Woman Who Yells “I Hate White People” And Then Punches Random White Woman Not Racially Motivated

Leftist logic:

An indigenous woman in Calgary, Canada who yelled “I hate white people” before punching a white woman in the face and knocking her tooth out did not commit a racially motivate hate crime, a provincial court judge has ruled.

Judge Harry Van Harten’s written decision in the case argued that the motivation of the perpetrator, Tamara Crowchief, in the attack on the victim, Lydia White, was not related to racial bias.

The judge disagreed with the prosecutor’s argument that the unprovoked assault, which occurred in November 2015, rose to the level of a hate crime.

Van Harten said there wasn’t enough evidence to establish the claim that Crowchief attacked White because of her skin color, despite the fact that the perpetrator, who had never met the victims before the attack, yelled “I hate white people” before throwing a punch.

“There is no evidence either way about what the offender meant or whether … she holds or promotes an ideology which would explain why this assault was aimed at this victim,” the judge said. “I am not satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that this offence was, even in part, motivated by racial bias.”

This is the strategy. Rabbits are importing hostile foreigners because they want to use them as a proxy army to subdue the K-strategists they see on a daily basis – and hate with a passion.

To perhaps understand the mechanism better, you have to understand the amygdala. It sees something and feels and emotion. Then when it sees it again, it triggers that same emotional association, and you feel a certain way. The more it happens, the stronger the feelings. To this day, if I pop open a container of bb’s, or open a fifty-round box of .22 Long Rifle, a wave of nostalgia will wash over me. My blood pressure will drop, my facial expression will go dreamy, and I will just get happy.

Conversely, there are behaviors and expressions consistent with narcissism that if I saw them, my blood pressure would rise, my facial expression would go cold, and I would feel a quiet rage rise within me.

These programmed responses are in my brain because my amygdala has seen these stimuli, and attached emotional responses to them. Show me something I haven’t seen, like a fly-tying stand, and I will not have the same visceral response.

Liberals are like this. For decades, going back to high school, they have raged at the successful. The quarterback with the cheerleader girlfriend should have been them – it was unfair he was so lucky. The weightlifter who pressed 400lbs in the weight room, making everyone look amazed should have been them – it was unfair he was so lucky. The rich entrepreneur should have been them – he was just lucky – and greedy. All of that success was luck, it was all unfair, and the people who enjoyed it were evil for availing themselves of so much unfair happiness. Every time the leftist saw it, it made them angry, and their amygdala began producing the sensation without any thought at all.

When you hate the people around you that much, for so long, they are your amygdala’s focus, and they call up all of those emotions reflexively – frustration, anger, envy, unfairness, badness, hatred, and so on.

To a leftist, the foreign savage, the migrant rapist, the destruction of all that fosters good and happiness in the nation – those are all stimuli with no associated sensation, and they hold the intellectual prospect of amygdala relief, by harming the things which trigger so much unhappiness in the liberal – namely the successful person, who by definition enjoys unfair success that should be the leftist’s.

So when an American says, “I hate Muslims!” and hits a Muslim, the hate crime law holds the prospect of punishing one of the successful people the leftist has looked at with hatred from childhood. Conversely when a Muslim immigrant says “I hate Americans!” and hits an American, to the leftist that is the American they hate getting their comeuppance, and it feels good, while they have no contravening trained emotional response associated with the Muslim. At least not yet.

Never be deceived – the leftist hates everything we stand for and us in particular.

Their ideal outcome of all of this is our death and misery – and they are actively seeking it.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cuckservatives, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Morals, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Woman Who Yells “I Hate White People” And Then Punches Random White Woman Not Racially Motivated […]

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
7 years ago

Rabbits are importing hostile foreigners because they want to use them as a proxy army to subdue the K-strategists they see on a daily basis – and hate with a passion.

Yes, you nailed it. Imported third worlders are used as footsoldiers and shock troops against White Christian Americans. It’s a one-sided race war.

I, for one, am looking forward to payback time. It can’t come soon enough for me.

7 years ago

[…] The origins of leftist rage. […]

7 years ago

A great slap in the face. Thank you for the wakeup.

7 years ago

I have a feeling you’d get along with one of the few uncucked psychologists in Britain. http://charltonteaching.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/what-is-happening-after-brexit-what.html