Bomber Suspect Arrested

A 55 year old male, and authorities are looking at this van, plastered with stickers:

From a distance it looks like one of those might be a Q infographic. So be ready for the onslaught, saying Q-followers are crazy deranged government bombers.

UPDATE: May not be Q infographics, based on a closeup of the other side here, which is the best rundown yet on the suspect.

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5 years ago

hopefully this too shall backfire.

5 years ago

A Florida man in a state that might be teetering on the brink of voting in socialists. Will they do a George Zimmerman and make that guy out to be a crazy white guy? I’m sure the sjw tumblrinas will want to push that crazy alt-right white guy being the worst domestic terrorist threat narrative.

5 years ago

Remember the van with a mural of the WTC being struck by an airliner that was stopped by the NYPD on 9/11 and then “exploded”? No? Here’s the NYPD transmission:

Horst Buchenwald
Horst Buchenwald
5 years ago

Chateau Heartiste has the run down on this guy. He is a registered dem, and only subscribes to lefty twitter feeds. total false flag.

5 years ago

The suspect’s personal bona fides as a Republican supporter, should they prove to hold up, do not necessarily disprove the theory that he might have been put up to this stunt.

Random question: Could psych medication in prison be used as a mechanism to fulfill bribes promised to drug addicts?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

OT: always assumed you know John Perkins’s story, but haven’t heard you mention him. Just in case:

Long version:

2-minute version:

5 years ago

Neon has a good round up of the discrepancies:

Those stickers are not individual ones. Each window has a single, professionally printed sticker.
His twitter accounts were dormant until earlier this year when they went active retweeting right wing stuff. Strange as he followed only Democrats and even had a WaPo editor following him!
There’s a screenshot on Neon and Vox of an online bio for the ‘bomber’ showing him as a Democrat, then switched to Republican minutes later.
CIA front company may be involved. He tweeted Happy Birthday to a friend he knew at the CIA!
Sundance at CTH has a good piece about the indictment. Even though Christopher Wray says they were real devices they’ve indicted him under the wrong code for bombs, which are classed as WMD and carry a life term, not a max of 48 years.

The whole thing is fake. Oh, and the best one I saw was a picture of the perp, reported to be Seminole, alongside Warren. He’s said to be white! Image seen here: