Twitter Briefs – 11/06/2020

No Q.

Twitter Brief is here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title. You can also click the link above, if it fails to auto-load, which it strangely seems to be doing today):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

This is what happens when you have to produce 200,000 ballots with the Biden circle filled in, in the next hour, and you can’t afford to take the time to fill out seven or eight other circles per ballot:

These net two pictures shows a ballot counter in Atlanta got a special shipment from a shipping carrier which only accepts packages for shipment in China, so the Chinese are shipping in ballots:

I told you, they are thick throughout the Post Office because the Post Office is how you send a message you don’t want picked up and eavesdropped on by the Elint net, they know it can be a rich vein of intel to mine:

This next one makes me wonder abut sandboxing. When you are under, and surrounded with your social and business circles permeated, and you see (((Them))) everywhere, you realize how reality can be altered, and made to look like something entirely different from the underlying truth. I’ve long wondered if there might be a second version of this site, filled with schizo rantings (or perhaps more accurately, even more schizo rantings), which potentially new readers are served if they stumble on a link to here online. Maybe I write all this, but the world sees something entirely different, and as a result I am fairly well neutralized, wasting my time screaming into a void. Maybe only a few of you, who did something unexpected, got the real page by chance once, and then had to be put in a program to get the real site. A commenter actually showed up here once, saying he had a website he had put together about controversial stuff, and it never got traffic, and eventually he left it dormant, though the domain and hosting kept getting charged each year. Years later he logged on to it with a new computer out of the blue from a differnet IP, as if he was a rando on the internet, and he was served a schizo version of his site, which made no sense. He thought a hacker must have taken over his site and rewritten it to look crazy for laughs. But reading this site, he wondered.

On this next three tweet thread, did this guy and his family ever get registered? Or was he surrounded, and actors who worked for (((them))),  took his registration at the polling place (because (((they))) seek out such useful positions), but they never actually registered him, and each year (((their))) assets who manned his voting facility let him vote, but (((they))) shunted him over to the fake voting machines, that were designed to simply look as if they accepted his vote, without passing it into the system? Your immediate impulse is to think his (and his entire family’s) data was erased after he voted. But I have said, this thing is bigger than you would believe. And if it is that big, (((their))) assets at the polling place, knowing he was a target, and faking a registration and shunting him to the fake voting machines, might be the most logical answer. They just never counted on him looking up his own data online to check if he had voted. I would bet, if he went to vote next year, he would have been taken right in with no problems, given a ballot, and the right machine would have opened up at exactly the right moment. Also, interestingly, if so, this would be another case of familial targeting, as if there may be a genetic or familial reason behind the targeting. Once you realize the world is permeated by intel, and intel loves to gaslight, things can get real weird and real confusing real fast:

In case you wonder about this next one, Adam did not expand on what federal agents had told him was going to happen. But the interesting part was Federal Agents knew this was coming, and told him what to expect more broadly from this phase, which is presumably a part of something bigger they described:

Spread r/K Theory, because these people are stupid.

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3 years ago

I’m one of those who put together a blog writing controversial truths you speak of. I also am a commenter who recognized years ago how the comment trolls and especially the agent provocateurs worked together to tag team undesirable bad think and disrupted constructive comment dialog,. In my understanding of their tactics and operational style of psy-ops, I had the tools to bait them/trigger and call them out publicly, they all had an institutional tell, of doctrinaire writing style, key phrase, words, subliminal wording, like they worked from an operational template, handbook, it became very obvious after grokking their methods and of course motives where organized and structured from marxian like theory of sowing low level order out of sowing chaos to create a much larger order out of all the bits of chaos.
At that point they began to follow me around the alt-blog-sphere, it was a war of the minds, surprisingly a number of occasions I hit some serious sore spots, and figured out particular subjects that really made them get angry and fly into rages, one two of the most prominent where telling them how they and their fellow ilk “infested” every branch of our system of government, to the point they sacrificed their anonymous identities as agent provocateurs to insert that accusation into totally unrelated comment dialog, apparently being so desperate to find an excuse to go after me for exposing them so critically, the display of anger and impudence was most revealing.
Another tactic they employed, after having a war with them on a supposed ex military tactical “experts” blog that was obviously a cover for drawing in the unawares and keeping tabs on the enemy, (this was a stage up from their comment trolling ops, as it was easily recognizable from personal styles of commenting, those running this tactical blog operation where, still are, prior comment trolls, (certain personal writing tells are very hard to disguise), was a comment post I made regarding Gary North’s awesome works involving his outlier theories of what he called Conspiracy in Philadelphia, particularly in an earlier works North how scripture had been removed as a verification of trustworthiness and suitability of candidates to hold positions of high public trust, it was his essay called Political Polytheism. On dirt people blog, a post about what is Unalienable Law verses Inalienable law, based on the great ‘What Are Unalienable Rights?’ piece by Russell D. Longcore, Owner and Editor, I think this was the last straw to the WP insects and they disappeared in entirety 2 years of dirt people blog. Of course no warning, only a email I had violated their community standards. This came during a minor purge of a few other alt-blogsphere sites, Chateau Heartise was deleted next day. I believe we where getting to close to inconvenient uncomfortable truths that had long been subjects very important to dumbing good folks down and denying them their amazing Christian Western Greco/Roman cultural history. Not long after Gab came under serious assault.
But the Conspiracy in Philadelphia and Political Polytheism commentary, did this ever drive them into a rage, like never before, they came out of the internet woodwork like high tech cockroaches to try and tag team me and attack me in a most vile ad-hominem fashion, after that they went into an aggressive mode where they where provided access by the Word Press insects of my WP comment avatar, writing comments and commentary using my comment identity, mtnforge and mtntoppatriot. I actually watched them in real time post comments under my comment alias on 2 occasions as I was reading everyones comments on posts at Bill Buppert’s excellent ZeroGov blog. They did the same on WRSA, and I heard a few other blogs and times.

On my WP blog, dirt people, I witnessed how they shadow banned dirt people, corrupted every link but two, even went into my posts and changed or deleted bad think, sometimes deleting entire posts along with the alt-agitprop art I had been creating for years and main reason for starting dirt people.
( I right away recognized the inherent political and cultural power agitprop was from my studying the Bolsheviks efforts during Lenin’s reign of terror, in particular their iconic art style of the period along with the trains they employed across Russia as moving political print shops, in particular the genocide period of the Kulaks, and the uncanny similarities underway of the neo-bolshevik genocide of present today of our Christian Greco Roman culture and race here in our great civilization and republic. How culture is upstream of all politics as my Hero Andrew Breitbart stated)

Though I have no proof other than employing my intelligence and experience how they have been censoring subverting and radicalizing the alt-media I believe since around 2006, when they began organized psy-ops in the alt-media web, its existence is undeniable.

This all goes back to before the messiah usurper was installed in 2008.
I had discovered comment threads, and it hit me instantly like one of those moments of great inspiration, that commentariat features on news and other info websites, especially the advent of blogs, was absolutely revolutionary, it would lead to defining everything political and social/cultural, it’s power as a conduit of the truth was a threat existential to the human extinction movement, the greatest threat aside from the existence of personal and ordered liberty there was. Even more so than our Rifles, though its the inextricably intertwined relationship between our Rifles, unfettered economic activity, ordered liberty and free thought free speech, that is the actual threat, something extremely difficult to subvert, undermine, and destroy.
All, Not unlike the great pamphlet war of psy-ops run by the Patriots of the pre violent stage of 1st war of secession from tyranny and The State in the Colonial Era.

Somehow my comments early on attracted the attention of a few blog owners and I was invited to write on their platforms unfettered or restricted. I was-am a firebrand, never letting myself take council from my fears, and in those early days to be such was scandalous, unpalatable truths to normal dirt people, long deprived of their essential manifest history codes values, and most of all Time Honored Traditions. Long programmed. Its interesting to note, one piece of alt-agitprop that was effective is a photo of an old black and white TV, in a dark living-room, having only snow on its screen, with the words, “Why Do You Think They Call It TV Programming?” I was learning how to effect Hearts & Minds in positive anti-fragile, open source grass roots ways.

Very soon after this I was contacted by a gentleman who was starting up an online alt-media newspaper, The Post&Email. It is a long sordid story. The highlights are a precursor to other journalists being spied upon by those dark forces operating in the fringes of the shadows, as you so well coined.
Via due diligence I wrote using verifiable historical history and reference, adding my personal conjecture, I was very clear and honest about my thoughts and observations/insights. My editor and the owner of TP&E was an english professor, and because I had only a 7th grade formal education he most graciously and patiently mentored and coached me in grammar and other aspects of writing accurately. It was and is still a remarkable gift this man gave me.

To make this overly long screed short as possible here are some highlights which I personally was subjected to, beginning the afternoon of January 12th, at 2:01 pm 2008 onwards.

At the TP&E, in late 2007 we employed a WP editorial platform for the newspaper. It was a secured system with only password and other identifier access.
Soon after adopting this editing platform we experienced a steady stream of failty features from losing everything sometimes daily, to any number of annoying and disruptive faults. In early 2008 we dumped the WP system for a custom made one, and also we changed servers a number of times as each came under various denial of service attocks, or we where musteriously without cerimony dumped by a server. After having to go outside the US for a server because we had been told by some that their server license’s from the FCC and other fed agency permissions threatened with loss thereof if they accepted us a customers.
We soon discovered 3 of our other citizen journalists where government agent provocateurs.
I came under scrutiny by 2 State Police departments as a known violent white supremacist and skin head/nazi-domestic enemy listee.
I received on my personal email, which showed up without a sender adressee, or any other email sender identifier, a file, in html format, what appeared to be a photo record of an Isreali Mossad file on Malcolm X, in which was highlighted evidence Malcolm X is Obama’s blood father, the LeeAnn Dunham was his true blood mother, that in 1958 for two weeks at a Hawaiian Hotel. the one coincidently Obama frequented as president, Castro, Che, John Marshal Davis, both senior Dunham’s, X and a couple of his trusted musloid associates met and made various plans for the near future. many details I do not recall now. I was not given more than a few minutes total time to quickly browse the email, when it just vanished from my email as I was reading it. No trace existed of it.
The really interesting thing here, was I had emailed in a long discussion about my various projects I had under construction with my editor, about the remarkable similarity in physical features X and barry shared, and how in my research prior, was it possible given the people and events of that period X could be barry’s dad? My editor suggested that was such a hot potatoe maybe I should hold off and do every due diligence before submitting it for his editing. Rightfully so, but nothing I was going to neglect as it just had that unmistakable gut sense of the truth, and my grandad who raised me always told me to pay attention to your gut son, as it could be your subconscious trying to tell you something.

3 days later, I received the entire East Anglia University pdf document dump regarding Proff. Mann’s Philly Univ. atmospheric data file from start to that date I received it. Again, no email identifiers, even down in the meta data, it was almost blank, just a simple pdf file. This mysterious email from I know who not, didn’t up and go poof, I still have it on a corrupted hard drive, which is part of this tale also.
I told no one of this email this time, and spent two solid weeks almost nonstop studying the raw data, and referencing the whole globullshit hockey stick scam/racketeering operation Mann and his green nazi compatriots where creating out of whole cloth, again, recieving this email after discussing the scientific fraud globullshit colding is and how I had amassed a number of works from various real scientists and physicists who had produced works and papers, all in solidarity that not only was CO2 not a contributor to an increase in average global temps, but a after effect of natural cyclic changes in Earths weather patterns over millennia, but at our present time, we actually suffered one of the lowest percentages of atmospheric free CO2 ever recorded, which they also surmised was barely enough CO2 to sustein the life cycle of plant to animal life in our present ecological epoch, that this actually inhibited the amount of food we could grow for the human race, and that just a 1.0% percent increase in atmospheric CO2 would more than double the output of farming. Never mind their notes and emails between the Mann conspiracy of global warming, how they where to go after “the Deniers”, who would divvy up the vast lucre of federal money spoils, who they targeted for personal and professional assassination, their planned body of propaganda, the whole kitten kaboodle global warming is an enormous con and money laundering operation.
My editor was blown off his seat when I sent it in. He published it almost without changes verbatim.

This is where the fun really started. It became impossible to publish the newspaper, we went whole weeks for months unable to get it on the internet, and keep it there. The editor brought in a university colleague who was a master at hacking attacks. He discovered immediately, my laptop was the source of our internal hacking and disruption, among a whole raft of hacks all of us where experiencing, everything originating thru my computer. His advice was to have the FBI investigate due to the scope and scale of computer crimes we where the object of.

This revelation suddenly glued a whole bunch of seeming unconnected things I personally experienced. I live up an 8 mile 300ft high one lane goat path in WV. A road from nowheres to nowheres. As rural a location as can be found east of the Mississippi. Why had there been obvious fed gov unmarked vehicles frequenting our immediate surrounds of our property? Why was there vehicles in a neighbors driveway, a house we keep watch of for its owner who lived in Virgina, and why was their video cameras on tripods pointing towards our property, why on two occasions, upon coming home after our whole family was off the mountain, signs of people where plain to see had been in our home, things moved, muddy foot prints, one door left unlatched I had checked was secure when leaving, and the instant sense people had been in our house while we where away.
Our neighbor confirmed these entries with his own accounts of similar tells of mysterious intrusions.

After a week of the FBI becoming involved in our case, they called for two phone conferences within 3 days. the first was my editor, another fellow citizen journalist, the sen VP of HughesNet Operations in Texas, ( my satellite internet provider since their inception of providing private satellite access service), the Hacking specialist my editor hired, and both FBI SA on our case. I think this was about may of 2008, might be later summer, my memory is loosing clarity of some details of time and date, lots gone on in this time since as you well know. The first conference chat was mostly a question and answer/verification secession. The second conference was called with only myself, my editor, and the HughesNet Sen VP of operations. The SA’s wasted no time, they informed us they where called off our case from powers far above them, and best of luck. As the agents signed off, one of them suddenly suggested we stay on the line, say nothing for a few moments, then the remaining SA told us what they had discovered, we never heard any of it from him, and he was telling us their findings because it was very important we knew the facts and evidence. Briefly he told the HughesNet VP her IT department was totally infested with trolls and spiues, his words, the VP all but pulled a gun and began shooting she was so furious, told me the hacker got into and hacked thru a desk top app of an American Flag flowing against the wind in a stunning sjy, which my wife installed upon receiving it from an email she had got.
Told us how our WP, then subsequent platforms for The P&E was totally compromised, the hackers owned us soup to nuts, and yes every server, in real time as soon as we asked to be a client of, was contacted by said same hackers and threatened/extorted to deny us service. Those are the main highlights, there’s a raft of other evidence we where told of. But the icing on the cake, and what was saved last for us was the IP of the hackers, and the date/time they began in on myself and TP&E, the hackers IP was the executive wing of the Whitehouse complex, the hack was establish at 2:08 pm the day the messiah/usurper was sworn in.

It would take pages to list and describe everything I have experienced since this date. Two notable events was a white Chevy US .Gov van, with ,gov plates and reservation bumper tags, pulls into my front yard on an afternoon in 2012, two large size buck ghetto-rats proceed to exit the van, the driver remaining in his seat, and begin to walk around my house, looking in windows, vehicles, testing doors, I caught sight of these actors as they first pulled in, immediately gearing up with weapons, and observed their actions for the most advantageous moment when I could confront them to my tactical advantage, which I did successfully and non violently persuaded them their most healthful choice was to get back in their vehicle and do not come back. And if they did they better bring tanks, every tank they got cause they will need them, and that regardless, only the trees in the forest would know where their bones lie.

So many instances its beyond number, I find evidence and signs I am under surveillance. Both in meat space and virtual space.

The only platform I have been able to comment on since around 2014-15 is a WP based blog or website. No matter what is tried by myself or site owners, no luck. Even on WP, no matter what is done to stop it, my comments always end up going to their spam folder, or disappeared entirely.

2 months ago, another van, this one a former extended stretch passenger window van, a mid 2000’s Ford superduty diesel, stopped in the mouth on my driveway for a spell, within was nine large, definitely angry and violent appearing large buck ghetto-rats.

I’ve noticed since President Trump has been our president, the comment troll and agent provocateur activity has been reduced or totally absent across the alt-media/blog-sphere, though the gamma’s, concern trolls, karens and sjw’s, and other convergence actors has increased somewhat, might be some of that is self anointed subversion and disruption, more or less voluntary verses part of an active organized psy-ops as I’ve mentioned above, though ideology and indoctrinated brains are responsible, so in effect it matters not except it just indicates how many and of what flavor our enemy comes in.

I’ve not had much opportunities to express and share this brief expose of my experiences with our enemy, in part because it happened long before most even gave a first think such things are reality for a long time in our great country, mostly I suspect because most don’t give a shit or care about such things, or are not and may never be able to accept or disseminate the truth of things out there so dangerous to us all, or simply don’t have the mental and thought skills or capacity to see these truths as anything but conspiracy theory and folks like us as certifiable dangerous wing nuts at best.
Whiles all along lifetimes, generations of programming indoctrination and brainwashing our centers of learning have been co-opted into functioning as, let alone the historical revisionists and yellow Rhodes/Pulitzer 5th column media complex efforts to subvert undermine and destroy, violate our good folks codes, culture, and hard won long learned Time Honored Traditions.

And by the way, maybe I was fated somehow to what the Fabian’s are doing. A notion and seeming more and more plausible theory as time passes and I connect dots and discover connections. Much is intuitive, I think I have the kind of mind that sees connections in ways many don’t know they have or the capacity for. Like I said, its deeply personal this gut sense and radar, but its never failed me and has proved out true so many times its become an accepted sense.
I lived for a time, being raised by my totally patriotic great depression era grandparents, being saved from a fate as a child sex abuse victim by Fabian descended pedo=elites, up in NH, where I lived and played as a child next to Little and Big Mount Deception, upon Deception Brook, within a couple miles of Brettonwoods and the Mount Washington Hotel, where two of the Brettonwoods globo=pedo conferences where held, lived in a place called Fabian.

There are rumors which tell of a story that children who are victims, sometimes entire families, are kept track of in a ledger system, where those watching such pedo/victim activity check in periodically, and upon the right kinds of circumstances, from this body of sexual taboo victims and their violators are selected suitable candidates who can be brought into the fold of globo=pedo and their pedo=elite faction here in the US.

Many things here I suspect you can infer many things, maybe even give credence to or substantiates your own insights and experiences.
I hope this is the case.

Everything is connected in pedo=elite world. Everything.
There exists no unrelated, spontaneous, isolated, innocuous, innocent, unconnected, impossible events. They infest so much of our society and governments, serendipity has become a poor abused step child of the see-eye-ay’s conspiracy of conspiracy theory.
We are living thru an age of imposition of Totalitarianisms great instrument of coercion, the weaponization of fear, to control all who can be controlled, all who come to the ideological farces of the ism’s, where by all who are left can them be killed off piecemeal, in other-words, communisms purpose is to kill all who do not come to its call, in living color, right before our un-lying eyes.

I believe with all my heart and mind they will fail, this enemies institutional order will fail, is failing, that it is the dirt people, who ever and always and no others, who effect positive change in this world, that it is our great calling, that we Men of The West are the children of 2000 years of citizen Soldiers, a warrior culture our bones are steeped in down thru our history and culture, we are born with this, its in our veins and our bones, and we are beginning to rise to our duty as such Men, Freemen, that the genie of ordered and individual liberty can not be put back in the bottle. That our enemy is desperate, that their 245 year old long march has run out of time, and ours is just yet evolving, that its not a Republic handed down to us to keep, but a legacy, and the best is yet to come. Beyond our wildest dreams. Its just gonna get ugly brutal bloody and miserable for awhile. It all could not happen any other way.

Lets Win!


3 years ago

I’m one of those who put together a blog writing controversial truths you speak of. I also am a commenter who recognized years ago how the comment trolls and especially the agent provocateurs worked together to tag team undesirable bad think and disrupted constructive comment dialog,. In my understanding of their tactics and operational style of psy-ops, I had the tools to bait them/trigger and call them out publicly, they all had an institutional tell, of doctrinaire writing style, key phrase, words, subliminal wording, like they worked from an operational template, handbook, it became very obvious after grokking their methods and of course motives where organized and structured from marxian like theory of sowing low level order out of sowing chaos to create a much larger order out of all the bits of chaos.
At that point they began to follow me around the alt-blog-sphere, it was a war of the minds, surprisingly a number of occasions I hit some serious sore spots, and figured out particular subjects that really made them get angry and fly into rages, one two of the most prominent where telling them how they and their fellow ilk “infested” every branch of our system of government, to the point they sacrificed their anonymous identities as agent provocateurs to insert that accusation into totally unrelated comment dialog, apparently being so desperate to find an excuse to go after me for exposing them so critically, the display of anger and impudence was most revealing.
Another tactic they employed, after having a war with them on a supposed ex military tactical “experts” blog that was obviously a cover for drawing in the unawares and keeping tabs on the enemy, (this was a stage up from their comment trolling ops, as it was easily recognizable from personal styles of commenting, those running this tactical blog operation where, still are, prior comment trolls, (certain personal writing tells are very hard to disguise), was a comment post I made regarding Gary North’s awesome works involving his outlier theories of what he called Conspiracy in Philadelphia, particularly in an earlier works North how scripture had been removed as a verification of trustworthiness and suitability of candidates to hold positions of high public trust, it was his essay called Political Polytheism. On dirt people blog, a post about what is Unalienable Law verses Inalienable law, based on the great ‘What Are Unalienable Rights?’ piece by Russell D. Longcore, Owner and Editor, I think this was the last straw to the WP insects and they disappeared in entirety 2 years of dirt people blog. Of course no warning, only a email I had violated their community standards. This came during a minor purge of a few other alt-blogsphere sites, Chateau Heartise was deleted next day. I believe we where getting to close to inconvenient uncomfortable truths that had long been subjects very important to dumbing good folks down and denying them their amazing Christian Western Greco/Roman cultural history. Not long after Gab came under serious assault.
But the Conspiracy in Philadelphia and Political Polytheism commentary, did this ever drive them into a rage, like never before, they came out of the internet woodwork like high tech cockroaches to try and tag team me and attack me in a most vile ad-hominem fashion, after that they went into an aggressive mode where they where provided access by the Word Press insects of my WP comment avatar, writing comments and commentary using my comment identity, mtnforge and mtntoppatriot. I actually watched them in real time post comments under my comment alias on 2 occasions as I was reading everyones comments on posts at Bill Buppert’s excellent ZeroGov blog. They did the same on WRSA, and I heard a few other blogs and times.

On my WP blog, dirt people, I witnessed how they shadow banned dirt people, corrupted every link but two, even went into my posts and changed or deleted bad think, sometimes deleting entire posts along with the alt-agitprop art I had been creating for years and main reason for starting dirt people.
( I right away recognized the inherent political and cultural power agitprop was from my studying the Bolsheviks efforts during Lenin’s reign of terror, in particular their iconic art style of the period along with the trains they employed across Russia as moving political print shops, in particular the genocide period of the Kulaks, and the uncanny similarities underway of the neo-bolshevik genocide of present today of our Christian Greco Roman culture and race here in our great civilization and republic. How culture is upstream of all politics as my Hero Andrew Breitbart stated)

Though I have no proof other than employing my intelligence and experience how they have been censoring subverting and radicalizing the alt-media I believe since around 2006, when they began organized psy-ops in the alt-media web, its existence is undeniable.

This all goes back to before the messiah usurper was installed in 2008.
I had discovered comment threads, and it hit me instantly like one of those moments of great inspiration, that commentariat features on news and other info websites, especially the advent of blogs, was absolutely revolutionary, it would lead to defining everything political and social/cultural, it’s power as a conduit of the truth was a threat existential to the human extinction movement, the greatest threat aside from the existence of personal and ordered liberty there was. Even more so than our Rifles, though its the inextricably intertwined relationship between our Rifles, unfettered economic activity, ordered liberty and free thought free speech, that is the actual threat, something extremely difficult to subvert, undermine, and destroy.
All, Not unlike the great pamphlet war of psy-ops run by the Patriots of the pre violent stage of 1st war of secession from tyranny and The State in the Colonial Era.

Somehow my comments early on attracted the attention of a few blog owners and I was invited to write on their platforms unfettered or restricted. I was-am a firebrand, never letting myself take council from my fears, and in those early days to be such was scandalous, unpalatable truths to normal dirt people, long deprived of their essential manifest history codes values, and most of all Time Honored Traditions. Long programmed. Its interesting to note, one piece of alt-agitprop that was effective is a photo of an old black and white TV, in a dark living-room, having only snow on its screen, with the words, “Why Do You Think They Call It TV Programming?” I was learning how to effect Hearts & Minds in positive anti-fragile, open source grass roots ways.

Very soon after this I was contacted by a gentleman who was starting up an online alt-media newspaper, The Post&Email. It is a long sordid story. The highlights are a precursor to other journalists being spied upon by those dark forces operating in the fringes of the shadows, as you so well coined.
Via due diligence I wrote using verifiable historical history and reference, adding my personal conjecture, I was very clear and honest about my thoughts and observations/insights. My editor and the owner of TP&E was an english professor, and because I had only a 7th grade formal education he most graciously and patiently mentored and coached me in grammar and other aspects of writing accurately. It was and is still a remarkable gift this man gave me.

To make this overly long screed short as possible here are some highlights which I personally was subjected to, beginning the afternoon of January 12th, at 2:01 pm 2008 onwards.

At the TP&E, in late 2007 we employed a WP editorial platform for the newspaper. It was a secured system with only password and other identifier access.
Soon after adopting this editing platform we experienced a steady stream of failty features from losing everything sometimes daily, to any number of annoying and disruptive faults. In early 2008 we dumped the WP system for a custom made one, and also we changed servers a number of times as each came under various denial of service attocks, or we where musteriously without cerimony dumped by a server. After having to go outside the US for a server because we had been told by some that their server license’s from the FCC and other fed agency permissions threatened with loss thereof if they accepted us a customers.
We soon discovered 3 of our other citizen journalists where government agent provocateurs.
I came under scrutiny by 2 State Police departments as a known violent white supremacist and skin head/nazi-domestic enemy listee.
I received on my personal email, which showed up without a sender adressee, or any other email sender identifier, a file, in html format, what appeared to be a photo record of an Isreali Mossad file on Malcolm X, in which was highlighted evidence Malcolm X is Obama’s blood father, the LeeAnn Dunham was his true blood mother, that in 1958 for two weeks at a Hawaiian Hotel. the one coincidently Obama frequented as president, Castro, Che, John Marshal Davis, both senior Dunham’s, X and a couple of his trusted musloid associates met and made various plans for the near future. many details I do not recall now. I was not given more than a few minutes total time to quickly browse the email, when it just vanished from my email as I was reading it. No trace existed of it.
The really interesting thing here, was I had emailed in a long discussion about my various projects I had under construction with my editor, about the remarkable simularity in physical features X and barry shared, and how in my research prior, was it possible given the people and events of that period X could be barry’s dad? My editor suggested that was such a hot poitatoe maybe I should hold off and do every due diligence before submitting it for his editing. Rightfully so, but nothing I was going to neglect as it just had that unmistakable gut sense of the truth, and my grandad who raised me always told me to pay attention to your gut son, as it could be your subconscious trying to tell you something.

3 days later, I received the entire East Anglia University pdf document dump regarding Proff. Mann’s Philly Univ. atmospheric data file from start to that date I received it. Again, no email identifiers, even down in the meta data, it was almost blank, just a simple pdf file. This mysterious email from I know who not, didn’t up and go poof, I still have it on a corrupted hard drive, which is part of this tale also.
I told no one of this email this time, and spent two solid weeks almost nonstop studying the raw data, and referencing the whole globullshit hockey stick scam/racketeering operation Mann and his green nazi compatriots where creating out of whole cloth, again, recieving this email after discussing the scientific fraud globullshit colding is and how I had amassed a number of works from various real scientists and physicists who had produced works and papers, all in solidarity that not only was CO2 not a contributor to an increase in average global temps, but a after effect of natural cyclic changes in Earths weather patterns over millennia, but at our present time, we actually suffered one of the lowest percentages of atmospheric free CO2 ever recorded, which they also surmised was barely enough CO2 to sustein the life cycle of plant to animal life in our present ecological epoch, that this actually inhibited the amount of food we could grow for the human race, and that just a 1.0% percent increase in atmospheric CO2 would more than double the output of farming. Never mind their notes and emails between the Mann conspiracy of global warming, how they where to go after “the Deniers”, who would divvy up the vast lucre of federal money spoils, who they targeted for personal and professional assassination, their planned body of propaganda, the whole kitten kaboodle global warming is an enormous con and money laundering operation.
My editor was blown off his seat when I sent it in. He published it almost without changes verbatim.

This is where the fun really started. It became impossible to publish the newspaper, we went whole weeks for months unable to get it on the internet, and keep it there. The editor brought in a university colleague who was a master at hacking attacks. He discovered immediately, my laptop was the source of our internal hacking and disruption, among a whole raft of hacks all of us where experiencing, everything originating thru my computer. His advice was to have the FBI investigate due to the scope and scale of computer crimes we where the object of.

This revelation suddenly glued a whole bunch of seeming unconnected things I personally experienced. I live up an 8 mile 300ft high one lane goat path in WV. A road from nowheres to nowheres. As rural a location as can be found east of the Mississippi. Why had there been obvious fed gov unmarked vehicles frequenting our immediate surrounds of our property? Why was there vehicles in a neighbors driveway, a house we keep watch of for its owner who lived in Virgina, and why was their video cameras on tripods pointing towards our property, why on two occasions, upon coming home after our whole family was off the mountain, signs of people where plain to see had been in our home, things moved, muddy foot prints, one door left unlatched I had checked was secure when leaving, and the instant sense people had been in our house while we where away.
Our neighbor confirmed these entries with his own accounts of similar tells of mysterious intrusions.

After a week of the FBI becoming involved in our case, they called for two phone conferences within 3 days. the first was my editor, another fellow citizen journalist, the sen VP of HughesNet Operations in Texas, ( my satellite internet provider since their inception of providing private satellite access service), the Hacking specialist my editor hired, and both FBI SA on our case. I think this was about may of 2008, might be later summer, my memory is loosing clarity of some details of time and date, lots gone on in this time since as you well know. The first conference chat was mostly a question and answer/verification secession. The second conference was called with only myself, my editor, and the HughesNet Sen VP of operations. The SA’s wasted no time, they informed us they where called off our case from powers far above them, and best of luck. As the agents signed off, one of them suddenly suggested we stay on the line, say nothing for a few moments, then the remaining SA told us what they had discovered, we never heard any of it from him, and he was telling us their findings because it was very important we knew the facts and evidence. Briefly he told the HughesNet VP her IT department was totally infested with trolls and spiues, his words, the VP all but pulled a gun and began shooting she was so furious, told me the hacker got into and hacked thru a desk top app of an American Flag flowing against the wind in a stunning sjy, which my wife installed upon receiving it from an email she had got.
Told us how our WP, then subsequent platforms for The P&E was torally compromised, the hackers owned us soup to nuts, and yes every server, in real time as soon as we asked to be a client of, was contacted by said same hackers and threatened/extorted to deny us service. Those are the main highlights, there’s a raft of other evidence we where told of. But the icing on the cake, and what was saved last for us was the IP of the hackers, and the date/time they began in on myself and TP&E, the hackers IP was the executive wing of the Whitehouse complex, the hack was establish at 2:08 pm the day the messiah/usurper was sworn in.

It would take pages to list and describe everything I have experienced since this date. Two notable events was a white Chevy US .Gov van, with ,gov plates and reservation bumper tags, pulls into my front yard on an afternoon in 2012, two large size buck ghetto-rats proceed to exit the van, the driver remaining in his seat, and begin to walk around my house, looking in windows, vehicles, testing doors, I caught sight of these actors as they first pulled in, immediately gearing up with weapons, and observed their actions for the most advantageous moment when I could confront them to my tactical advantage, which I did successfully and non violently persuaded them their most healthful choice was to get back in their vehicle and do not come back. And if they did they better bring tanks, every tank they got cause they will need them, and that regardless, only the trees in the forest would know where their bones lie.

So many instances its beyond number, I find evidence and signs I am under surveillance. Both in meat space and virtual space.

The only platform I have been able to comment on since around 2014-15 is a WP based blog or website. No matter what is tried by myself or site owners, no luck. Even on WP, no matter what is done to stop it, my comments always end up going to their spam folder, or disappeared entirely.

2 months ago, another van, this one a former extended stretch passenger window van, a mid 2000’s Ford superduty diesel, stopped in the mouth on my driveway for a spell, within was nine large, definitely angry and violent appearing large buck ghetto-rats.

I’ve noticed since President Trump has been our president, the comment troll and agent provocateur activity has been reduced or totally absent across the alt-media/blog-sphere, though the gamma’s, concern trolls, karens and sjw’s, and other convergence actors has increased somewhat, might be some of that is self anointed subversion and disruption, more or less voluntary verses part of an active organized psy-ops as I’ve mentioned above, though ideology and indoctrinated brains are responsible, so in effect it matters not except it just indicates how many and of what flavor our enemy comes in.

I’ve not had much opportunities to express and share this brief expose of my experiences with our enemy, in part because it happened long before most even gave a first think such things are reality for a long time in our great country, mostly I suspect because most don’t give a shit or care about such things, or are not and may never be able to accept or disseminate the truth of things out there so dangerous to us all, or simply don’t have the mental and thought skills or capacity to see these truths as anything but conspiracy theory and folks like us as certifiable dangerous wing nuts at best.
Whiles all along lifetimes, generations of programming indoctrination and brainwashing our centers of learning have been co-opted into functioning as, let alone the historical revisionists and yellow Rhodes/Pulitzer 5th column media complex efforts to subvert undermine and destroy, violate our good folks codes, culture, and hard won long learned Time Honored Traditions.

And by the way, maybe I was fated somehow to what the Fabian’s are doing. A notion and seeming more and more plausible theory as time passes and I connect dots and discover connections. Much is intuitive, I think I have the kind of mind that sees connections in ways many don’t know they have or the capacity for. Like I said, its deeply personal this gut sense and radar, but its never failed me and has proved out true so many times its become an accepted sense.
I lived for a time, being raised by my totally patriotic great depression era grandparents, being saved from a fate as a child sex abuse victim by Fabian descended pedo=elites, up in NH, where I lived and played as a child next to Little and Big Mount Deception, upon Deception Brook, within a couple miles of Brettonwoods and the Mount Washington Hotel, where two of the Brettonwoods globo=pedo conferences where held, lived in a place called Fabian.

There are rumors which tell of a story that children who are victims, sometimes entire families, are kept track of in a ledger system, where those watching such pedo/victim activity check in periodically, and upon the right kinds of circumstances, from this body of sexual taboo victims and their violators are selected suitable candidates who can be brought into the fold of globo=pedo and their pedo=elite faction here in the US.

Many things here I suspect you can infer many things, maybe even give credence to or substantiates your own insights and experiences.
I hope this is the case.

Everything is connected in pedo=elite world. Everything.
There exists no unrelated, spontaneous, isolated, innocuous, innocent, unconnected, impossible events. They infest so much of our society and governments, serendipity has become a poor abused step child of the see-eye-ay’s conspiracy of conspiracy theory.
We are living thru an age of imposition of Totalitarianisms great instrument of coercion, the weaponization of fear, to control all who can be controlled, all who come to the ideological farces of the ism’s, where by all who are left can them be killed off piecemeal, in other-words, communisms purpose is to kill all who do not come to its call, in living color, right before our un-lying eyes.

I believe with all my heart and mind they will fail, this enemies institutional order will fail, is failing, that it is the dirt people, who ever and always and no others, who effect positive change in this world, that it is our great calling, that we Men of The West are the children of 2000 years of citizen Soldiers, a warrior culture our bones are steeped in down thru our history and culture, we are born with this, its in our veins and our bones, and we are beginning to rise to our duty as such Men, Freemen, that the genie of ordered and individual liberty can not be put back in the bottle. That our enemy is desperate, that their 245 year old long march has run out of time, and ours is just yet evolving, that its not a Republic handed down to us to keep, but a legacy, and the best is yet to come. Beyond our wildest dreams. Its just gonna get ugly brutal bloody and miserable for awhile. It all could not happen any other way.
God Bless us there’s none like us.

Lets Win!


Reply to  mtnforge
3 years ago


Just kidding fren, that was very interdasting.
As for the hypothesis that Malcom X is Obama’s father, I don’t buy it (although it might be possible). Especially since you say that the info came most likely from mossad, and taking into account that Malcom X was a BIG Jew namer, he absolutely wrecked the shit out of the fake narrative of Jews-as-eternal-victims, which obviously Jewish collective power (including the MSM) really disliked.

3 years ago

>”because these people are stupid.”

It makes one realize how important being humble is, even if you are powerful. The gaybal is like this massively powerful global network that got too cooky for its own good, and now they are either getting destroyed by the whitehats, or the People via civil war (even with their intel and shit, once shit goes down, you think the network will be able to protect everyone at all times? They want a civil war THEY can control, not a fully chaotic, Patriots fully aware and with a massive hard-on for subversives on a bloodlust berserk state hunting them down and their home surveillance centers).

Reminds me of this boxing champion who was very into getting drunk and in fights when out at night, until the day he got his throat cut by some random gangster without even realizing what had happened until he woke up in the hospital the next day. Sure he could beat up everyone that would go against him face to face, and he said in his drunkard days he would try to start shit because it was like a past time for him, until the day his hubris fucked him over. Guy said he has no recollection of who did it, so the most likely thing that happened (in his words) is that he tried to start a fight with the guy that fucked him over, but the other guy didn’t fought him, he just waited for the right moment and then almost killed him. This is what is happening to the gaybal, they’ve been on a war path against humanity for centuries or thousands of years, and now they are going to get wrecked, one way or the other, because everyone knows what is in store if we just ignore what is happening.