Vox Day Concludes His Work On Jordan Peterson

There will be more, but for now two posts that give all you need to know. One here:

/pol/ is onto the Jordanetics fraud.

UPDATE: The 8chan thread already got nuked, so it has been reposted at 4chan, and has also been archived.

Jordan B. Peterson worked on the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Sustainable Development, editing a document that was released in 2013 entitled ‘A NEW GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP: ERADICATE POVERTY AND TRANSFORM ECONOMIES THROUGH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT’. One of the panel members of this UN High Council was none other than skippy himself, John Podesta.

And one here with a Darkstream:

Jordan Peterson is an absolutely shameless and filthy liar, but he is now tweeting about how angry and upset he is, and how pathetic Ari Feldman is, because Feldman is doing the same thing to Peterson that Peterson is doing to the Right. I didn’t like Peterson before. I thought that he was wrong and I thought that his philosophy was evil. I picked that up relatively quickly, but I didn’t really have anything against the guy personally. You know, I felt pity for him because he’s somebody who has clearly known a lot of suffering and tragedy in his life, but you know what, after I read those tweets where he was saying that you have no right to be proud of your culture, you have no right to be proud of your race, you have no right to be proud of your nation, you have no right to be proud of your tribe, you have no right to be proud of your people… you know what? Fuck him!

There is a very real conspiracy out there to deny free thought, control the sources of data people use, and steer it all towards a destruction of civilized society. It uses a variety of methods, all the way up to killing, ala Breitbart, to maintain control of the narrative.

Whenever I see somebody with a book deal from any major publisher, or a book on a Bestseller list, I recognize that person has media support, and by extension Cabal support, because Cabal rigorously controls the media. Selling books is incredibly rare and difficult to do. This site has thousands of readers now and is growing every day. I know people are talking to others about r/K based on the search traffic and signup list. But 99.999% of the people who pass through here do not have the time or motivation to read 220 pages of substantiation for r/K Theory. Most are content to take the broad strokes from this site, and move on.

When I see a person on Bill Maher, with a book deal from a major publisher, and on a bestseller list, I have little doubt he is pulling weight for Cabal Inc, because that access to that massive mainstream audience is just part of the package, and if you are not Cabal approved, they will not waste the airtime promoting your pointless (from their perspective) endeavor. So Peterson’s previous turn at the UN, before he began emerging as a pied piper for the young right is no surprise.

Some say Peterson offers some information which people feel helps them. That is a necessary part of the process, and was an ingredient which was added purposely. Notice how it is used to secure a sense of loyalty and good will, and then that loyalty is used to steer those loyal followers into the same destructive, evil philosophy that ends up with innocent girls raped by migrants and the greatness of the West which we strive to conserve, destroyed and replaced with a third-world shithole environment.

Somebody, way at the top of the Global hierarchy wants a weaker, stupider, mass of submissive slaves. And everything from Fluoride in the drinking water, to the control of the media, to the importation of 68 IQ’s as breeding stock, to the facilitation of rape by those same migrants, to the harassment and control of those who defy the plan, to wars that kill back the principled patriotic psychology, to the destruction of Christianity are all part of the plan.

So is guiding us to follow their approved mouthpieces, who they will use every tool at their disposal to portray as /ourguys.

Fight the manipulation.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because you have to be careful who you follow

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5 years ago

Jordan Peterson said something like “Truth is what keeps you alive”… but I think the true meaning of these words would be closer to “truth is what doesn’t trigger his amygdala”, which could be the narcissist’s mantra… What do you think?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Thanks 😉 there’s more.

I was reading a report about the dismal treatment of the elderly in retirement homes. Translating:

“They are de facto excluded from society, as a collective denial of what end of life and death can be.”

Death triggers the amygdala, therefore to the rabbits it is not True, it does not exist. Mortality is not compatible with the belief in infinite resources anyway. Therefore any stimuli which remind the leftist of his own mortality have to be eliminated from sight. Therefore, as a logical consequence the leftist supports euthanasia, suicide machines, Soylent Green, and wants to lock up the old and decrepit far far away in retirement homes (while the conservative would rather respect the ancestors).

(strangely enough, leftists who used to support mandatory euthanasia for the elderly seem to change their minds as they age… such mysterious creatures…)

I’m going to push the theory to its limits:

1) Besides certain death at the end, the future is uncertain.

2) therefore the future triggers the amydgala,

3) therefore the future is not True (according to Peterson’t definition of Truth).

4) The future does not exist, so we can do whatever we want right now! YOLO!!!

Hmm… that’s a leftist in a nutshell LOL

5 years ago

Concluded? VD should probably still refute JP’s bs as it comes out in the future. The cabals 7+ year op has obviously failed, but don’t be surprised if they still try to squeeze some return out for the more reluctant normies.