Child Rape Victim Kathy Shelton Comes Forward, Accuses Hillary Of Freeing Her Rapist

Hillary wants to bring up Donald’s criticism of a possibly criminal pornstar:

On Monday night Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of being an insensitive boor for “fat-shaming” Miss Universe Alicia Machado while she was Miss Universe in 1996…

In 1998 Alicia Machado was accused of driving her boyfriend from the scene of a murder attempt – at a woman’s funeral.

She was also a porn actress.

Alicia is also a drug kingpin’s baby mama.

This is the case Donald needs to answer with for maximal amygdala hijacking:

Kathy Shelton was just 12 years old when a 41-year-old drifter raped her on the side of a desolate Arkansas road in 1975.

In 1975, Clinton served as the defense lawyer for Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old factory worker accused of raping Shelton after luring her to his car.

Taylor pleaded down to ‘unlawful fondling of a minor’ and served less than a year in prison after Clinton was able to block the admission of forensic evidence that linked her client to the crime.

Shelton said Clinton accused her during the case of ‘seeking out older men’, and demanded that the 12-year-old undergo a grueling court-ordered psychiatric examination to determine whether she was ‘mentally unstable’.

During the case, Clinton accused the 12-year-old of ‘seek[ing] out older men’ and ‘engag[ing] in fantasizing’ in court affidavits, and later laughed while discussing aspects of the case in a recently-unearthed audiotape from the 1980s.

On the audiotape, Clinton indicated that she believed Taylor, her client, was guilty, saying that his ability to pass a lie detector test ‘forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs’.

She also laughed while describing how she was able to get a world-famous New York City blood expert to question the admissibility of forensic evidence that was misplaced by the crime lab after it was tested.

The victim is now coming forward, to take out Hillary. That has Roger Stone’s fingerprints all over it.

If Trump really want’s Hillary to go into full amygdala-hijack seizure mode, he needs to get a mini-recorder, and when Hillary criticizes him about something in the next debate, ask for two minutes to answer the criticism. When he gets it he needs to pull the recorder out of his pocket and play it for everyone into the mic and then say, “That was Hillary laughing about getting a guilty child-rapist off on a technicality. And she wants to criticize me, and say I am bad for innocent women. Look what she did to that little girl! Listen to her laugh in that tape! If someone supports Hillary, they would support any psychopath!”

It is a violation of expectation, an unfair breaking of the rules by Donald which she can never recover from, a total out-grouping in front of the whole nation, it would DOMINATE every news cycle, and it would be undeniable to Hillary’s amygdala, since it would be her own words, her own voice, and the tangible end of any hope she would have to be President. It would be epic, and go down in history as the epic killshot of all debates, ever.

Total amygdala meltdown. If he did it at the beginning of the debate, the amygdala shock would be so traumatic that she would never recover. The rest of the debate she would be a zombie, if she managed to not keel over right on the spot.

And it would be all anyone would talk about for weeks, and the news shows would have to play the tape for their audiences. I get tingly just thinking about it.

There would literally be no greater amygdala hijack he could pull, IMO.

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7 years ago

[…] Child Rape Victim Kathy Shelton Comes Forward, Accuses Hillary Of Freeing Her Rapist […]

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…he needs to pull the recorder out of his pocket and play it for everyone into the mic…”

Yes you are truly devious and you’re right it would sink her. He should say right before he plays it,”every time you hear her criticize my treatment of Women remember this”, then play it.

Jan Gaines
Jan Gaines
Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

I can’t imagine how much I would love to see this victim get her day in court before a “jury” of millions. Hillary wants to go down memory lane as she chose in the first debate, please give her this memory of her evil treatment of an innocent child. I am sure that this will never be brought out by the mainstream media so we must all spread the word to our friends who may not have decided .

7 years ago

I’m sure the MSM would find a way to spin it so that Trump was the one who looked bad. Then there would be blanket silence, down the memory hole. Pretty much the way the fat-girl shaming is the only side the MSM reports, one has to go to Conservative sites to get the real facts about Ms. Piggy.