Twitter Briefs – 08/15/2020

No Q.

Headline brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Spread r/K Theory, because his God-damned name was all over those documents.

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3 years ago

Spygate conspiracy theory is now conspiracy fact.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“My wife and I went to dinner in Venice (by the Santa Monica border) and this is what CA’s become. People in nice homes live right on the other side of the street.”

If you look at the tweet further down you see where the city is destroying any hope by making it illegal to live in campers. There were places that people could park but they keep making them illegal. People have to live somewhere and with the Jew FED destroying all work, taxing people to death and regulating people into poverty wouldn’t it be better to have them in campers in say a designated spot than on the streets??? They want you TOTALLY dependent on their services. If you can live in a camper and get a little work you can get by without them. Can’t have that.

There’s all these Democrats complaining about the homeless and blaming it on Republicans and all the regular normal people but whenever the homeless find a way to get shelter over their heads they attack them, make whatever accommodations they can come up with illegal, take away their vans, Motor homes and self built homes. They won’t do a damn thing to solve the problem on purpose. There are numerous people who lived way out in the desert in California but were in LA county. The damn regulators came out and harassed the hell out of these people. There was a movie about it. Making some tear their houses down for “violations”. We’re talking people who live where the nearest neighbor is 5 miles away. The “regulators” are a blight on the community and they only regulate those that are trying to do the right thing. Adam Corolla raised hell about this. He was in construction and to build a pool muti-multi-thousands of dollars of permits and studies had to be done but some guy could illegally set up a taco stand off the highway and they would do nothing.

I’ve posted the numbers here before. I took the amount of money spent on the homeless in Seattle and then used the HIGHEST construction cost available and found that for a few years of what they spend they could build apartments for every single homeless person. They would be small but they could have a shower small kitchen and loft bed with 500 sq. ft. or so. Maybe a little larger controlling construction cost. With good security for the ones that follow the rules we could get the large majority of people off the streets at least causing a lot less problems for all the average citizens. Now I’m fully aware that some people are so fucked up you can’t do anything with them but the numbers are much smaller than they make out. The really fucked up also do not always stay that way. They go through bad times and then straighten up a little.They don’t want you to know this. They WANT expanding poverty and strife so they can “manage” it all the while blaming you for your heartlessness as they waste ever dime they are given and solve nothing.

Good article. And I don’t believe that all people who live in vans or campers are drug addled criminals. I bet most are not.

Here’s a link to where I equated the cost that we have spent in the Afghan war for the Jews. For the same amount of money we could have NO HOMELESS at all. None. Every single homeless person could have an apartment.