Now Trump Must Choose Between The Path Of Bush, Or The Path of Reagan

Scott Adams tries to be his best:

I ask Trump supporters not to gloat too much. Be good to your fellow citizens. Be inclusive. Be useful. The country needs you at your best.

People are saying the same thing about Trump, that he must now reach out to leftists, and assure them that he will respect their wishes.

I disagree, and it is not just that I am an angry deplorable looking for vengeance on my ideological opposition (though that would feel nice). If my own amygdala-centric model of psychology is correct, Scott’s proposed action is exactly wrong from a technical, mechanistic perspective.

The reason Trump’s election was so traumatic to the left was because they had been conditioned by Obama’s election to expect victory, and the acquiescence of their opposition. Their amygdalae were unconditioned to stress and hardship. The reason they were so willing to overlook Hillary sending violent, mentally-ill people to Trump rallies to physically hurt the opposition, was because they needed that victory on a deep, psychological level. The reason they would have countenanced fraud was because their amygdalae were not acclimated enough to hardship to be able to tolerate a loss. The whole problem is amygdalae which have been coddled, and which are not capable of enduring hardship.

If Trump, out of the box coddles them, I think, as with George W Bush, they will grow worse as their amygdalae atrophy. By the end of Trump’s first term, they will be like rabid dogs. Literally. At the beginning of Bush’s term they were mildly bad. By the end they were terrible. Now they are even worse than that, and that is the starting point. Trump cannot let their amygdalae atrophy any more, or we will have civil unrest.

The left is not reasonable. They are not logical. They either can get away with leftist shitbaggery, in which case they grow ever more shitbaggy, even to the point of throwing opposition into mass graves at some point, or they will encounter enough pushback to cow them into quiet acquiescence. As Eric Hoffer wrote, they bite the hand that feeds them, or they lick the boot that kicks them.

What Trump should do, is pursue Reagan’s path of constant mockery, in an amusing manner, combined with an amygdala release if they do what ne needs them to do, ie unify with the rest of the country. First he should try to make leftist ideals appear as the fool’s philosophy they are. He should make it embarrassing to be leftist. He must out-group them, and they must feel threatened with public humiliation and shame if they pursue leftism.

Donald’s success will be a big part of that, because success will in-group Donald with the nation. Reagan’s jibes struck so much harder because everyone loved what he had done with the country. So success, and Donald in-grouping himself, must come first. He must present an image of being a leader most of the country loves. But second must come a passive realization in the leftist mind that the nation does not respect leftists, and will turn upon them if their leftism is ever revealed to the broader nation openly. Trump needs to make the word liberalism a laughingstock again, just as Reagan did, and he needs to get everyone laughing at it’s stupidity, cowardice, and weakness.

As Trump makes the embrace of leftism unacceptable from an amygdala perspective, he also needs to psychologically untether average Hillary voters from their ideological moorings, in their own minds. The worst thing that could happen is Trump makes leftism unacceptable, and all of Hillary’s voters see it as a direct attack on them, and who they are as people. That will only solidify the battle lines.

He needs to simultaneously open the door to them believing that either they are not of the “true” left which he is ridiculing, or that their leftism was a mistake. That is, he needs to find a way to implant the idea that their past leftism was not representative of who they are, so they can make the move to the right, and assuage their amygdala, without having the amygdala trigger of believing that they were once inferior.

Reagan had “Reagan Democrats,” a concept of the democrats who felt abandoned by their party. This allowed democrats to abandon the left, and go to a premade safe space that would align them with Reagan. It also allowed those fleeing the democrats to re-in-group themselves with a “stronger” group, which made them feel superior to the liberals that they were leaving behind. Leftism is all about assuaging personal insecurity. You can use that to create behavioral drive.

Combined with Reagan’s constant derision of the left, the “Reagan Democrats” gave liberals an ability to shut off their amygdalae by joining a large group of fellow semi-leftists who believed they had seen the errors of the liberals. Now they were superior to all those silly fools that Reagan and the nation were making fun of, and they no longer had to endure the amygdala-pain of being made fun of as “liberals.”

Of course, that comes with a risk. Reagan Democrats became the neocon chickenhawks, bent on showing how tough they were on the foreign stage by deploying the military all over to chase after the wars they created. Liberals are always bullies. This does not so much remodel leftist brains as it allows the nation to operate as if more K, and be more successful, with less internal strife. But it is just a first step to developing amygdalae – a process that ultimately requires real hardship, for better or worse.

Eventually the neocons found those wars could be profitable (another amygdala-relaxant), and as they grew in number, other leftist urges emerged in the party. Eventually, they merely transplanted their leftism into the conservative movement where it metathesized as the myriad of Cuckservative tumors which only a stout dose of Donald Trump could put into remission. Before Donald, the Republican leadership viewed true conservatives exactly as liberals do – too aggressive, stupid, “xenophobic,” backward thinking, protectionist, and fearful. That is because they were liberals.

So it is a complicated path, combining the stick of ridicule, shame, and humiliation, the carrot of belonging and superiority to others, and a careful control of what is created, lest they try, as rabbits will everywhere, to conclude they should be running things instead of the people who graciously invited them into the party to assuage their neuroses.

Of course if Donald really wanted to turn the nation K, he could do worse than to offer every poor welfarite free airfare to the leftist nation of their choosing, with promises of far greater, and more “fair” welfare benefits, in whatever socialist utopia they will land in. After all, Cuba is a Caribbean paradise. How could facilitating a exodus of the poor to a Caribbean paradise be anything other than angelic?

r and K are Darwinian, after all.

r/K Theory will eventually change the world because of the reviews located here.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cuckservatives, GOPocalypse, In-grouping, Liberals, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Now Trump Must Choose Between The Path Of Bush, Or The Path of Reagan […]

7 years ago

Damn, you really churn out some thoughtful and useful content! Much appreciated. I hope a Trump appointment is forthcoming, and to your liking.

7 years ago

Liberalism is a societal “shit test.” Trump MUST pass it.

7 years ago

There is a difference between “being good and inclusive” and doing what they want.

Think of a bunch of kids. just under half voted to color. The other just over half voted for dodge ball. Ok, then dodge ball it is Everyone can play (inclusive), but the rules are dodge ball, not coloring. And they don’t have to taunt after winning.

Reply to  ACThinker
7 years ago

I would agree with your formulation of dodge ball vs. coloring, but the actual fact is that they tried to cheat to do coloring. They made all kinds of accusations against the DodgeBallers and tried to get the would-be captain of the team kicked out of school.

And then when they lose, they start pooping on the floor and crying.

If they want to stop pooping on the floor and crying, and they’re ready to actually get on with it, then okay. But it’s not up to the dodge ball kids to cater to the kids who wanted to color when they are being so thoroughly crappy.

7 years ago

I agree that starting the reconciliation from our side is a mistake. Setting aside r/K, just from the idea of dealing with bullies, you don’t extend your hand to the bully after you just bested them. That tells them to go back to bullying from a different angle.

You put the boots into the bully until it’s clear that his fight is gone. Then you walk away and ignore him until he comes to you and asks for reconciliation.

boxty woot
7 years ago

I think Adams is on to something about offering repatriations to American blacks to show he is literally not Hitler. It’s not conceding anything and it’s not out of the Democrat playbook either. Instead of free college like Adams suggests (which doesn’t get to the root of the American blacks problems IMO) how about:

1. Increase penalties for drug convictions using cocaine to match crack cocaine.
2. Forbid asking job applicants if they have non-violent felonies over 10 years in the past.
3. Federal school choice vouchers for American black children equal to 3x the current rate, applicable to any school so long as it is used for non-religious instruction.
4. Increase welfare to married American black families (including gays) to 150% or more the rate of single parent families.

The Supreme Court said that affirmative action for historically discriminated groups is OK, so excluding whites, hispanics, asians, etc., should be A-OK.

7 years ago

And another thought set.
K’s are more likely when stirred to fight, end it. “Don’t start it son but be sure you finish it” r’s are more likely to provoke and keep provoking as long as they can get away with it.

Hence it looks like r’s can’t get away with it so the begging of “I ask Trump supporters not to gloat too much. Be good to your fellow citizens. Be inclusive. Be useful. The country needs you at your best.” it is basically a “don’t hurt me… I’m on your side” …. um… sure little rabbit sure.

not dilbert
not dilbert
7 years ago

someone should tweet this article to @scottadamssays …he’d find the argument interesting and might discuss it during one of his periscopes.

i’d tweet it but i’m not on the twotter

Cuck Shackleton
7 years ago

Once again you’ve outdone yourself here. Very impressive observations. I’m going to use this post to redpill my conservative friends who aren’t familiar with r/K theory.

You can’t reason with rabbits. They are literally different people from us.