Training Amygdalae To Enjoy Rebellion

A Freeper comments on a Trump Rally:

I had the best time today. I decided to take my family to the Trump Rally. It was so much fun. I left for the Rally around 2 o’clock and got there about 3:45. I parked in the Dollar General which I THOUGHT was close….Haha. Nope had to walk a mile to the end of the line. Once we were in line, it was so much fun being among patriots. It really brought home that we are going to be ok. We were immediately behind 3 Law School young guys from University of Florida and a young Lady who was a Sophomore at the University of Florida……And behind us was a family who was from Georgia and drove down. They are small business owners of a lawn service. Their son who is 20 works for the company and the daughter is in high school. The parents were Gen X like Julie and I so that was neat to see them. I tell you we are in good hands. Don’t let the media tell us that millennial are in the bag for Democrats….Nope

We were growing in strength all throughout the Obama years, as our amygdalae grew frustrated, and yet received no reward for fighting. We voted in each election, and still watched Obama push rabbitry again and again. Yet still we advanced.

Now our amygdalae are being trained, like Pavlov’s dogs, to seek the reward that comes from fighting and taking action. If we went to the polls last time with gritted teeth, the next time it will be with eagerness and excitement at the thought of limitless victories.

Contrast it with the left, as they self-flaggelate themselves everywhere, screaming and whining in agony, only to watch President Trump belittle them, ridicule them, and advance onward, unstoppable. They endure all the triggering, and only receive even more triggers for their efforts.

Eventually this much winning will r-ify us, but for now, the sky’s the limit, and it is entirely possible that by the time r-ification is about to begin we will have the Apocalypse, which will only turbocharge the K. Never think God doesn’t love America.

Expect the next election to be a Democrat bloodbath. And as that is burned in, expect the election right after the Apocalypse to mark the end of the radical left in the US for fifty years or more.

Spread r/K Theory, and enhance the training of amygdalae

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