Youtube Shooter’s Family Warned Police

Q had said she was a Cabal operation:

According to Ismail, he reported his daughter missing on Monday after she stopped answering the phone for two days. Oddly enough, police were apparently in contact with his daughter the day of the shooting as they found her sleeping in a car around 2 am the morning of the shooting.

What’s more, Ismail reportedly warned police that his daughter may be trying to attack YouTube because she “hated” the company.

As WTOP reports, Mountain View Police spokeswoman Katie Nelson confirmed officers located a woman by the same name asleep in a vehicle asleep in a Mountain View parking lot on Tuesday morning. Ms Nelson said the woman declined to answer further questions but would not be drawn on whether police were warned Aghdam might go to YouTube.

If the machine has seized the reins of life around you, you really don’t know much. The father could pick up the phone, think he is talking to the Police, and the person on the end of the line could be a machine employee, who then calls Police and makes the call he wants made, with only the details he wants conveyed. Or he could have made it through to the Police, and they were told to stand down. But what you know is the Police could easily have weaseled their way into searching the car, and finding the gun, if they found her sleeping in it. Instead they sent her on her way.

Q said the father was the Cabal linkage, and if you researched his past, how she came to be one of their’s would be there. They were immigrants from the Mideast, so it is possible. Intelligence will recruit sources and agents heavily from immigrants.

Immigrants enter the country fresh without a clear background that can be checked by targets for any possible linkage to security services, and are vulnerable to government coercion on entry for psychological reasons. Many immigrants will come from countries where government oppression is to be expected, and where getting plugged into the intelligence infrastructure is a huge benefit with no downside. Immigrants will have less sense of loyalty to the citizens of their new nation, and less of an emotional commitment to the concept of individual freedom, so spying on citizens for some shadowy pseudo-government Cabal is less of a moral issue. And immigrants will be diverse in race and ethnicity, creating a diverse pool of agents that can penetrate a diverse set of communities, allowing seamless infiltration of a wide swath of the population.

And immigrants are at the mercy of the machine. Play ball, and your citizenship and your family’s citizenship can happen overnight. Don’t follow orders, and 12 hours later you are back taking a morning dump on the sidewalk in front of your shack with all the other pajeets on each side of you, talking about what they found yesterday in the village trash pile. If I ran a large business, I would actually avoid hiring any immigrants for this reason.

If this was a Cabal operation and some family members were not read in on what was planned, and did warn the Police, this is how it would play out.

It is interesting this attack foisted sympathy on Youtube, and the shooter posted such low numbers despite being well armed, in body armor, and in a helpless, rabbit-rich environment.

Everything is scripted.

Spread r/K Theory, because we have no idea what is going on elsewhere

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6 years ago

She was clearly an MKULTRA windup toy.
YouTube is through and through a cabal asset.
Is it beyond the pale to wonder if NSA/MI factions are seizing control of and employing existing intelligence assets against their previous bosses?
Spookdom is at war with itself.

6 years ago

The Chateau recently did a hilarious post comparing the phiz of this rabbit to those of Herr Hogg and Elliot Rodger.

6 years ago

What I find more interesting is her lifeless expression. As Beckett already said. Definitely brainwashing victim.

Reply to  Iprefertostayanonymous
6 years ago

“She was the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful person I have ever known.”