Trump Was Right, Arabs in Jersey Cheered 9/11 Attacks

In support of the big guy, a flashback to just after 9/11, courtesy of the commie shitbags at the Washington Post:

The FBI investigation into the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon has led agents back to a familiar area: northern New Jersey.

It was there, in Jersey City, just across the Hudson River from Manhattan, that a Muslim cell plotted the 1993 bombing of the twin towers and sought to destroy other New York landmarks as part of an urban guerrilla war against the United States.

It is believed that 13 of those detained by federal authorities for questioning in its probe into the worst terrorist act in U.S. history are from northeastern New Jersey, some from the same Journal Square area where suspects in the 1993 bombing lived…

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.

And a little video too:

Clearly Trump was right, again, and the media is lying. The difference that unlike with an establishment Republican, this time Trump won’t back down, his spine won’t melt, and he will gain ten points in the polls due to in-grouping. As Trump lays down this gauntlet, he creates a catch-22 for his opposition. Either they side with him, and America, or they openly side with the enemies of the entire country openly. There is no other choice. Rabbit brains will melt down, and a lot of fence sitters will feel ancient neural circuits come online, and drive them to side with the nation and Trump.

We are fortunate to have a K-selected candidate right on top of the pile, as K-selection approaches.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

That “peaceful” imam, in charge of the “peaceful” mosque, is practicing taquiya with his “Islam is about peace and against hate” lie. He’s only biding his time. If America had strict gun control, he wouldn’t be saying such things. If he’s praying for peace, it’s the “peace” imposed by a caliphate. If he had a congregation of 15 or 20, and they were being harassed by the so called radicals, then I might start to believe him.

By the way, we have to stop calling the more murderous followers of Islam, radicals. The definition of radical is, “a person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims.” The violent muslims are not trying to reform or change anything about Islam, as it is preached by the (false) Prophet, himself. They are fundamentalists.

8 years ago

I am VERY glad Trump is doing this, not only for the way it will entrap his adversaries, but he is clearly signaling to the rest of us that “rooftop parties and a generally festive atmosphere speaks to a problem with Islam IN GENERAL, moderates included.”

8 years ago

This is going to be like the murder rate, with CNN cheerfully calling Trump a liar because Blacks only commit 90% of white homicides.

We’re now going to see footage of massive crowds of Muslims cheering the deaths of Americans on the mainstream and through all the blogs, and then some idiot rabbit gleefully cackling that those crowds are NOT in Jersey City so the fact that they’re all chanting Death to America doesn’t count, or that the one in Jersey City was not as large as Trump claims.

And then a week later they’ll be telling us the 10 point jump is the final final Trump ceiling.

What a genius.

James Jones
James Jones
8 years ago

I think you have these people confused with the Israeli’s who had their cameras set up BEFORE the first plane hit the tower. They were seen high-fivin etc. Oh, and you might want to check out Jewish owned Odigo, who said thousands of Jews were warned not to go near the towers HOURS before the 9/11 attacks. Stop trying to defend the real perpetrators, TRAITOR!

Reply to  James Jones
8 years ago

Find a neural connection to reading comprehension. This post is not about the attack or who was responsible: it is about the truth of Donald Trumps statement that thousands of Arabs in Jersey cheered the event. This truth was covered up by lies from our government and the media. Trump slapping the bitches in their lying faces is a joy to behold. As noted: this K-behavior inspires it in others; it will trigger many of the rabbits to seek safety with those they know who are becoming K. A cascade event in mass psychology could be around the corner…

James Jones
James Jones
8 years ago

P.S. Trump is just another jew puppet, like the ENTIRE Western political sphere.

8 years ago

Shoot, Mexicans in Vista, CA were out celebrating the 9/11 attacks. Right after that the Chicken and Worm flag was flying all over the place.

8 years ago

The people arrested for celebrating were Israelis