Sean Hannity To Sue Over NSA Unmasking

Sean throws down the gauntlet:

– Fox News host Sean Hannity has laid down a challenge that he will sue the Obama administration if it turns out he was under NSA surveillance and his name was “unmasked” either within the administration or to members of the press.

“I am going to sanction the biggest lawsuit that I possibly can with the biggest attorneys in the country so we can do something to stop the shredding of the Constitution,” Hannity said in a radio broadcast on Aug. 4, noting that he has on “pretty good authority” that he was under Obama administration NSA electronic surveillance and that the Obama administration “unmasked” his name.

Fox News reported on June 23 that Judicial Watch was unable to obtain records on Trump’s 2016 campaign team “unmasking” because all relevant NSA records have been transferred to President Obama’s yet-unopened presidential library and will not be available to the public for five years.

Sean has no idea.

I cannot know exactly what the deal is with this. It is always possible Sean is owned somehow by the machine and this is Kabuki theater. You can never discount any possibility once you see how things work.

But I feel bad about it, because the most likely scenario I see is that Sean is another honest patriot, who was raised to believe the bullshit about how the nation worked, and now he believes he is trying to preserve a freedom which no longer exists. But as a result, he has no idea the headaches which are coming. In truth, ignorance is really bliss.

If Sean saw this, my advice would be to drop the issue, at least for now. Sun Tzu would disapprove anyway, because this is not the time. When the time comes, I expect this to spontaneously combust almost completely on its own.

Nobody abhors the surveillance state as much as me. It is the grossest threat to even the façade of freedom in America. A shadowy bureaucracy, run by unelected, unknown desk jockeys with political pedigrees in some air conditioned office somewhere, many probably originally drawn from the new immigrant communities they recruit from, and promoted under Obama’s regime because they were “goodthinkers.” They can order local and federal law enforcement to abandon investigations under some unknown federal regulation, and thus their entire operation operates completely above and beyond the law, probably under the rubric of terrorism.

It would be awful by any objective, Constitutionalist measure, even if it didn’t seemingly routinely cross paths with normal citizens and try to grind them down. I can only imagine the Founders’ views of it.

Now Sean is issuing an open threat, to this organization that can order Law Enforcement at all levels to stand down investigations, and which is thus completely above the law. Bear in mind, given how far over the line this organization has gone, it cannot, under any circumstances, allow any exposure of their operations. For them, that could mean ruination. So they will do anything to stop such an open vetting of their activities, ala Michael Hastings and Sharyll Atkisson.

Sean has considerable resources to bring to bear, which makes him a real threat, but the method of attack he is threatening with tells me he has no idea the threat he is under. If he saw the actual threat, he would have seen a much more vulnerable aspect of the organization, and he would have proposed moving forward differently. In truth, the NSA unmasking in mass data collection is nothing, compared to the real threat he faces, and I suspect the records of unmasking have already been disposed of, or they will be very soon. They will be Sandy Burger-ized, probably by Susan Rice, or Valerie Jarret – and nobody will ask any questions when the documents are found to be missing. These people haven’t left any vulnerability like a memo that can be FOIA’d or subpoenaed in a simple court case.

This says to me that either Sean will clearly and easily fail (while triggering the machine’s desire to remove him as a future threat), or he will head toward success and then quickly and easily be taken out, or he will be ruined, which is something I have also seen happen – and it has happened to people with more power and authority than even Sean has, and who even Sean would have thought were untouchable in their fiefdoms.

If Sean read this, I would say to him that he should either drop the issue, or prepare a fallback plan to move himself and his family overseas to a region outside the reach of the surveillance state, probably Russia, if he decides to continue. He needs that backup plan.

At the very least, hire an outsider security firm with knowledge, like SOS Temps, to perform a security assessment, and give a no shit briefing on the threat he faces going forward. Personally I would want to hire on nothing less than GRU and Spetznaz as a personal security detail to assure they were not compromised, but Dick Marcinko at SOS Temps seems to have his own issues with the machine, so that would be a reasonable second tier choice.

Whatever Sean choses, he needs to know that nothing is like he was taught in school, and he needs to understand nobody would believe the truth without seeing it first hand – and judging by his statement, he has not. Now that he has issued a threat to these people, and painted a target on his back, he needs to be ready for the danger which will come. Between the motivation of the individuals, the incredible technological sophistication at their disposal, and the lack of any government oversight or legal constraint, it is a real risk which needs to be recognized and addressed.

Spread r/K Theory, because when things come to a head, they will really come to a head

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6 years ago

[…] Sean Hannity To Sue Over NSA Unmasking […]

Robert What?
Robert What?
6 years ago

As far as I’m concerned, the absolute worst part about this is that we are compelled, through income taxes, to fund our own slavery to the surveillance state.

6 years ago

Come the Purge these Fedgov guys are going to be sprinting to dime out their coworkers. And you know what- it’ll be the exact type of open competition this country needs.