News Briefs – 10/26/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Black Girl identifies as white, and denigrates blacks. View all of these things as Cabal propaganda, designed to trigger black amygdalae at the concept of race, and divide us. Either this was created by Cabal, or Cabal trolled through millions of cases until they found this one and ID’d it as a great one to promote to the mainstream to further their ends.

Georgia toddler paralyzed overnight, as Acute Flaccid Myelitis fears sweep across the nation.

Kroger shooter was a paranoid schizophrenic who targeted blacks. So he has been under some type of psychological treatment by a psychological professional to get diagnosed.

Half of America gets more in welfare than it pays into the system.

Mystery postmarks add to bombing mystery. If you own the post office, anything is possible. Again, imagine if Management in Burn Notice wanted to send a package anonymously. They would have workers in the Post Office loyal to them, who would slip the packages into the system.

Fake Bombs came from a leftist crime-ridden shithole that is 2% white. In other words, it is a democrat district.

Based on the ISIS/Cable-guy meme, many on /pol think it will end up being a Bernie supporter who listened to the leftist podcast Chapo’s Trap House, which was big on that meme.

Some in /pol think the Wasserman Schultz return address was no accident, and they created a crime-sketch to help catch the prime suspect:

Breitbart lists 613 acts of violence approved and condoned by the main stream media.

NY Times publishes a fantasy piece about a Russian assassin who is helped by a sympathetic Secret Service agent in his assassination of President Trump. Written, of course, to highlight how rewarding killing President Trump would be, and how everyone, even the Secret Service wants it to happen. Then they turn around and say when President Trump calls them out on their lies, he is promoting violence. In the back of my mind, I wonder if it is a stab at triggering and activating someone.

Black Trump supporter assaulted by leftist in a Starbucks:

It is possible China is funding the migrant caravans through Venezuela. If Cabal was moving operations to China, and is being ejected from the West they could be stirring up a variety of troubles to try to keep Trump occupied.

The on-the-ground operations are Soros front-groups:

So Cabal, in funding the caravan, is funneling money from China, through Venezuela, to Soros and a suite of other Cabal funding operations.

Gay Male Blood donors have higher disease rates (HIV and Hep B&C) than straight men.

European Court of Human Rights rules criticisms of the Prophet Mohammed are not free speech. So now vast swaths of history which might not be flattering to Mohammed are not allowed to be spoken.

Netanyahu says there is a conspiracy among Israel’s elites to topple him. Another interesting datapoint supporting Q’s assertions, and the belief up until now that Netanyahu was on our side.

Appeals Court rules former French President Sarkozy can stand trial over campaign financing.

Patrick little rear-ended by someone going way over the speed limit, endures concussion that damages memory and leaves him dizzy on standing up (just the first few minutes after 1:24):

Trump sending troops to the border to hold off the migrant invasion.

Stratfor Chief Security Officer thinks they already know who sent the bombs, and the arrest will happen suddenly:

Czech Prime Minister says illegal migrants need to go home.

Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows say Congress has been kept completely in the dark about what Huber is doing. 55,000 sealed indictments, and nobody knows anything. Seems significant.

More protests spread across Iran, with PhDs and Farmers joining everyone else. Notice, not a peep from our media about a major, longstanding middle-eastern enemy government about to fall.

Exports are rising faster than imports. Both need to rise because Americans have more money due to the economy despite the FED meddling, but this is what happens with a businessman as President.

Avenatti says the Democrat nominee had better be a white man in 2020. Our man on the inside. Picture you are a black in the Democrat Party and you hear a white democrat say that. No women or minorities need apply. Q keeps talking about a mirror. Look at how Avenatti is doing to the left exactly what the left did to us. He is now the mirror image of John Boehner or John McCain. I suspect what mirror refers to is how now we are going to see things happen to the democrats which we are quite familiar with from seeing it done to us. Watch that party divide.

Florida Early voting numbers thus far show an over 53,000 vote Republican lead, and the real conservative counties start early voting this weekend. And there will be a Donald J Trump rally on October 31st. Tickets to all rallies available at President Trump will do 10 rallies in the last six days before the elections.

Trump’s rally with Ted Cruz boosted Cruz’s numbers significantly. 100,000 people, at a rally, having fun, winning everywhere in the air. Of course it affects people.

Trump delivers a beautiful tweet laying the blame for the hyper partisanized environment on a radical left media that cannot stop lying to rile the nutjobs:

The media goes crazy, of course. But they don’t matter, because they are already too far gone. This is a battle for the adaptable brains in society. And now those brains see an environment of conflict, where the right will not just capitulate to evil, but where it will fight. And that is causing amygdalae to see a conflict-prone environment, and adapt to exhibit a K-psychology. And the more vituperative and mad with outrage the media acts, the more amygdalae in the middle will go K.

Great Twitter thread by Larry Schweikart, on how democrats are doomed, and nothing is working for them.

Spread r/K Theory, because everything you’ve been taught was programming to weaken you

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5 years ago

Judicial Watch has photos of men with USAID bags suggesting involvement by the State Dept. Via whichever Aid organisations they funnel money too. Pompeo won’t be happy.

Cinderella the Deplorable
5 years ago

POTUS tweet: I wonder if there is reason why the letters MMF are capitalized twice in his tweet. probably nothing but these days, you never know!!

5 years ago

I’m laying my marker here — the bomber is a postal worker who works in the facility in Dade county that is currently being searched.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

Must be the most efficient USPS drop box if it is. Managed to get more than 10 pristine envelopes delivered to over 10 different locations, on the same day at nearly the same time.

5 years ago

Almost all presidents that spoke out against the banking cartel and their debt-based fractional system were assassinated:

Reply to  info
5 years ago

The difference this time around is the public has idea that Fed is up to no good, Trump has allies and final trump card is Trump himself. President Trump is usually two steps ahead of his enemies and dictates the battlefield in which he fights on.

English Tom
English Tom
5 years ago


It is jews and Jewish organisations behind the flooding of Europe and USA with 3rd world scum, not China. Anyone who does any research knows this. Barbara Lerner Specter is not a chink.

Reply to  English Tom
5 years ago

The question is, how many of those organization are headed by Cabal puppets? The Jewish people has some pathological behavior that undermines their host countries that makes them perfect puppets. Time will tell if the Jewish people learn from their mistakes.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thersites
5 years ago

If for thousands of years the Jews behavior is hostile to the people wherever they live…exactly at what point are they responsible? At what point do the excuses stop? I submit it was always them in the first place. This is the only, evidence based, common sense, rational approach to take. Now if there are other people running these things by all means tell us who they are. Tell us how they control the Jew owned TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, web sites, search engines. Tell us how they control the Central Banks that make the control of all these other assets possible. The preponderance of evidence says, it’s the Jews.

5 years ago

The “troops” being sent to the border are “engineers, doctors, and lawyers”, not infantrymen. They will be used to “support ICE and Border Patrol”, not hold positions on the American border. Same-old, same-old. We have had military units down there in support roles for a long time, but all they do is help process the immivaders and “manage” the situation.

I guess it’s too much to ask for even non-lethal force like tear gas or LRADs to be used to preserve the Union.
