We’re on Facebook

This site now has a presence on Facebook.


Friend us, Like us, even Share us, if anybody still does that. I don’t expect much to happen because of this. I suspect this work most appeals to a less socially motivated, more observing, more accomplishment driven, high IQ type. But evolution is about experimentation, and this work needs to spread, so why not.

This is all only done to try and promote the work here.  If you can help by drawing attention to us, it is appreciated, but be warned. This site is firmly on course to rise to the top of the government’s “Troublesome Little Pricks” file, and I don’t want to burn any compatriots.

If you connect with us, you may get a spot in that file too. It is for that reason I am not a fan of Social Media, personally. I think things are going to get far uglier than anyone realizes in the very near future, so you may want to stay away, and keep your powder dry.

Let your plans be dark, and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” It is tough to do, if you broadcast personal stuff.

Then again, if you’ve already friended Allen West, Liked Sarah Palin, and been all over Uncle Ted’s page,  you probably aren’t losing anything by associating with this.

Thanks to all who help, and thanks to all who have already liked our stuff. Your support is appreciated.

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