A Disturbing Story Of Possible Judicial Overreach

There are always two sides to every story, but damn…

In a series of events most would normally dismiss as outlandish, one American citizen was launched from civil court into a legal limbo where for years he was deprived by a federal judge of counsel, property, speech and travel. The case seems unthinkable in the American judicial system, but the story is true, and it happened to one Jeff Baron.

Jeff Baron is a Dallas resident and U.S. citizen who was put into “virtual slavery” by U.S. District Court Judge Royal Furgeson after Baron settled an otherwise ordinary contract dispute in his court. Although Baron was never accused of any crime and had just resolved the dispute in Furgeson’s court, Furgeson seized the sum total of Baron’s personal property and possessions, including his home and car, and suspended nearly all of his civil rights, including his right to be represented by counsel, right to own property, right to earn income, and right to travel. Four years later, Baron was still in civil lockdown – even after the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the unlawful rulings and enjoined any further liquidation of Baron’s property…

Herring got involved when he encountered the same court officers in a routine bankruptcy case, recounting that not only did they, “make up the facts against my client, they named me as a defendant as well, claiming I had breached a contract to which I was not even party.” Forcing a lawyer to stand trial in his own case is illegal.

“Their unlawful strategy was to get rid of the lawyer so they could get to my unprotected client and his money,” Herring charges. “The very same people who abused the court system against my client were doing the same thing to Jeff, only on a much grander scale,” said Herring, explaining his interest in the case.

Court documents related to the case corroborate Herring and Baron’s statement…

When Kirshan sued a seventh time, the case came to Judge Furgeson’s court and Krishan won, forcing Baron to settle the case. Furgeson inexplicably put Baron into “receivership” (an extreme legal remedy imposed on property, not humans), along with his companies and all of his possessions, having his rights to mobility, free speech, ownership of property, and right to legal representation totally eliminated.

According to a January 2015 report at Texas Insider, this is the first reported case of a human being placed in a receivership since the abolition of slavery in 1865…

Court transcripts obtained by TheDCNF reveal that Judge Furgeson, a Bill Clinton appointee, openly admitted during court proceedings that his goal was to destroy Baron financially and personally.

“This [proceeding] is going on and on and on until Mr. Baron has nothing. I mean actually everything is depleted. I gather that Mr. Baron is worth a lot of money. But it may be that we sell all the domain names. We may sell all of his stock. We may cash in all of his CDs, and we may seize all of his bank accounts,” continued Furgeson.

Furgeson did just that, also taking control of and liquidating the juvenile diabetes research trust that Baron created. Furgeson even threatened Baron’s very life if he attempted to resist the illegal actions of the court.

“You are a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool to screw with a federal judge, and if you don’t understand that, I can make you understand it… I have the full force of the Navy, Army, Marines and Navy behind me,” Furgeson thundered. “So any failure to comply with that order is contempt, punishable with lots of dollars, punishable by possible jail, death.”

Do you hear me? Death I say!

Imagine if I submitted a fictional manuscript to Castalia House with the last quote of the judge’s in it. I’m pretty sure Vox would send it back for a rewrite. Nobody is that crazy, to say that in open court.

Notice he emphasizes that he has the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force behind him. We would be tempted to furrow our brow and say, “With all due respect your honor, what the fuck are you talking about?” But a rabbit’s amygdala sees that image flash through it, and immediately sees panic. It is the dogwhistle only rabbits hear.

In some countries all that holds things together is force. In America, to date, it has been the mutually agreed upon legitimacy of the system. If that goes, then is when you will find out whether force will be sufficient. It is a devil’s bargain though, because whether force is sufficient, or whether it all comes down, neither outcome is as optimal as if the system had just preserved its legitimacy to begin with.

This is all the weakening of amygdalae. The amygdala is what drives men to maintain order. Without amygdalae a nation becomes a mad grab by everyone who can, and nobody will care enough to try and reestablish the order. Until the Apocalypse restores the amygdalae of our nation, get ready to see this pop up here and there.

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7 years ago

[…] A Disturbing Story Of Possible Judicial Overreach […]

7 years ago

Ironically, Civil courts have o Constitutional protections. Those only extend to criminal courts. So it is quite possible the Judge was right.

Something about the history of courts of law (crimes) and courts of equity (civil) Tripped across it and I don’t recall where it was (this has a summation of it http://patch.com/florida/templeterrace/court-of-law-vs-court-of-equity-why-it-matters-to-you-9) The point is, in a court of equity (which bankruptcy and family courts are) the Judges don’t have to follow “black letter law” This means that they can ignore the law if it is viewed as more equitable to the outcome. OTOH, it gives them huge powers for abuse.

7 years ago

Did nobody mention 18 USC §242?

7 years ago

Did nobody mention a [very stern talking to]…

7 years ago

Who the fuck names their kid Royal?

7 years ago

The Core of law is redundant; order exists because people voluntarily go along with it in ways too numerous and invisible to even list.

A long period of complacency yielded a willingness to mutate “law” (statute law) into a morass of robbery, favoritism and graft. Today this system staggers forward with just enough consent to prevent its dissolution.

When the Phase Change arrives, consent will go from liquid (there) to solid (gone) as fast as water’s physical characteristics change over a tiny delta in temperature. There won’t be any organized Power for megalomaniacs to command, because the PEOPLE who were staffing them will be seeing to their own interests. After the Phase Change, nothing will be the same.

7 years ago

Holy s#$t