White In-grouping – Dating Sites

An all white dating website pushes into the mainstream:

WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah – A billboard for a dating website along SR 201 in West Valley City is getting a bit of attention, with many Utahns saying the website it advertises represents outdated thinking.

The giant ad for WhereWhitePeopleMeet.com, between 5600 W. and 7200 S., is turning heads and leaving residents with many unanswered questions.

This has been common among minority groups, where resources and the perception of advantage tend to be more restricted. I take it emerging among whites as a sign of the economic constrictions spreading.

It is being met with a yawn, even among many liberals who give it only a token reproach, meaning the National Association for the Advancement of White People will probably not be far behind. It too will be seen as a natural outgrowth of a competitive society where everyone is competing for honestly won resources.

Bear in mind, this is the most minor of economic shortages. If the economic collapse happens, you can expect much more aggressive splintering and in-grouping along racial, ancestry, geographic, and religious lines.

Strangely it will not provoke the festering rage and hatred one would expect from rabbits today. Rather, like competitors facing off in the arena, everyone will understand the rules, and respect those who abide by them. Everyone involved will view it as the normal state of affairs, and those who don’t see in-groups and out-groups from race, to religion, to neighborhoods, will become the ones who are looked down on – distrusted by the out-groups they approach, and viewed as untrustworthy by the in-groups they ignore.

It is astonishing how differently the K-selected world will see everything around it. Things which repulse those living in times of r will be seen as de rigueur in times of K, as those things viewed as de rigueur in times of r will repulse those living in times of K.

It’s a good thing, if everything about society today repulses you.

Apocalypse, with Splintering.

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