While The Media Is Wailing, Trump Is Winning

So very true:

Amid the turmoil over staff shake-ups, blocked travel bans and the Russia cloud hanging overhead, President Donald Trump is steadily plugging away at a major piece of his agenda: Undoing Obama.

From abortion to energy to climate change and personal investments, Trump is keeping his promises in methodically overturning regulations and policies adopted when Barack Obama was president.

Trump is an absolute master of controlling his enemy’s attention. While the media cries about Russia and Trump’s latest tweets, President Trump is rewriting regulations, making deals, and getting the people he needs in the positions where he needs them – all without any significant resistance.

This is an understanding of amygdala – what flags its attention, and what actions that flag will drive. What Trump is doing is presenting stimuli that first will trigger immense attention, and then strongly drive actions in an area which will be harmless to him.

Most people try to avoid all amygdala stimulation of their enemies, because amygdala stimulation if your enemies will tend to produce action designed to produce amygdala stimulation in you. But that leaves your enemy’s amygdala in neutral, able to scan for opportunities that are best for them, and act in ways that would best serve their interests. If you can think two steps ahead, and identify action that will be harmless compared to what you can accomplish while your enemy is distracted, and identify an amygdala0flag that will trigger that action, then you will be as brilliant as our commander in chief.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because r/K is what we want our enemy’s amygdalae focused on

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Conservatives, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] While The Media Is Wailing, Trump Is Winning […]

7 years ago

Trump started planning this 6 years ago after zero’s correspondent dinner. The man builds buildings to last- he probably has his whole 8 years planned out. The Bannon thing, distraction. Many probably showed their hand today and Trump took note. It likely threw Xi off, who has jetlag right now. Negotiations will be interesting on Thursday. Now all Trump has to do is get Gorsuch in (the Constitutional option!) and let the left embarrass itself. By the time they start picking up the pieces it will be the mid-terms. Brilliant, if you ask me.