Was Hannity Under Surveillance?

I would be shocked, literally blown away, if he wasn’t:

Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio program, conservative talker and Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity responded to reports that he may have also been spied on by the Obama administration.

Hannity said he would not be shocked if the reports were true, but claimed to have “no knowledge” of it.

“I have zero knowledge of any surveillance against me, any unmasking against me by the Obama administration,” Hannity said. “But considering that’s the same Obama administration that used the IRS to go after conservative groups, nothing shocks me. But do I have any personal knowledge of it? No, I don’t. Am I worried about it? No. But I will sue the living pants off of anybody who did it — I promise you that. And I will stop at nothing. And I have the means to attack this for years. And I’ll do it. And I’ll do it on behalf of every American’s right to privacy and to be able to make a confidential phone call or send a text or an email to their friends and loved ones. Good grief. And if I want to talk to somebody in the Trump administration, I ought to have the privacy that is afforded every American. And the fact that Gen. Flynn had his whole life turned upside down because of illegal unmasking and intelligence leaking — that’s why this is so important. You’re next, you understand?”

I am still shocked when people act as if privacy is somehow guaranteed in the US. It is not. The TIPS program was a pilot program to recruit one in 24 Americans into a massive spying network. Who were they going to spy on? It wasn’t the Russians.

Imagine how many sworn intelligence officers it would take to run that many people as assets. Imagine the resources just to organize their reports into a searchable database. Imagine how easy it would be to create a file on everyone, if you could assign each of those assets to make contact with, and assemble, 23 files over a year, on each of the other citizens not in the network. Imagine how often such a massive machine would be idling, eating up resources for nothing if it only handled crime and terrorism – unless it was kept well oiled by keeping it moving at all times on regular America.

And that was the pilot program, just to test out the idea. Imagine what it would become once the framework was assembled, and it was then amped up.

Supposedly it was killed, but more likely it was just withdrawn and redeployed below the radar.

It is strange to know what is out there, and see every published report act as if it is not, and never could be. Either everyone is clueless, or every published media report is a complete Orwellian fabrication for the whole purpose of keeping the nation totally ignorant. It is very strange, almost Twilight Zone-esque, having been raised with the idea of classic Constitutional America.

Spread r/K Theory, because you are being watched by a machine….

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7 years ago

[…] Was Hannity Under Surveillance? […]

7 years ago

I would imagine that multi-national corporations are also a part of this. They then conveniently weaken their IT, so they can be hacked by China- which then buys them out. Some would call it unfortunate, others would call it treason. Its not good for America, but what do the globalists care? They can just leave when things get really bad. And we would all be paying for it.