Antifa Protestor Says Violence Against Right Is Not A Crime

It makes sense if you understand amygdala:

Yvette Felarca, the Berkeley area school teacher and militant left-wing protester responsible for organizing the riot at the University of California, Berkeley in February 2017, claims that violence against the far-right is “not a crime.”

Felarca, who belongs to “By Any Means Necessary,” a far-left group, is currently facing assault charges after she was caught on video assaulting a white supremacist during a July 2016 rally in Sacramento, Cali.

The school teacher and her compatriots engaged in violent clashes against members of the far-right Traditional Worker’s Party, which had a permit to march in the city. The violence between the two groups resulted in a number of assaults and multiple stabbings. In July 2017, police charged Felarca with “assault by means of force likely to inflict great bodily injury, participating in a riot, and inciting a riot.”

As reported by Huffington Post on Wednesday during her arraignment, Felarca described her actions as a form of self-defense, and therefore “not a crime.”

I can deal with astonishingly irritating shit, and my amygdala probably lights up as much as many people’s would with a minor headache. As with all of r/K, it is a mixed blessing, and a commentary on my history of exposure to irritations.

But the Antifa chick’s amygdala is so weak and atrophied that if a conservative merely espouses some K-virtue like freedom or patriotism, it is so amygdala-shocking, her amygdala will light up the same as our’s would if we were physically attacked in a life-threatening incident.

Given that, it makes sense from a cognitive neuroscience perspective that she feels that way.

Of course from a practical perspective, there is no living with a woman like that, or letting her run your country. Amygdalae like that are how somebody criticizes her leadership and suddenly you turn around to find a mass grave filled with a few hundred thousand men, women, and children.

We have a major turning point approaching. Hopefully we will navigate our way to the right path easily, but have no illusions – we are coming astonishingly close to the edge of the cliff, considering this is America. It is amazing to think we can come this close to the edge and see this kind of dictatorial philosophy emerge in the land of the free.

It is the terrifying power of free resource availability.

Spread r/K Theory, because some women there is no living with

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6 years ago

I’ve never gotten shit like this.

Felarca is a four foot tall Asian woman who looks like she’s never been in a street fight in her life. She’s got zero muscle tone. I, and most other Trump supporters, could probably pile drive her completely unarmed. Why are people like this the ones advocating violence and anarchy?

I mean, if a six foot four muscle bound MMA fighter who owned guns and was a former military veteran went around calling for violence and anarchy, I guess I could understand. In that case, the person calling for violence would be the kind of person that could be reasonably expected to win most fights they were in, and who could probably survive as well as anyone could in an anarchic, chaotic world.

But those kinds of people are almost always the peaceful ones. The ones calling for violence and anarchy are almost always short, weak, pudgy, and look like they’ve never been in a fight in their lives and that guns scare them. It’s like some sort of crazy upside-down world where the strong are perfectly willing to live peacefully and the weak are constantly screaming about how they want to fight the strong.

Any time I’m competing with someone in any manner, I like to get into their head — to understand their mindset, so that I can predict their next move and prepare accordingly. But every time I look at these people, all that I can see is pure irrational insanity. What’s the mindset that causes this to happen?

A Little Birdy Told Me This
A Little Birdy Told Me This
6 years ago

Anon Con — check out the Alt-Right Open Source Intelligence Project at the archive link:

They’re missing the forest for the trees but the work itself is sophisticated.