As Venezuelans Starve, The Leaders Eat Cake

A common refrain (translated):

In the midst of economic crisis, the government a lot of money is spent on a cake for the “birthday” of Hugo Chavez, in a “celebration” that was held Thursday at the CDLM (Cuartel Mountain, January 23, Caracas) and also it included singers to llanera music.

At least 1.20 meters and 90 kilos more ingredients were required for the “architectural replica” of the headquarters of the mountain that ended in the “whiskers” of Nicholas.

Hugo has been dead how long? They are literally looking for reasons bake 200lb cakes, as children and zoo animals are starving all over the country.

The similarity between leftists and the pet rabbits of my childhood are incredible. My rabbits were voracious eaters, desperate for apples, bananas, pea pods, alfalfa, and a myriad of other treats. But not a one would have had the vaguest idea, had I been starving right next to them as they dined. Nor would they have cared if they had noticed.

Leftists are r-strategists, and as such are programmed to consume free resources. Since in that environment nobody starves, they simply are not programmed to register the starving of others, nor are they programmed to care.

If sociopathy has a root, it is the lack of any need for teamwork in an environment of free resources.

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7 years ago

[…] As Venezuelans Starve, The Leaders Eat Cake […]

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

I often read comments by incredulous righties like “Don’t they see that socialism doesn’t work?” They being the Socialism boosters in this country. To which I always reply “works for who?”. You have to define what that means. We mean providing the opportunities for prosperity and economic freedom for the most number of people, in which case, yes, it fails miserably. But they mean providing unearned wealth and power for the rulers and their cronies while keeping everyone else at subsistence level. In that case, Socialism “works” just fine.