Sandra Fluke Wants Us To Pay For Her Abortions – For Fairness

Just unbelievable:

ALEXANDER: So abortion rights advocates scored obviously what’s viewed widely as a big victory today. Where does the fight for reproductive rights go from here?

FLUKE: Well, I’m so glad you asked because this is a huge victory for the women of Texas and so many states that were really suffering under these trapped laws. But we have an ongoing fight in many states, especially around a affordability. This is about making the right to reproductive access a reality in practice, not just on paper. And if you can’t afford to exercise this right, it’s really not as meaningful to you. So for women who are in the military, women who receive medicaid, and even women who live in states where they can’t afford or are not allowed to buy insurance that covers abortion on their state exchanges, they have major barriers to access. And that’s our next fight.

So basically she is saying that our insurance can add that cost of her promiscuity (and inability to use the free birth control we already provide her with), to the cost of our healthcare, which as the graph below, from this link shows, is skyrocketing as it is.

My guess is either she is on some sort of subsidized Obamacare, or being a government bennies pimp pays way more than you would think, so her premiums are not anything to look twice at.

Liberals cannot fathom the idea of resources being limited. The only reason there is presently any limit on resources is because very evil individuals are unfairly acting on the system to limit them for some people. If those individuals would stop, we would all live in a world where the streets could be paved with gold, and every dinner for everyone would be a ten course, all-you-could-eat buffet. That perception is ingrained in their brain’s circuitry, because that world is all they are designed for. They can’t imagine anything else.

I can’t wait until reality broadens their horizons.

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7 years ago

[…] Sandra Fluke Wants Us To Pay For Her Abortions – For Fairness […]

7 years ago

This chart needs an inflation correction, for accuracy. I understand the need for emotional convincing, but I don’t want to do what the left does, which is lie.

A good example the left liked to do on blogs is show a pie chart of DISCRETIONARY FEDERAL spending to overstate military spending. I didn’t know programs like Medicare came from wizards. The most accurate distribution of spending of course would be total government spending across Federal, state, and local entities.

it doesn't matter
it doesn't matter
7 years ago

Conservatives don’t get abortions.

If they want to subsidize the removal of future liberal voters from the pool, I have no problem with giving them all the free abortions they want.

Reply to  it doesn't matter
7 years ago

From a pragmatic point of view, taxpayer subsidy for simple birth control like condoms and vaginal dams is much cheaper and better to reduce child abuse. If you frame the issue to argue, “If abortions should be rare and for women’s health only, there is little excuse for late term abortions.” Abortion is not good birth control.