Allen West Has A Different Take On Comey

Interesting perspective, and brilliant political analysis:

Of course, the news cycle is completely dominated by FBI Director James Comey’s announcement yesterday recommending no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. And my response is GREAT! I can’t thank Director Comey enough for coming to this decision.

My concern has always been that Barack Obama would release the hounds on Mrs. Clinton and then push for his vice president, Joe Biden, to be the Democrat nominee. And then, to placate the far lefty socialists, who own the Democrat party, Obama would position Sen. Elizabeth Warren as Biden’s VP. That would be a really tough ticket to beat, since Joe Biden’s favorables, regardless of gaffes and such, are extremely high…

He concluded Hillary was “extremely careless” in handling our nation’s secrets…

So Comey kneecapped the weakest candidate Trump could face, but left her in the ring where she will have to face the Donald on behalf of the Democrat Party.

In retrospect, considering Biden as the most likely alternate, damaging Hillary and yet leaving her standing was probably the best possible outcome for Trump. Had you presented the full panoply of options to anyone on the alt-right, and told them to decide based on how best to get Trump elected, I suspect the vast majority would have done exactly what Comey did.

Still, it seems we are less and less a nation of laws, and more and more a nation of expediency. That is one step closer to the ultimate destination of might-makes-right-anarchy that will probably emerge at the collapse.

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7 years ago

[…] Allen West Has A Different Take On Comey […]

7 years ago

I fear that it is all too little too late to stop the war.