Woman Injects Feces Into Son’s Chemo IV Bag

A worthwhile read for normal people:

An Indiana mother has been arrested for allegedly injecting feces into her 15-year-old son’s IV bag while he was undergoing cancer treatment.

Tiffany Alberts, 41, of Wolcott has been charged with six counts of aggravated battery and one count of neglect of a dependent resulting in serious bodily injury.

Alberts’ son, who is not named, was being treated at Riley Hospital for Children for leukemia and officers were called to the facility for possible child abuse last Thursday, according to WXIN.

Normal people can never even believe something like this is possible. That, more than anything, makes the normal person vulnerable – and gives these bizarrely defective types their advantage. I will guarantee this woman is an idiot functionally. If you met her, you would never see a threat, because she would just seem too dumb to get over on anyone. If she added a little of the sorry-sack mein to her demeanor, you might even feel sorry for her. As a result, because the shots she takes are so bizarre and so far beyond belief, she can get away with hurting innocent people for far longer than a smart person who behaved more rationally.

Facial bifurcation below. Again, faces, like hands, are handed. She conscioulsy contracted the muscles and concealed her true self better on the right side of her face. The right side looks relatively neutral or harmless even with just the faintest touch of anger unmasked, while the left side appears focused, pained, almost crying, and driven to action. Facial asymmetry is usually dangerous when you see it – especially when that left side looks angry, and the right side looks harmless. It is interesting she is also a masculinized female. Just as an exercise, make those faces into a mirror, and imagine how you would feel while making them.


Also worth noting – the glassy eyes of the narcissist:

I’ll bet her husband dying, her son having autism, and her other daughter acquiring a cancer are not coincidental. Watch your ass around these types.

Tell people about r/K Selection Theory, because our populations have gone too long without Darwinian Selection

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