Are Hillary’s Medical Records Fake? Inconsistencies Have Doctors Buzzing

Doctors doing a closer look at Hillary’s medical records are finding inconsistencies.

Dr Milton Wolf, @MiltonWolfMD, who is actually a distant cousin to Barack Obama, posted a tweet which said Clinton’s doctor “does not know what she was talking about.” Clinton’s medical report said she had a “non-contrast Chest CT scan, including a CTA calcium score,” but according to Dr Wolf, such a test does not exist:

A “CTA” is a CT (or cat scan) angiogram. It always requires contrast. Always. It cannot be included in a “non-contrast CT scan

Another article previously linked here had that schedule Friday was too tight to squeeze in a simple doctor’s visit, let alone a trip to a medical facility with a CT capability. There is also the question of how Hillary escaped the traveling press corps that accompanies her, without their notice, to squeeze in a visit to a medical facility with a CT machine.

Dr Wolf went on to say, “There’s no such thing as “non-contagious bacterial pneumonia.” That’s pure fiction. Find a medical textbook with it.” He went on to add, “Think about it. If there’s really such thing as “non-contagious bacterial pneumonia,” how did Hillary catch it?”

Meanwhile, others are abuzz over the fact that Hillary’s pulse oximetry was at 99% – something doctors say would be highly unlikely in an older patient with pneumonia unless she was breathing pure oxygen at the time, which would have had to be noted.

People are also focusing on this phrase in the report:

My overall impression is that Mrs Clinton has remained healthy and has not developed new medical conditions this year.

This is what people are really tired of. The Clintons are constantly trying to prove they are more clever than everyone, and can fool everyone, so when dealing with them you constantly have to try and parse their lies. Nothing is what it seems, and you can never just take a statement from them and be done with it. Statements have to be parsed, follow ups have to be asked. The follow ups are always misleading, and need to be followed up themselves, and eventually after wasting untold amounts of time, you find out you were being lied to all along. Say what you will of Trump – he always just comes out and tells you what he is thinking, whether you will like it or not.

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7 years ago

[…] Are Hillary’s Medical Records Fake? Inconsistencies Have Doctors Buzzing […]

Onlooker from Troy
Onlooker from Troy
7 years ago

The notion that any medical records (or anything else, as you have observed here) released by this mendacious witch would be honest is, well, laughable. The only question was how they had lied, and how they would be caught out doing so. The question is: how many people at that thin margin will change their minds about her based on this (or anything else)? It might be meaningful, I suppose.

7 years ago

Well she has been a little sob lately…

Oh, and also short of breath too.