Macron Wins In France

The shift progresses, but has yet to take over:

EMMANUEL Macron is France’s new president after defeating his bitter rival Marine Le Pen in the fight for the presidency. Following the French election result, here are the latest updates and the reaction from around the world…

Supporters of the pro-EU centrist are celebrating across France tonight after about 65.5 per cent of the country voted for him and his vision of a stronger EU and open economy.

France will be slow to complete its K-shift, probably in no small part due to an 84% T. gondii infection rate by some measures.

Even so, what people are not noting is that the left wing candidates never even made it to the run off. So 2/3rds of the voters supported a moderate candidate, while one third supported a hard right candidate. That is in France. France is going right, it is just doing it slower than everywhere else.

I’m sure the French who dreamt of electing a Donald Trump of their own find this depressing, but it shouldn’t be. In 2008, Obama winning was depressing. In 2012, Romney losing was not surprising, but still irritating.

But the thing to remember is nothing creates K like lots of r. Neither McCain or Romney would have had as beneficial an effect, had they been elected, as has happened due to Obama winning, and driving the nation to President Trump. We needed them to lose, in order to elect President Trump.

This election will fuel the Muslim crime waves. It will speed the economic Apocalypse. France has a lot of pain coming because of it. But Le Pen will be a mushy moderate compared to the Donald Trump-esque candidate this election will ultimately usher in.

Never lose faith in the tides of r/K. In the end, things will always return to K. In the grand scheme, this is a positive data point on an upward trending curve, with an Apocalypse that will literally kill rabbits still waiting in the offing.

Spread r/K Theory, because the battle has not yet even begun

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