Twitter Brief – 01/04/2021

WordPress fails to render these tweets right on the front page of the blog, so click the headline above to look at this post’s dedicated page, and all these tweets should render correctly, complete with videos and pictures.

No Q.

Headline Brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

I include President Trump’s whole twitter feed for obvious reasons, I include Don Jr’s because he is probably/hopefully the next President, but I have never included anyone else’s feed. However today I include Lin Wood’s, as he is going into the child rape and blackmail stuff, and it is wild, and his info even includes gangstalking of an activist who gathered evidence of it, and the fact Issac Kappy was killed because he tried to get hacked videos of child murders by powerful US leaders to President Trump. Then there is one of the experts helping uncover voter fraud who just got five shots through a window. Twitter feeds go from most recent down to oldest, so scroll down until you see either a weather forecasting picture of a storm, or a picture of President Trump right below it, and then begin scrolling up to see the tweets in order. WOW. Just in case, Archive is here.

Patrick Byrne goes in as well, as he seems to imply they grabbed state-specific ballots out of some boileroom in a different state, they tested them, and they were authentic ballots in numbers beyond the authentic ballots ordered and delivered to the specific state. Meaning one, the Printer printed extra state-specific ballots for some other non-state entity and delivered them to the boileroom to be filled out fraudulently by volunteers, and he had people in that boileroom who grabbed some of the ballots, so they could be tested for authenticity. Also, that company, and a couple of other companies linked by familial relations printed the ballots for the swing states, implying the printing companies (and family which owned them) were in the network, and network assets in the states made sure they got the printing contracts so all of this could happen. Also, in Georgia, apparently they got some of the shredded ballots before they were shredded, and when tested they were not authentic, so the scale of Trump’s win must have made them head off to a xerox machine at the last minute to get even more ballots. I have criticized Byrne’s story before with Maria Butina, as either a sign he was very naive to espionage/surveillance sophistication, or it wasn’t the full story. One model I thought of recently, which might fit the evidence, would be if somebody like Q was running him as an agent, and sent him in to the FBI to pose as naive citizen, and let FBI play him (as he tried to feign acting sophisticated and aggressive while letting FBI beat him and feel in control), but in the process he would document all of the shitbaggery like Hillary bribes/blackmail and the Butina story. That might fit. Regardless, his feed was interesting, and he seems to be on the right side now.

Spread r/K Theory, because we’re not going to take it.

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