US Wants Revolution Over Immigration

Not surprising, given economic conditions:

– By a nearly 6 to 1 margin, U.S. voters believe immigration should be decreased rather than increased.

– By a 25-to-1 margin, voters believe that unemployed American workers should get preference for a U.S. job rather than a foreign worker brought in from another country.

– Sixty one percent of voters believe that any politician, “who would rather import foreign workers to take jobs rather than give them to current U.S. residents, is unfit to hold office.”

– Three out of four voters believe the nation needs “an immigration system that puts American workers first, not an immigration system that serves the demands of donors seeking to reduce labor costs.”

– A majority of U.S. voters (53%) believe “record amounts of immigration into the U.S. have strained school resources and disadvantaged U.S. children.”

– A majority of voters (55%) disagree with Hillary Clinton’s call to release illegal immigrants arriving at the border into the United States and give them a chance to apply for asylum.

– Roughly three out of four voters— including nearly three out of four Democrat voters— believe that “instead of giving jobs and healthcare to millions of refugees from around the world, we should rebuild our inner cities and put Americans back to work.”

And this isn’t even asking about Muslim immigration specifically. Imagine those numbers.

This is the growth of the K-selected psychology, loyal to its own before others. That it is this strong, even before the collapse, is astonishing. When the collapse comes, we will return to the psychology of old – wholly distrustful of outsiders, and utterly contemptuous of any among us who want to extend courtesy, resources, and shelter to out-groups.

The only thing more astonishing than how strong our in-grouping is already, is how so many “leaders” seem hell bent on sacrificing their own careers for this cause, when it would be so easy for them to ride this wave to power. The Cuckservatives especially, have to be the puppets of somebody.

The question is who owns them, and how were they bought?

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Cuckservatives, Economic Collapse, GOPocalypse, Immigration, In-grouping, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] US Wants Revolution Over Immigration […]

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

The only thing I can think of is that the cuckservatives somehow believe that the hordes of third world immigrants are going to prop up nearly insolvent entitlement programs like social Security and Medicaid/Medicare. They come in contact with a few productive, patriotic immigrants and think they’ll all become like that. The “Magic Dirt” hypothesis. The fact is, third world immigrants are far more likely to be net drains on government resources, not net contributors.

7 years ago

Who indeed.

7 years ago

I’m in IT. At least half of the Indians/Pakistanis I have worked with have been flat out incompetent. 80% of them have had very annoying personalities making them extremely difficult to work with.

There is no shortage of IT or STEM people in America, Business School graduates (morons) are just looking for cheap labor, even if they are incapable of doing the work.

7 years ago

The word you’re looking for is “hasbara.”

7 years ago

I would say follow the money. You know Assange has more up his sleeve. As for the paymasters, they’re probably
the same as who owns HRC.

Marc Bahn
Marc Bahn
7 years ago

“The question is who owns them, and how were they bought?”

(((You’re kidding, right?)))

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

They could use their position to guide humanity towards a more positive future, but instead seem intent on causing the greatest, most widespread, and longest lasting suffering possible. What do we call them other than evil? They are anti-human, anti-nature, and anti-life. Perhaps the conspiracies are true. Perhaps they are some kind of other-worldly demonic force.

What I’d really like to know is how they are created. How do they reproduce? Do they create their own children and teach them to be evil? Or do they seek out and recruit the most insane individuals humanity has to offer?

Reply to  Billy
7 years ago

One theory suggests that Jews evolved to be exploitative and nepotistic because they did most of their evolving thus far in conditions of competing Semitic tribes in the Caucasus and Levant. Like Muslims, they competed in a low-trust social environment, married their cousins, and thrived on manipulative trade between Europe and Africa/Asia, exploiting their position as “middlemen” located between three continents.

If you believe in the theory of evolution, you should have no problem understanding how, say, Negroids evolved for aggression, multiple-partners, and low-investment parenting, while Europeoids evolved for provisioning, high-investment parenting, etc.–and Semitics evolved for exploiting Europeoid culture to provision themselves.

I’m not like AC; I don’t believe in evolution. I believe in the intergalactic virus theory. But for you evolutionary realists, it’s strict science to track and explain Semitic behavior.

7 years ago

I believe that a lot of cuckservatives, particularly those many out there who have been blogging for ten or more years, are simply wedded to their old ideology.

There’s also an element of morality that is infused into their ideology. Example: “Free trade”. Sounds good. The ideology behind free trade is sound, fair and just, but ONLY if the other actors are also playing fair. “Fair trade”, by contrast, sounds bad because we’ve all seen the political left purpose that term into meaning redistribution from the First World to the Third.

Now here comes Donald Trump to rip the masks off of many and in doing so, revealing that a lot of conservative causes have been perverted into serving the interests of the big government globalists. That’s a lot for a lot of cuckservatives to take in. To acknowledge the truth of the matter means acknowledging that they have been had. Fooled. Puppeted by the globalists. Winning nothing. And that their blog posts along with their vociferously argued points for so many years have been wrong.

Look to the diehard Cruz supporters and you’ll see it in action. Cruz is a “real” conservative, they’ll say. They’re doubling down.

In the end, the rank and file cuckservative commenters and bloggers ARE being puppeted. They’re being puppeted by that thing called PRIDE and the marionettist is the God of this World. The marionettist of Pride is also the one behind the push for Globalism. At the end of this road lies a throne. A god attempts to sit there.

the cruncher
the cruncher
7 years ago

Jooooooooozzzzzze. JEWWWwwwwwwssss! The ‘New York money men’. The people who bought the Sierra Club’s acquiescence to immigration.

Yes, the final step of the red pill. Go deep, shallow, rational or full boogeyman to your taste, but there’s a component of Jews in the truth.

Reply to  the cruncher
7 years ago

All life is a matrix, swallowing the red pill just puts you into a new one of your own creation. blaming a group like the Jews, or the elites, or LGM’s only blinds a person to other potential causes. Always be ready to take the next red pill, to doubt.

HECK I actually doubt the r/K put here by AC… Why? because it fits to neatly, but so did Newton’s physics, until Rutherford and it was solved by Einstein. Cases like that show up all the time.

note LGM is 60’s speak for “little Green Men” or a way of saying ‘we see something we can’t explain, perhaps it has an intelligent cause, not a natural cause.’

Reply to  ACThinker
7 years ago

ACThinker, instead of “Einstein,” did you mean to say Poincaré or Lorentz? In the scientific community, it’s long been understood that Einstein was a science-popularizer, rather than a postulator or prover of new theories. Einstein was sort of a “Neil DeGrasse Tyson”-type scientist, not a “Nikola Tesla”-type scientist.

7 years ago

I don’t know that the Cuckservatives are owned by anyone as such.
I would say that their strings are attached to a soft-K romantic addiction to civilizational ascendancy. They want to believe the rule of law is still fully operational, that we have a duty to maintain politics as usual, and if one of our guys starts fighting dirty he should be dumped in the Bog of Eternal Stench.