Belgium Is Worse Off Than We Were Told

Terrorists had video of a top official at a nuclear plant in Belgium:

On Friday, the authorities stripped security badges from several workers at one of two plants where all nonessential employees had been sent home hours after the attacks at the Brussels airport and one of the city’s busiest subway stations three days earlier. Video footage of a top official at another Belgian nuclear facility was discovered last year in the apartment of a suspected militant linked to the extremists who unleashed the horror in Paris in November.

Asked on Thursday at a London think tank whether there was a danger of the Islamic State’s obtaining a nuclear weapon, the British defense secretary, Michael Fallon, said that “was a new and emerging threat.”

Another article said the video was acquired by a terrorist cell which drove up to the guard’s property and quickly installed a small video camera (presumably like a GoPro with an extended battery and massive microSD card) in a bush pointed at his house. They then drove off, retrieving the camera later, presumably to try and nail down his schedule and procedures at departure and arrival.

It shows how the technological revolution can provide low-rent actors with advantages they wouldn’t have had years back. Oddly enough they did some surveillance of the Prime Minister too:

A laptop used by one of the bombers from last week’s attacks in Brussels contained images of the Belgian prime minister’s home and office, an official said Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.

The government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, said that “it is alarming that they were apparently scouting the terrain” around the lush Royal Park where both his office, “Le 16,” and his Lambermont residence are located.

Kind of surprising the government didn’t run counter-surveillance in the areas around the PM’s residence and office, looking for anyone doing just this sort of attack planning. Try getting video of the security procedures and entrances to sensitive sites in DC, and I’d bet you’d get picked up fast. It is one more sign that the European surveillance state isn’t up to the American’s speed.

Some officials are now saying the Belgian terrorist infrastructure is too large to fully dismantle with certainty:

A security official told The Associated Press recently that Islamic State had at least 400 trained attackers in Europe. 

French President Francois Hollande said the network appears to be so widespread that a threat will remain, even if the inner circles are detained.

A nuclear reactor guard was actually murdered and his pass was stolen as well, though it isn’t clear if that was terrorism related. Regardless, they have their hands full over there, and now ISIS is polling people to see what color flags they think the Eiffel Tower will be lit in after the next attack. Clearly they aren’t afraid of being snatched out of their beds in the middle of the night and disappeared down some hole, the way they should be.

I hate to say it, but part of our problem today is the effectiveness of our state security. As they thwart attack after attack behind the scenes, our population’s amygdalae are not being trained to recognize the threat posed by Muslim immigration. As a result, the rabbit imbeciles import more and more Muslims, and within that population are crazier and crazier people who are looking to inflict ever more damage upon us. A lot of this is like Yin and Yang – the pendulum which swings back will do so with ever greater force the longer it takes to return.

Sooner or later one of these spectacular attacks will get through, and when it does, we will wish we had a small number of minor attacks to warn us of what was to come, so we would have curtailed that immigration early on.

The rabbits will wish that too, for they will be the ones upon whom the Trumpinator will lay the blame.

This entry was posted in Europe, Immigration, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, rabbitry, Surveillance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Belgium Is Worse Off Than We Were Told […]

8 years ago

“Too large to fully dismatle” … BULLSHIT!

This is un-PC but effective:
a) Arrest ALL attendants to a prayer service of a mosque suspected of being involved in terrorism (pretty much all IMO).
b) Get everybody naked, jail males & females together.
c) Have the highest/oldest religious authority first suck the dick of all males while everybody else watches, make males take turn sucking dick of all other males. Make vids.
d) Throw everybody into a pool of pig feces for a couple o’days.
e) Let everybody go, distribute vids in their neighborhoods, pass down fines at discretion.
f) Repeat in next mosque until all mosques of country processed, then start again.

This should make them speak up in short time or leave the country with their families fast.

8 years ago

[…] ISIS terrorists are basically running Belgium. […]

Hate Monger
Hate Monger
8 years ago

I think in light of all this, the biggest two takeaways are as follows:

1) Keep Muslims out
2) Surveill anything anyway

We’ll reach a point in the near future where people can really easily create, using 3d printers, extremely sophisticated weaponry, as long as they know how to design it.

Is there any alternative to total surveillance, other than halting technological growth altogether? And even that seems to only be enforceable through total surveillance.

8 years ago

Clearly they aren’t afraid of being snatched out of their beds in the middle of the night and disappeared down some hole, the way they should be.

This is the first time Im disagreeing with you, and its only because of your own writings that I am disagreeing.

It is clear from your earlier posts on the surveilance state and secret police, that those who work in covert intelligence simply have too much power and no oversight. That it has now gotten to a point where One must assume that important US officials are compromised and the American political system is being gamed by an internal group whose means and goals have set it at odds with the Republic.

Such that it is now nearly impossible to change policy unless that group agrees with the changes to be made. And because their means and unlimited power have attracted sociopaths or encouraged sociopathic behavior, they are probably no longer capable of either recognizing the correct policy changes needed for the good of the nation or even concerened with doing so.

As such, the cure, unlimited power, has become the source of the illness.

In any case, a far simpler solution exists for the good people of Belgium, it only requires them to process the consequences of their foolish policies until now. And that is to repatriate a great many Muslims. Not Arabs, not Pakistanis, but Muslims as it is specifically Islam which is incompatible with European civilization.

Nor is it necessary to force the European people to do so. Given enough time, because of their religious imperative to Jihad, the Muslims will make themselves impossible to tolerate.

The truth is Europe is very lucky they did such a stupid thing as to import millions of Muslims at this time. Had they kept their borders closed, the current Muslim colonists would have reached the same population levels in a few generations they are achieving now, but then it would have been a far worse nightmare. Those Muslims would have regarded themselves as native, would have had the same technological expertise as the natice populations, would have been 100% integrated and would have been twoce as hingry for Jihad as the migrants.

Think this is bad? Imagine the havoc that would be wrecked if the Prime Minister of Belgium was a Muslim. That should be easy enough to do.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

There is definitely something to that. We had one this week where an “oh shit!” turned into, “Good thing that happened.” Having to do with a predatory type (young girls) we had not realized was back in Maine from Kali. But I know now…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Agreed. War is coming and it will be in favor of the K-strategist. Although what I am not getting is if a K-strategist is well adapted to war how is it that killing another human being so traumatic?

Surely it will be less traumatic for the K given their evolutionary history.

Reply to  Ron
8 years ago

Good point! The jihad may have gotten ahead of themselves.
In no way are they ready to stand toe to toe (except for rabbit hunting).

Let’s not put it off. I’d rather not leave it for the GKs.