Venezuelan Military Begins To Turn

Probably inevitable:

One month ago, when discussing the latest “explosive” turn in Venezuela’s political situation, we predicted that the worst case for president Nicolas Maduro who has so far managed to keep the army on his side even as Venezuela faces now daily violent and in some cases deadly protests, would be the start of the local army turning on the regime, and defecting to join the protesters. Overnight, according to Thor Halvorsen of the Human Rights Foundation, this “inflection point” appears to have arrived when he observed in a Tweet that “the military in parts of Venezuela has begun to defect. They are now marching *with* the protesters. Dozens of soldiers are under arrest.”

Touching on this topic, overnight the NYT mused why have Venezuela’s “powerful political and military elites stuck by President Nicolás Maduro”, noting that “the country would seem to be a prime candidate for something scholars call an “elite fracture,” in which enough powerful officials break away to force a change in leadership.”

“The fact that it hasn’t happened in the last two years is the biggest puzzle of all,” said Steven Levitsky, a Harvard University political scientist. “If it happens next week, all of us will say, ‘Yeah, it was bound to happen.’”

Not bad, if the revolution comes from the lower ranks and purges Chavez’s lackys. Those younger, less political, uncorrupted warriors will tend to be K. But any revolution that perpetuates the r will only delay the inevitable. Now r must shift into K, the dead wood must be purged, and the society’s psychology will have to change, if they are ever to emerge form the hell their lives are now.

If more rabbits take over, and try to perpetuate r-selection, the society will continue to fail, more people will die, and every day will continue to be an Apocalypse.

The most amazing thing in the world is that despite all the failures of the r-selected model of governing, all over the world, idiots still claim it is a viable means of organizing a society. Such is the power of instinct and evolutionary programming over logic.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because commies hate it

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6 years ago

[…] Venezuelan Military Begins To Turn […]

Duke Norfolk
6 years ago

Re: your last paragraph. Indeed, and I’m understanding it so much better now that I’ve read your book, and followed this blog. It’s still maddening, but at least I understand why this insanity continues.