Trump To Pardon Jack Johnson

Interesting this never happened before:

President Donald Trump is considering a full, posthumous pardon for Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight boxing champion, who was convicted of racially tinged federal morals charges more than a century ago.

“ Sylvester Stallone called me with the story of heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson,” Trump said Saturday on Twitter. “His trials and tribulations were great, his life complex and controversial. Others have looked at this over the years, most thought it would be done, but yes, I am considering a Full Pardon!”

Given it is such low-hanging political fruit, you wonder why it never happened, and whether Johnson was being shunned by the machine and that was related to his death. Back then, sabotaging a car would have been a CIA-tier assassination method. And if the machine has it in for you, ending up in a hospital, incapacitated and alone, is practically a death sentence. As Randy Quaid said, how many of your close friends die in tragic accidents like celebrities do? And Johnson was, to put it mildly, an independent thinker and not a Cabal Inc. approved drone.

Now if Trump could show the Cabal was active back in the late forties when Jackson died, and it was responsible for Johnson’s legal woes and his murder, it would go a long way to convincing blacks that the Democrats are their enemies, that the Cabal needed to die, and that Trump is a hero for doing it all. It might not be going that way, but it won’t surprise me if it does.

Along those lines, a Freeper brought up the similarities between Don Young, the mysterious murder of the gay Choir director Obama reportedly had an affair with, and Seth Rich, which brings to mind the other gays who suddenly died when Obama began his ascent.

If you think about it, if Donald discloses all the members of every voter group who have had their tickets punched over the last decades by the Cabal’s extermination wing, he might just reunite the country exactly the way Q is saying he will.

The Cabal is everybody’s enemy, so if the enemy of your enemy is your friend, it could be an immense unifying force in the nation.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because clearly drawn battle lines are not a bad thing

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5 years ago

“The Cabal is everybody’s enemy, so if the enemy of your enemy is your friend, it could be an immense unifying force in the nation.”

Maybe the entire world. Q recently said in a drop that a storm is worldwide effort. I gave link to twitter user name Thomas Wictor, who talk about Saudi and their allies creating top of line commando for the wars in the Middle East. Its noted that Saudi have a lot of advance tech developed in the a past decade via alliance with Israel.

The reason I bring this up is Trump is getting help in taking down the Cabal with additional help GCC with their tech and commandos. It would make sense that Q’s comms can also be sending messages to allies outside of US military to fuck things up for cabal as those deranged fucks what the entire human race under their thumb. MbS has cleaned house in House of Saud and removed massive source of funds for the Cabal. It also noted that lot reforms are going on in Saudi Arabia, unreported by the MSM that show the country becoming more in align with classic Western World. Its seem to be a long term plan to change the country and taking down the Cabal is part of it.

It seem like good men had enough of the evil and decide fight back.