Twitter Briefs – 10/16/2020

Q-anon’s posts are here.

Headline Brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Weak Amygdala:

This guy tweeted this at Eric, but I don’t know the validity, and Eric hasn’t gotten back to him, but it is interesting is registered in Panama:

Notice how unnatural this is – it doesn’t happen on our side because there is no conspiracy which profits from freedom of Americans:

I think somebody is doing this, I don’t think it is entirely the reversal of sexual dimorphism in r/K, though that may enhance the effect. I don’t know how, maybe drugs in food, maybe some sort of hypnotic programming some are susceptible to in media, or maybe a side effect of some medication they introduced and promoted, like antidepressants. But I think somewhere, there is a memo ordering whatever it is that was done to many of these people, maybe just as an experiment:

Spread r/K Theory, because we are only 5% into the first October Surprise.

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3 years ago

I think somebody is doing this, I don’t think it is entirely the reversal of sexual dimorphism in r/K, though that may enhance the effect.

I think it’s all social and definition based. An analogy I’ve used here before is that I wore pink shirts in high school sometimes. I thought I looked good in pink, and it was a way to defy and challenge traditions (while also pointing out that men used to wear pink all the time.) I was a guy wearing a pink shirt, and that’s it.

Now, boys are told that if you wear a pink shirt, that doesn’t make you a guy in a pink shirt, that makes you someone who has now, in a small part, actually become a woman. Now you are a guy except when you wear pink shirts, and then you are 95% guy and 5% woman. Now you’re “genderfluid” because you like pink shirts. Girls are told that if they like sports, or like to wear men’s style flannel shirts, they are actually men with vaginas. Girls can’t be tomboys anymore — they just have to decide to be boys.

Prince would be considered transgender today. It’s just ridiculous definition changing.

3 years ago

The rise in homosexuality in Gen Z in the USA is due to processed food reducing testosterone, Progressive Left singularity, sedentary technological lifestyles, imperial decline phase, racial demographic change, etc.