrue to them when they do the right things.

I am beginning to think that is the purpose of the extensive surveillance in the system – it creates a simulation of God’s ever-presence. If you look around youtube, you will see thousands of videos of people videoing the people they see following them. That would indicate to me, it has no national security purpose. The Russians have to know about it and have begun using the videos to assemble files on the operators based on facial recognition. Which means whoever is running the network is burning the entire thing to all of our foreign enemies, all to follow around a motley crew of random civilians with zero operational significance. But they don’t care, which means it can’t be national security or counter-intelligence. And Law Enforcement can’t even confront criminals in the midst of crimes these days, let alone needlessly harass tens of thousands of innocent civilians for no reason whatsoever.

However, in the Cabal paradigm, if you are about to betray the “gods” of Cabal, that vast of an omniscient network means they will know, and a sufficient punishment can be laid upon you in the form which appears as random bad luck. From your perspective, if you are a Cabalite who doesn’t know what is watching you, it would appear as if your all-knowing god was angry and had punished you. And if you are effectively serving the gods of Cabal, those above you in the hierarchy will rain wealth down upon you, and it will be as if a god answered your prayers with random outlays of wealth and advancement. One day you are plying your average-quality trade on the street, a limo pulls up, and a world renown person hires you on the spot to do a job for them. Next thing you know newspapers are running your story, and all the doors open for you. (True story of someone Cabal-associated.)

In that model, I can see why nobody cares if the Russians have assembled a database of faces, or if meaningless citizens are put out by the intrusions. All that matters is the machine’s functionality in moving resources and power up the chain, while maintaining the cover which prevents any of the many cogs of the machine from becoming a threat by exposing the conspiracy.

Combined with some pseudo-religious ritual activity like Satanism, the religious aspect would offer a perfect cover for the conspiracy. An aspiring actor like Robert DeNiro attends a Satanic Spirit Cooking ritual, seeking to give him a successful film deal, surveillance is listening and puts it in the file, word travels back up to Cabal leaders when their operatives check the file, and suddenly he ends up cast as Travis Bickle. Even DeNiro would have no idea there was a global conspiracy. As far as he knows, Moloch granted his wish and made him a movie star, so in the future he should try to serve Moloch. Now multiply that up by millions. An entire religion, probably as ardently committed as Christians, and entirely unaware that all of their service is done in service to flesh and blood men at the top.

Whoever the leaders are, they would have God-like status, as well as complete operational security of a vast network whose individual members thought it was a cult or religion, and whose entire paranormal aspects actually tracked back to a very real, very earthly mechanism.

I don’t know if that is the mechanism. We are all still looking through a glass darkly. But in a world of very weird possibilities, it may be the least weird explanation that jibes with the facts. And it may explain why Iran seems to be floundering around, trying to figure out whether it is in their interests to deal with the most powerful man on Earth, or whether a more powerful entity may yet pop up which can rescue them from his wrath.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because a different age approaches.

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5 years ago

The cabal members want to live forever and transcend time and death. Who does that sound like? They want to know everything. Who does that sound like? They want ultimate control. Who does that sound like? They want to be everywhere. Who does that sound like?
Omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, omnitemporal. The Cabal leader wants to, literally, be god on Earth, but a tin god, a lower case “G” god. Transhumanism through technology is their future-religion.
Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

5 years ago

There’s an explanation of the rings of the Illuminati that someone, probably Edward G Griffin, laid out, where each ring thought they were the highest ring, all the way up to the top few people.
That seems to mesh with what you’re detailing

John Morris
5 years ago

You are missing the big picture. Satanism isn’t the cover story, it IS the story. You just explained it. Serve Him and be rewarded with large loot drops and temporal authority. Not in the next life, here, now. Jesus rewards His followers later, with perhaps an answered prayer at random. Satan offers a fast track to real wealth and power in the here and now and people are lining up to buy in.

As an Agnostic I am not sure if there is a real Satan at the top of the Cabal org chart but it really doesn’t matter. They believe and act on the belief. In exactly the same way it isn’t required to believe in Allah to observe that Muslims do believe and act upon that belief. And as both are seeing tangible results in the real world, persuading them they are following a false god is going to be very difficult to impossible until they are beaten. Only then, when their beliefs aren’t producing visible results, can an attempt to turn some of them be made.

Reply to  John Morris
5 years ago

Turning their rock into vapor would be the very swift end of them, that whole religion is based on the rock, it’s a cultural thing.

Some Guy
Some Guy
5 years ago

I know you wouldn’t believe it, but the ones at the top are fallen angels. They are immortal and have been doing this for thousands of years. They are working behind all of this and the reason there appears to be a religious component is because there is one. Only they make up the upper echelons.

Reply to  Some Guy
5 years ago

Did you watch Hex? It was awful but basically. Nephilim wants to usher in Apocalypse.

5 years ago

“a sufficient punishment can be laid upon you in the form which appears as random bad luck” After Tesla’s lab fire, I wondered why there wouldn’t be anything valuable left after. He couldn’t have found anything, meaning it was all robbed first and THAT is why he was so upset and opposed to WW2. Good excuse to disappear the latest in wave technology when most people took weeks to gain letters. And pinch surveillance equipment, later used on him. Marconi agreed to let them use radio, that’s why he had the patent while Tesla was alive. Edison wired JP Morgan’s library then suddenly Morgan drops Tesla and he’s forever ruined, dying in poverty. One of the most famous brilliant men of the past 1000 years. Cut down. No shortage of ideas, no willing investors?..
They’re dumb enough to believe the goat face thing isn’t actually Satan.
BTW, hope you read neonrevolt. He posts about Q.
Have you read the comic From Hell? It’s about a similar conspiracy. Read a summary online. They conflate mystic Christianity, edgy angst teen Satanism and ancient goddess paganism into one blobby mess. It’s sad. Sorry if I bore you but I’m trying to throw in my own puzzle pieces to see if they help. Crowley and that Madam B woman plain made up plenty of religious garbage, she admitted it. Totally made up.
Transhumanism, as another points out, does have a dehumanizing motive but also a choice, very Satanic.”Do what thou wilt.” Robots have no spiritual connection or conscience and Bruce Charlton (blogger) theorised the hidden enemies he can’t place (I wonder who) want to cut the cord, connecting humans with our spiritual self. That is the end game. No salvation for anybody. Makes most sense I’ve seen so far, unsure how it works.