CNN’s News App’s Rating Surges

But not because of positive reviews:

Google deleted 18,000 one star reviews to prop up the brand. So now we are entering the era of fake reviews produced by the gatekeepers.

What is amazing about the Apocalypse is how everything is bullshit. All of this is good training, though. In the coming times you will need to be distrustful. I have to confess, I used to be a rube, in terms of being nice, open, and trusting. I assumed the best in people, to the point even I knew it was a weakness, and I several times made a note that I needed to practice being more sociopathic around people.

There was an old TV show called The Agency. One of the protagonists was an old CIA hand who was always moving chess pieces behind the scenes. In one scene he commented on how there is a comfort in being surrounded by people you don’t trust. It is true. If nobody around you can be trusted, it removes the emotional component to interactions. Everything is a chess game – a raw application of intellectual manipulation.

If you are surrounded by people you trust, there is an angst in circumstances where betrayal and trust are concerned. Do you do the smart thing, or the moral thing? When you know everyone around you is trying to get over on you, it eliminates that problem. You can do whatever you want, and whatever you can get away with.

Embrace the bullshit. Focus on it and use it to mold your mind. Half the nation is filled with assholes who voted for that shit, and probably another ten to fifteen percent are the assholes who support that shit but didn’t vote. If you are in the alt-right, you may even be surrounded, with 80 or 90 percent of people around you trying to get over on you. Think about that every time you interact with someone.

The sooner you can train yourself to assume everyone is an enemy, the sooner you will be ready for the Apocalypse.

Spread r/K Theory, because the truth is powerful in a world of bullshit

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6 years ago

[…] CNN’s News App’s Rating Surges […]

6 years ago

I’ve created the “distance” or “degrees of separation” theory of social trust (which in frankness is an offshoot of Bob Prechter’s Socionomics.) In times of high social mood optimism the number of degrees of separation between a person & what he will trust is high. He trusts that the anonymous bureaucrat protects him (e.g., at the FDA insuring drugs are efficacious & safe, at the State Dept that visitors are vetted, at the FBI that interstate criminals are apprehended, that at the Transportation Dept roads, bridges, planes, trains, etc are safe to use,, that aliens are trustworthy, that pundits are honest, that news organizations are unbiased, etc.
We’re still rolling in the largest, longest social mood mania in recorded history so regardless of what people say, most trust all the vast labyrinth of modern systems intended to keep them safe, fat & happy. Bond interest rates near zero were a screaming signal of pathological trust, but their secular lows appear to be a year ago. Distrust is seeping back into the system and when stocks end this over-long (final, in my guesstimate) 8 year rally and begin to decline in earnest, the trend will be to very few degrees of separation trust. People won’t trust cooks at restaurants aren’t spitting in the food, and eventually just being a strange face somewhere without a trusted local to vouch for you will be a fatal mistake.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

The numbers for ALL reviews are lower on the right. Are you sure the one on the right is from later, or is it possible that the chronology is off?