Ted Cruz Betrays Donald Trump

Previously, I was perfectly happy to tell people I had supported Cruz, but now support Trump. From now on, I’m leaving out the Cruz part.

Stubbornly undercutting calls for Republican unity, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz refused to endorse Donald Trump Wednesday night as he addressed the GOP convention, ignoring thunderous boos from furious delegates as he encouraged Americans to simply “vote your conscience” in November…

It was a classless act to accept Donald’s hospitality and then stab him in the back. If you deal with people face to face, you either say “Fuck You” openly, or you shut up. Last night should have been all about Eric Trump, Mike Pence, and all the speeches about the threats and mortal salience we face. Instead Cruz gave the media just what they wanted – an angle to change the subject away from what Donald wanted it to be.

On the bright side, Donald brilliantly handed Cruz the rope to hang himself by inviting him without a promise of an endorsement, and Cruz has accommodated him by committing political suicide on national TV, right before Donald swept in with his family and showed everyone who the Alpha was. Cruz looked unbelievably weak by comparison as he stood on the stage smiling his pained smile.

But it got better:

In his convention address, Cruz spoke at length about the recent stretch of violence across the country. He urged Americans to fight for the families of five police officers killed in his hometown of Dallas, as well as the family of Alton Sterling, a black man killed by police in Louisiana.

So then to emphasize his douchebagery, Cruz cites Alton Sterling in his speech. Alton Sterling was a felon on the sex offender registry, selling illegal CDs, who had been threatening innocent people with an illegal gun, and who fought with officers as he reached for the gun, presumably to shoot them – and he did all of that twice in two years, before officers killed him. Why is Cruz lending legitimacy to this savage, and the animals who are trying to use his death to get police officers killed, in a convention filled with people who would gladly have pulled the trigger on him themselves?

It is unbelievable such a smart guy could so completely destroy his own career, but it is best he does it before he is elected.

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