Barack Obama Sees The Connection Between r-selection And Leftism

Interesting quote:

President Barack Obama said at the White House Summit on Global Development yesterday that “we are living in the most peaceful” era in human history and that “the world has never been less violent.”

According to the White House schedule, the president used the summit to “bring together development leaders, public and private sector financing partners, civil society, diplomats, and entrepreneurs to mark our global progress and catalyze further development efforts.”

“So it is worth reminding ourselves of how lucky we are to be living in the most peaceful, most prosperous, most progressive era in human history,” Obama said in the speech.

Peace, prosperity, and leftism all accompany each other, and are related. Everyone knows it, but nobody sees the entire mechanism.

A NeverTrumper shows that he lacks amygdala:

Kevin [Williamson] and I sat down to discuss political punditry in 2016. He believes ‘armageddon sells’ in political discourse, yet while there are future economic problems on the horizon, things aren’t as bad as they’re made out to be.

As an original Never-Trumper, his opinion of the Republican Nominee is unwavering.

If you think there are ignorable problems in a nation which doubles its national debt with every Presidency, then you lack amygdala, lack the ability to see the problem, and lack the drive to do anything about it. Given all that, it is unsurprising you would strongly support the leftist Republican establishment over the more conservative grassroots.

It is quite amazing when you think about it. Williamson’s amygdala is not triggered by a national debt that doubles every Presidency, and yet it is strongly triggered by Trump, and the reality he points to. That is a liberal.

All of this will one day be seen as basic common sense, and fundamental to understanding politics. But for now, there is the battle.

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7 years ago

[…] Barack Obama Sees The Connection Between r-selection And Leftism […]

The Logical Agnostic
7 years ago

If you’re familiar with Stratfor, or Strategic Forecasting, you’ll find that their trend forecasts (which are objective and politically nonpartisan) all correlate strongly with r/K, more specifically the current r to K shift. It’s this sort of thing which constantly reaffirms my belief in this theory – it can truly be used as a basis to describe civilization life cycles along with every tendency and manifestation we come to view in the political arena. r/K is the political “theory of everything.” My lastest blog post explains one of Stratfor’s latest predictions, the approaching new dark age, using r/K.

7 years ago

Paradoxically, doubling the debt each presidency doesn’t matter, any more than matters the massive trade deficit.

They are signals: the deficit (and national debt) is a measure of how much pure consumption is being pulled forward into the present, while the trade deficit (including remissions to Mexico is a measure of how much of America Americans have blindly PAWNED (such that foreigners can waltz in with US Dollars and buy the assets of the USA right out from under American Citizens.)

All of this is enabled by the Fed, which has set up a system encouraging profligacy and folly on a scale never before witnessed.

Never have an entire people volunteered so blindly for their own destruction in return for meaningless trinkets like the toy on which I peck this out.